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3 plus 3=?


The Tri Guy
Big D, dont worry, that bud is still curing, I wont smoke it until I've photod it.

Strains, well I still have clones of the quad, and I just cloned the clone, so a little more veg time for the mother clone and then we'll see if she passes that trait on to her offspring, and also if she exhibits the same trait in the clone grow.

Hey Shaun, nice selection of strains. I think I'd do a few and see how they came out.

Hi Snap, you get the most out of it by just hanging and watching as things happen I think, hope really. I like the way the threads arent just a source of info, but a place to chit chat about the info.

Howdy Mulle, welcome to ic, and welcome to my thread. I'm honoured to be the reason you came to icmag, can I ask who pointed you in my direction, no worries if you'd rather not say, just wondering. Thanks for taking the time to read the thread, I always love it when someone puts the effort in to do some back reading. But being a part of it and giving me some feed back is even better from my point of view. I do requests, although being lazy it often takes me some time to get around to them, just ask Big D above lol.
I'm glad you see the beauty in the tri's that I fell in love with. It seems that you will probably have the same tri gene that I have in mine. Seeing as it comes from the same line of genetics. Though the smoke of the plant will clearly be very different from the later crosses. Being an autoflowering specimen it will be harder for you to breed the trait, though as you said not impossible. Dont worry if the 1st generation of seeds dont show any examples of tris, crossing them to make the F2s after should still produce some tris to work with for you.
You may yet get your wish on the seeded head of the quad, since I have clones I will be running her and throwing some pollen her way at some point fairly soon. Though I want to try an outcross with her this time around, just to see what she will pass on and what she wont. So I'm going to buy some canna bio gen seeds and find a guy for her. So stick around, you may get your wish. And chip in regularly, ask for shots you want to see, ask anything, drop comments, most of the info I can include has been put at the start of the thread. I did it that way so anyone reading for info could find it in the first few pages, after that its just chat.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
I think many of us in this thread are here because we found a tri ourselves and wanted to know what it was that we had. I know that's why I wandered in 6 months back. :D You're where you need to be for sure, Mulle.

It's been far too long, GMT, you need more K+ for your work and this thread. It's a highlight for those of us who are interested in the tris and a damned fine grow on its own merit.



my tri

my tri

Hey G, here is a kc x brazil tri lady. Hope she grows as well as yours. 3.5 feet tall, topped & hurd crushed to keep her from peeking over the 5.5 foot porch wall. It is all your fault - this thread made me keep her. Thanks, rf


Hans Blix

My plant is a mdanzig Blue Streak, and it seems apparent that the tri-ness also in this case comes from dj shorts blueberry being in the mix.
So far it's 100% tri, and the leaves are spaced at 120 degrees. Hoping it will remain that way as I really want to breed it, and from your observations that seems to be the best starting point.
Unfortunately none of her [my bold case] siblings are tri, at least not as of yet, so I'll be off for a rough start...
Hej Mulle! So has your trifoil started flowering?


The Tri Guy
StrainBrain, thankyou sir, I feel lucky to have company in my thread. I run it so erratically that many people lose interest after a while.

Hey Magic, thanks, I dont like timers, in nature no 2 days in a plants life are the same length.

r13f, lol she sounds eager to grow for you. Sorry about the probs you're having keeping her under control, these girls can need a firm hand at times hehe. She does look nice though, nice spacing on the leaves too. Drop some update photos into the thread when they come along if you remember. We all love to see tri's flowering in here.

Hi Hans, nice to meet you. I was going to say I hope you stick around, but I noticed you'd been here for 2 years already, so all I can say is feel free to chip in more :)


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Heck, with my timer I can program a schedule once weekly that matches nature at whichever week and latitude strikes my fancy. I wonder if they make any with longer programmable periods than 1 week.

I've actually considered doing it... but someone around here brought up the point that 'nature' for many of these strains after ~20 years of growing indoors is a perfect 12/12 schedule and HPS-spectrum light. It's still an idea I kick around, though, as I wonder how they'd react.



New member
Hans; The last time I checked on my plants, they were still too young to be showing sex. It'll be a few days yet until I can see them again, but when I do I might be able to at least distinguish some males in the lot. I guess I'm caught up in the wishful thinking thing while writing...
Might post a pic or two at that time as well! I actually have a few already, but haven't bothered putting them on my computer yet... Laziness, you know :)

I'm looking forward to seeing those quad clones soon GMT! Glad you took some from her, I hope the clones will develop such amazing top buds as well :yummy:

Hans Blix

My guess is that you trifoil is a male. Probably preferable if you want to breed for trifoils. Good to save pollen for future purposes.


New member
Uploaded a few pictures of the tri, turned out to be a male. Hopefully they'll display correctly here, I never did this before :)

With my fantastic luck, 8 out of 9 germinated seeds from this packet of 10 turned out to be males :1help: Luckily there's one female and she's looking good, so she'll be the first mother of my tri project!
The damaged leaves are due to the plants drying out badly as I couldn't visit them as soon as I had planned and expected... They'll be fine though!

Just thought I'd show you my precious, even if my photography isn't quite on the same level as yours :laughing:.
He is still tri, hasn't reverted, and even a few of the branches seem to be tri except at the first node.
One question; would you recommend pruning the pollen sacks to only allow ones from tri parts of the plants to drop their pollen?

So what's cooking in your closet now GMT? Did you get those new seeds for your outcross yet?
I have a small photography request, seeing as you like doing those macros... Have you ever done any nice macros of seeds? Particularly the ones with the removable "tiger stripes" still on~ Would love to see some, you must have had some real pretty ones from all your batches! Mere human eyesight doesn't do them any justice :puppydoge


New member
Hey GMT, any updates coming along from your end? Been hoping to see some new amazing photography and beautiful plants to get inspired by... I'll post an update myself though, can't resist. If I'm hogging the thread too much, just slap me... :1help:
As I won't be able to see the plants for a long time, possibly as much as two weeks, I transplanted them into rather large buckets. Hopefully they won't dry out ... :wallbash:
Not visiting the plants for two weeks, there's some lazy growing right there! It's out of necessity rather than choice or laziness though :frown:
I decided to try low stress training for the first time, and I'm really liking how the plants are turning out so far. As I have plenty of room I only see benefits from bushiness/multiple tops, especially for seed production. And limiting their height to a uniform fairly low level will help alot since I use CFLs.
Very nice guess, by the way, Hans! How did you know? You have to predict many tris in the first generation offspring... :laughing:
Anyhow, enough crazy talk, here comes the most recent picture:

Tri male not looking very tri anymore, but I have faith in him. And female is looking rather nice if I may say so myself :)


The Tri Guy
sorry everyone I have been slacking on this thread.

I'll get some pic updates and a complete description of whats going on up over the next 48 hours. I have 2 of the clones in flower, 1 about to be transplanted and thrown in too. I have a clone of each clone too. I'm getting new seeds though for the run after this one, so no more breeding for me for a little while, It'll be smokeables for a little bit I think, but I will keep popping new tri seeds and grow one new tri plant in each grow on the off chance of finding a nice tri male to breed my clones to. Other than that, as I said, it'll be new genes for the winter, in a new thread or 2.

I'll get detailed replies to everyone up then too. Sorry to be so aloof,


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
no probs GMT, let us know when ya pop your new beans and strat a thread always love to see your pics
Did you go with cannabio's sandstorm


The Tri Guy





I had to chop it up Big D to get it into the jar, but thats the very top of the top bud, which is what I think you were interested in. I just grabbed it and photoed it when I saw your comment and felt sufficiently guilty to motivate me a little lol.

Hi Shaun, yeah that's the one, and then Tom Hilll very kindly offered me some of the X-18 seeds he's about to release, and so it'll be an interesting winter testing new indy genes out. I have clones of these, so I'm covered.

Hey Mulle, sorry I was pushed for time earlier. Yep no worries, I'll still get an update up within 36 hours. I'll take the shots of the flowering girls and the clones. Keep hogging all ya want, esp when I'm slacking. I'm almost sorry to hear that your tri turned out male, but then as has been said, there are many advantages to getting a tri male when breeding is concerned, so congrats. He looks nice. On the pollen thing its something that I have played with myself off and on. I do now tend to remove bifoliar branches from the tri males, and only let the stem bunches and the very tops pollinate the females. But its kind of a superstition rather than based on hard evidence. I'll get to the macro of the seed too. Its the middle of the night here and I dont want to start getting tripods and lighting ready right now or I would have done some macros of the bud above too.

Hey Strains, well the clones aren't showing the tri or quad traits in their growth pattern, but then I'm not worried about that, their genes will still pass on. You can check em out on the next update.

Strainbrain, hey, sorry long time. Yeah your timer sounds very cool. And I know what you mean about the evolution of requirements in unatural conditions, I just figure that they can cope with it, rather than they need it. Or maybe I'm saying although I'm lazy, I get away with it lol.

Big D

lmao, well I motivate my kids with a strap so you're lucky, lol!

Looking good... very dense and dank... I know you will enjoy it! Thanks alot for posting!
Peace to you.... D


The Tri Guy
Noramlly I wouldn't bother posting these, but since there was a request here they are.
Also I was playing with reducing file sizes, so I'll how the quality between uploading 3.5mb file and uploading a 150kb file differrs.

first up is the most vigourous growing of the 3, only kept because it was tri and very keen to branch, so I thought it may do well as a bush.

Next a shot through the quad clone at the first plant and its neighbour which grew fatter nugs and was frostier but with where near the vigour, which is why it only has 2 colas and a couple of branches

a closer shot of those back 2.

No point in showing the clones of the clones at this point.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hi GMT, thanks for the picks bro my last tri ended up growing normal structure and was a male so some pollen flying here lol
Stay safe my friend