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250w Medical Grow ~ WW & C99


go to homedepot and look in the dryer duct section, i don't know the exact name of the fitting but its a plastic fitting that will fit (hard to describe i'll see if i can get a picture up), or you could try and use the duct connectors used for the sunsystem 1 reflector if the holes don't fit just drill your own.



Howdy guys,
Well its day 21 of Bloom and things are looking good.
I mentioned in the last update that I hoped that the strech was almost over, well that hope faded and they are only just starting to stop streching now at day 21 :chin:

I have had to tie down a couple of the worst buds but overall they four plants have stretched very evenly. I have allowed some of the fringing buds on the outer edges of the screens to get a little taller, I figure that these bud will get a little more light this way.

Canopy height is at 11 inches right now which is about 3 inches higher than I like but its not a big problem and if it means that I miss timed the grow of two new strains by 3-4 inches, then I guess I can live with that. :smile:

First off a group shot.


C99 side.

WW side.

Widow Close up.


C99 Close.


The clones are doing well, I have picked the best four and I have been feedig them with very weak nutes, they look a little yellow, but thats what i want because I don't want any growth from them yet. They will get plenty green when I turn up the nutes. :smoke:


Clones Roots.

Thats it for this update guys, thanks for looking.

Break time :joint:
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Kush07: Thanks for your support :wave:

Da Napster: I don't really want to post any links to my local hydro shop, sorry but its a small community and my security could be compromised. I can tell you that I am not located in north America or Europe so I don't think it would help you anyway. Check out the pics below, I have taken some shots of the adapters for your info. I hope these help.

Adapter on my light exhaust fan.

Adapter removed from light and mounted on my cabinet roof as light intake.

DrawoH: Nope I have not grown Thai in this cabinet, I don't think that the combination of limited overhead space and a little 250w would be a smart move with Thai.

Thanks for looking guys.



You can do a little abuse to those C99 plants with training and trimming and still have a great chance of keeping them pure female if you are worried about heigth.

Happy Toking :bandit:


Update Day 28 Bloom. :woohoo:

I hope your christmas was good.

So, damn did I miss time the switch :yoinks:

Anyway, they have stopped streching now but I can't lift my light anymore.
I am confident that things will work out fine, but I have learned alot about my new strains.

My camera batteries went flat so I didn't get all the shots I wanted. I will take a few group shots tomorrow when the cam is charged.

Res change tomorrow.

C99 Side.





WW side.


WW left, C99 right

WW bud

The clones are ticking away on very low nute levels, I am getting ready to plant them and turn up the nutes to get them ready for the next run.

Thanks for looking guys, if you have any questions I would be happy to help.

Time for a break :joint:

Later, Ghost
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Active member
your galls are loking dam fine the ghost!!keep up the good work, you have a exelent 250 watts grow.peace
nice looking plants good luck with your grow, were did u get the c99 seeds ive been looking all over for them?

peace and happy smoking