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2000watt flip/flop SOG



Looking great bro!
what are the pheno's?

When do you start flower nutes and what are you using?
I've always just gone str8 lucus, but after reading some of your shit I'm gonna try the veg nutes to slow em down after I plug the tables, send me a pm with your regime please! oh obiwan! lol That pic of the new table, mostly what you see is my purple chem pheno, which i'm starting to think is chem 91x lavendar, cuz it does the purp thing automatically at the end and it finishes faster than my chem 91 pheno


Damn bro, looking awesome over there. That D sure has sugared up!! Fancy labels on your photos too!

Loving how uniform that new tray is bro...


RW... you noticed the lengthy pic description's too huh? lol

Dubb.. how tall are they getting on avg after 4 weeks flower? they did not look to tall?
New Space as of June 1

New Space as of June 1

Alright guys, this is the new project! Probably gonna be bare bones outta the gate, but we'll have it full steam by the end of summer, and I'll also have a small 6 plant outdoor going with some old moms also, peace dubba


Damn bro... jealous as hell! im sure you'll have that pimped out in no time!

ya man... 20-21" is too tall bro. 16-17" is what does best for me with lots of branching and bud sites.. much better coverage and deeper penetration with the shorter bushier plants.
feed them FN grow for the first ten days bro... maybe only 7 with the hydroton and then top off with FN bloom till day 15 or so and swap with all flower nutes. this should give you a bit more control. 2 cents there bro.

I cant wait to see you run them KQ in the hydroton beds man... you will be giddy as shit around 30 days flower when you see all the massive sites forming! gotta love hydroton man!
cant fucking wait to run the KQ bro!!! Just put 14 into dirt for moms today, fast track you know, lol oh yeah bro, thanks as always for your 2 cents!


Buds look sweet as usual dubb, chem91 x lavender ay... Is that lavender soma's or the local (to you) clone?

That new space is great man! make that 2 of us who are jealous jrosek, lol!!

I can't wait to see you rocking that show, Just grabbed a lil bit mo space myself- new tent to be precise...now have 4 x 600's running in a 8' x 8' tent... Wish the lights were on a flip/flop though as it would have meant cooling would have been a breeze :D Would be a PITA to split the tent into 2 sections as well.

Nice work dubb! :)
Thanks Shhh!! Not sure about the lavender, my chem pheno's were bagseed for all intense purposes, I new the folks from the farm and they told me what was up there that season. I popped 60 beans and ended up with 2 good phenos (IMO). I had a found a super kushy pheno, but it hermied really easy so I killed it. Good luck with the new tent, and stay safe, peace dubba


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
oo shit, just noticed your new space.
looks great, i cant wait to see the buds that come out of there!! congrats!