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1000w 4x4 flood/drain SOG



well this is a nice little 4x4 fixed with 16 wicked looking girls(hempstar) 1 week into flower. Vegged for 1 week.

hope you all enjoy.

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are ya going to trim the lower of the plants? any medium in those netpots?have ya grown like this before and if so what was your water schedual
stems look really fat for just a week, looks good


betterboy said:
are ya going to trim the lower of the plants? any medium in those netpots?have ya grown like this before and if so what was your water schedual
stems look really fat for just a week, looks good

1st Q - i've already trimmed the lower part of the plants twice, once in veg and when i took those pics.
2nd Q- netpots have hydroton in them that hold the cloning rockwool cubes. and the net pots sit in the table with hydroton sorounding them.
3rd q- i grew like this in a 4x8 table Scrog style, but i decided to try sog. i use the lucas schedule ( with the addback calculations ) and i change res as i see fit, sometimes i don't change res unless i start a new addative it all depends. and i use m/g/b from AN. plus big bud/carboload/sensizyme. ( and a little pk13/14 near the end of flower.

just a little more on this strain - it flowers in 45 days flat! think about that from start to finish 45days. :D


That must have taken a load of rock to fill that 4x4! I just finnished a 4x4 with 3" netpots sitting in a plywood top with 81 plants all trimmed for single cola , 2 day veg.It did o.k. but for the plant number i can do as well in 5 1/4" sq. pots with 48 per 4x4. The 3" net pots had no hydroton rock and neither did the tray, since there was no medium to hold the water it was difficult to get the flood times at first.
What strain ya using?


giftofgab this strain isn't know for its yield, but its potency!! and tight dense nugs

betterboy =- there is only about 4inches of rock sorounding the netpots maybe 2 5gal buckets. the strain is Hempstar.
Yeah, I haven't grown the hempstar myself but I have watched a couple grows. Most were SOG, but with like 30 or 40 clones to a 4x4. I like the idea of only 16, it would be much easier for me to get 15 consistant clones as opposed to say 50.

Betterboy 81 plants on a 4x4, now that is a high density SOG if Ive ever seen one :D


it seems to me that with hempstar that you need to get as much light to each plant as possible, in order to achive nice dense nugs through each plant. my understanding about this strain is that it doesn't produce much /per plant.
i think next time this 4x4 is going to recieve 20-32 plants fliped asap. try to keep them small since only the main colas is what i'm after, the rest is popcorn.

thnx for you input guys . i'll have pics right away!


for anyone thats interested i'm using AN micro/G/B , carb. load, big bud, sensizyme*, some tarantula, and pyrana. (sorry i suck at spelling when i'm stoned)

flood every 3 hours(day and night) unless i see a changes in the plants, just like in soil grows!. and i've been @ peek PPM(1500) since week 2 and now in week3 going on week 4

if there are any questions please don't mind to ask i'm always willing to help!!!


vhghost, what is the ppm of your water that you use? 1500 ppm seems pretty high?

I also have a SOG running now, at 1 day veg on a 3x6 table with 2 600watters... I am running 65 plants on it, in 6" rockwool cubes. 70 gallon res, flood every 4 hours with GH Lucas Formula.

Do you have any experience with rockwool? This is my first e&f sog, and i went with rockwool blocks.

What ppm do you keep newly planted clones at? I was at 5.85ph/730ppm yesterday, but i diluted it down today to a more reasonable 6.15ph/480ppm . I heard rockwool is weird, and likes a PH between 6.0-6.5?

Looks like you have things under cntrol :)
Impressive canopy for only 16 plants!


hello neptune thanks for visiting.
I use RO water, and nothing but(PPM - 0 PH - 7.0).

1500 sounds high, yes ... yes it does! but the way i look at it is that if i can push them to the max then thats what i'm going to do. Btw they were showing nute def. @ 1200 so untill i see the first hint of burn i'm going to push them as hard as i can(i am mother nature and if they take it i will nurture their needs) * this is my first time with Hempstar and i'm learning about their needs as i go along.

the only rockwool i use is the small cloning rockwool that i have my clones in. if you only have rockwool in your table you will have to treat it like soil(only flood when they need it*leaves will droop after the rockwool starts to loose moisture. ( i believe OG Used to have a FAQ on a table that was nothing but Rockwool cubes like yours and i think they flooded every 8 hours * ( but i'm not possitive)
of course you can controll the amount of moisture the rockwool looses by covering them and only allow the stems to come through what ever you coverd them in(black/white polly)

newly planted clones are very touchy. i usually start low and work my way up if you try between 730 and 480 .. around 600 i think you should be fine.... remember its better to let them starve a bit them to kill them by burning them.... for newly planted clones i like to keep my ph between 5.0-6.0 ... but i have a totally different setup then you do. But on the other hand i've had it up to 6.4 for 1 week and i didn't see any problems... but i like to keep things the way i'm used to!

PS. if you want to find out about how long rockwool stays wet .. just do an experiment with a couple cubes to see how long they stay wet for.

Good luck in your grow and may it be lushes green... if you got any pics don't be affraid to share!


hey Vhghost, thanks for the info. Wow, they show no burn at 1500, that's amazing... My tap water is ph 7.3 and 30 ppm, so it's as good as RO and I see bad things happen with some of my mothers if i push 800 ppm... ak47 for example.

Hmmm, i was thinking 6 floods a day seems a bit too much for rockwool-- I will back it off slowly and see how they respond. right now, they need all the moisture they can get becuase they have hardly any roots...

thanks for the reply, I'll see about those pics when the action starts happening... its just a bare table right now, newly plopped cuttings that are taking some abuse from a HID lamp :p


yeah you got to be carefull with them hid lights, them baby's don't like them to much at first, back it of so they can adapt to the light intensity over a period of time!
if you don't mind telling me more info on that ak47, i will be blessed with a new mother soon and would like all the info i can gather about this wicked strain.


I grew ak47 in my last sog, which was 2 gallon bags of organic soil, using the BOG formulas for watering/feeding (which is why I am now on my first hydroponics sog, too much back pain from moving dirt, and hand watering in tough to reach spots twice a week). Medium stretcher, I would guesstimate that they finished between 1.5-2.0ft tall when flowered from clone with a 7 day veg period. Very single cola dominant; Excellent for HDsog, you can really pack them together and they seem to have no problems finding the light. It was a bit of a touchy feeder, but it could be the phenotype I have so I can't say if its a strainwide trait. The AK47 fnished in 10 weeks, massive single colas, 20-25g dried per plant.

I expect my yield to be 25+ per plant this run, I did some things wrong last grow and I have learned a bit more since then. However, this is also my first hydro run, so there is still plenty of room for error :p

Previous nugs are curing now, I have not sampled them yet! They smell "oldschool" gymsock dank.

man, i checked my room yesterday and there was a termite bloom somewhere in my shed.. hundreds of the bugger flittering around, i neemed the fuck out of everything, came back today... and the ANTS have moved in to DINE on termites! lol, problem solved hehehe



very nice neptune!! thanks for that info, glad you caught them bugers in time !! good luck with your grow .. if you ever have any questions don't be affraid to ask!