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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
A nap after lunch is not for everyone. But it is for me. Twenty minutes on the comfy chair will do, as the spanish inquisition dictates. I stand up like with a resort, fresh and ready. There are “scientifically proved” benefits but I don't care about those, siesta is siesta by itself, a daily middle finger up to the bastard that invented hard work for meagre wages. Spanish lunches are the main meal of the day, then the digestion. Notice we have one of the longest lifespans of all hominids on earth, longest of Europe, sixth in the world. A country for old men…
Gypsy, if the world is a stage and we all have to play a part, so… tell those nurses to be make up artists and get you ready. Maybe you can't ask for chilled wodka, caviar and 100 evian bottles in your camerino… but you can ask for the drugs! Hope you get home today, so you can celebrate twice.
Oldmaninbc, hope they come up with something, that many conditions with mobility don't add for life quality, although one gets used to virtually anything and the trick is just making the most of it. Same goes for all others, we should count our blessings on daily basis. Right after siesta.
Here, an inland beach in Asturias, called Gulpiyuri. Up to the 90’s it was almost secret, locals would kick down signs to avoid tourism, but eventually became a beauty spot and its soul was snatched by so many photos and the annoying “protection” status. I smoked there my first proper grass joint that got me truly high, in 1980, around a beach fire. That would put us all in jail today, plus a fine for the spliff.


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Well-known member
Premium user
Rose quartz is the correct search term you should use for a better selection of Information. This household is 2nd generation rockhounds and while I've not done much collecting in the last few years, I still can't resist flipping a rock over with my toe to see if it's work bending down for.

I've survived my endovascular adventures. Checked at 10:00 and in surgery by 14:00 and woke up in intensive care unit at 16:00.

Spent that night awake with the constat beeping and on the hour foot and wrist checks for warmth and good pulse. Thank you, Fatima, for your fine attention to detail.

CT with contrast Tuesday morning and booted out the door by late afternoon.

View attachment 18999409

My new Borg implant.

View attachment 18999410

The preop nurse missed her allowed 2 jabs into my left arm and the new tech did my right hand which put my dominant hand out of use. Nice view of downtown Loa Angeles from the ICU room. Never did see a regular room boot out straight from ICU

View attachment 18999411

Lunch yesterday. Really good although the wife said it lack taste and needed salt. Since I haven't reached for a saltshaker in 10 years it was plenty tasty to me. Eating left-handed presenting real challenges.

View attachment 18999412

The 16 travelers I brought with us did fine as expected.

The city has kept messing with the limit amounts you could have. At first it 6 plants per adult living on the property. We had 4 adults in the house and 24 plants in the yard. Then it was just 2 card carrying weed smokers per home and now it's 1 per. But I've grown here for 13 years and never had a visit from the cannabis plant count inspectors in all that time and really the fine is more you have to destroy the excess. Now if they find a couple hundred flowering plants, we have trouble Houston.

You don't get second chances in a submarine. Any tiny fuckup means wholesale death. One of my old toking buddies was a Nuke submariner. Reactor operating gang.

I was gone just 2 days and had nearly 30 pages of catching up and yes, I read it all. Damn thread kept growing as fast as I was reading. I'd flip the page and find the thread had gained 2........

Kept getting an error Mon and Tues or I wouldn't have been so far behind. I thought the hospital might have sites blocked but I still couldn't get in after getting home Tues afternoon.

I'll relate my adventures 13 years ago with a doctor milking the system at a later date.
Damm I had to read that twice☝️
Not that I needed to read that twice
It was that I wanted to read that twice.
Glad things went well
I think Gypsy is milkin it ☝️🙄😊


Well-known member
Finally - I am getting prepped for surgery - the surgeon said he will go in thru the part healed scar - where they put a pacemaker in 2 weeks ago - to correct the placement of a loose wire in the heart ❤️ - and secure it in the place where it should be - all they will give me is a tranquilliser - and a local anesthetic for the scar/cut area - not a long procedure - and when it's done - I should be able to be allowed to GO HOME!!! - after spending a whole week - parked up and waiting for this corrective surgery to happen - 🙃 phew!
Hope that drama is behind you soon and some good vibes for when you wake up ✌️


Well-known member
Premium user
Finally - I am getting prepped for surgery - the surgeon said he will go in thru the part healed scar - where they put a pacemaker in 2 weeks ago - to correct the placement of a loose wire in the heart ❤️ - and secure it in the place where it should be - all they will give me is a tranquilliser - and a local anesthetic for the scar/cut area - not a long procedure - and when it's done - I should be able to be allowed to GO HOME!!! - after spending a whole week - parked up and waiting for this corrective surgery to happen - 🙃 p Feel free to give the Dr. our thread in case H
Feel free to give the Dr our thread in case he has any questions on you.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Is that an aye-aye ?
The picture wasn't labeled, but I think that would be a good guess.

That reminds me of the birth of my first born. In those hoary days of yore, we had no reliable way to tell whether it was male or female, but all indications were that it was male and that was the ASSumption.

Water break at 01:00, 90 mph drive to the hospital, shaving around baby's head as it was "crowning" (top of head arriving), and just enough time to smoke one cigarette before the nurse came in the waiting room and announced, "congratulations, you have a new healthy baby girl. Would you like to see her?"

Shock that it was a girl given everyone's best guess, but daughters are a good thing too, so I could live with that and of course I wanted to see her!

She hadn't been cleaned up yet and her head was still misshapen, and I was shocked at how ugly she was.

Back to the waiting room to smoke another cigarette and reflect, where I decided, "OK, an ugly daughter is OK too, she will probably have a better personality for it and at least there won't be as many horny boys hanging around.

The nurse returns and says, "Your daughter is cleaned up now. If you will follow me, I'll take you to her."

There were at least a dozen babies arayed behind the nursery window that she took me to, but my eyes immediately picked out my daughter without being told.

Her head shape had recovered from birth, her color returned, and she was the most gorgeous baby I have ever laid eyes on before or since.

Finally - I am getting prepped for surgery - the surgeon said he will go in thru the part healed scar - where they put a pacemaker in 2 weeks ago - to correct the placement of a loose wire in the heart ❤️ - and secure it in the place where it should be - all they will give me is a tranquilliser - and a local anesthetic for the scar/cut area - not a long procedure - and when it's done - I should be able to be allowed to GO HOME!!! - after spending a whole week - parked up and waiting for this corrective surgery to happen - 🙃 phew!
You go brother! You got this!

Prayers and healing thoughts your way, enjoy your family reunion at home!
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I used the ones made in Italy
The old fashion ones from sheep intestines?
I am a master of the power nap. After years and years of abusive air travel, I can now fall asleep almost anywhere - almost anytime. I once dozed off during a root canal . . . :oops:
Me too! I can and do sleep anywhere, more easily now than ever.

Unfortunately reading tires my eyes faster than it used to also, adding to that proclivity.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Another double gorgeous day starting at 45F and predicted to reach 80F.

!@#$%!! I just got a Facebook AI notification that someone complained that my Graywolf's Consulting page violates Facebook policy, which is absurd and then when I try to follow their link to respond it fails to send me the code required to complete the transaction.

I finally responded to their email telling them that and to close the account if that is the best they can do.


Well-known member
Rose quartz is the correct search term you should use for a better selection of Information. This household is 2nd generation rockhounds and while I've not done much collecting in the last few years, I still can't resist flipping a rock over with my toe to see if it's work bending down for.

I've survived my endovascular adventures. Checked at 10:00 and in surgery by 14:00 and woke up in intensive care unit at 16:00.

Spent that night awake with the constat beeping and on the hour foot and wrist checks for warmth and good pulse. Thank you, Fatima, for your fine attention to detail.

CT with contrast Tuesday morning and booted out the door by late afternoon.

View attachment 18999409

My new Borg implant.

View attachment 18999410

The preop nurse missed her allowed 2 jabs into my left arm and the new tech did my right hand which put my dominant hand out of use. Nice view of downtown Loa Angeles from the ICU room. Never did see a regular room boot out straight from ICU

View attachment 18999411

Lunch yesterday. Really good although the wife said it lack taste and needed salt. Since I haven't reached for a saltshaker in 10 years it was plenty tasty to me. Eating left-handed presenting real challenges.

View attachment 18999412

The 16 travelers I brought with us did fine as expected.

The city has kept messing with the limit amounts you could have. At first it 6 plants per adult living on the property. We had 4 adults in the house and 24 plants in the yard. Then it was just 2 card carrying weed smokers per home and now it's 1 per. But I've grown here for 13 years and never had a visit from the cannabis plant count inspectors in all that time and really the fine is more you have to destroy the excess. Now if they find a couple hundred flowering plants, we have trouble Houston.

You don't get second chances in a submarine. Any tiny fuckup means wholesale death. One of my old toking buddies was a Nuke submariner. Reactor operating gang.

I was gone just 2 days and had nearly 30 pages of catching up and yes, I read it all. Damn thread kept growing as fast as I was reading. I'd flip the page and find the thread had gained 2........

Kept getting an error Mon and Tues or I wouldn't have been so far behind. I thought the hospital might have sites blocked but I still couldn't get in after getting home Tues afternoon.

I'll relate my adventures 13 years ago with a doctor milking the system at a later date.
Excellent news! Wow, they got you in and out in quick fashion, sweet!
Gotta love it when someone trained to hit the vein misses... twice, sigh.

As I typed that ^^ a memory surfaced of a time I went in for yearly labs draw.
They had a new gal and I was asked if I minded. No, but I have a migraine
coming on and need to get home ASAP. She missed... twice. Okay, now
another phlebotomist comes in w/ experience and we gotta go in the other
arm which isn't going to turn out well I knew from past experience. It didn't.
Before they had a chance to try again, I asked for the manager. Listen, I've
got a migraine coming on, can't hardly stand the lights and you guys are
using me for a pin cushion! This has to be done now and I need to get
home or I won't be able to drive and you'll be calling an ambulance.
I don't care if you stick that dam needle in my neck do it right this time.
The head of the dept/ manager w/e hit it on first try and got me out
of there. geesh. Just what I wanted to deal with at 7am with a banger
coming on.
I think that what peeved me most is that I know my body and I know
exactly where the needle needs to go in and at exactly the angle
to hit it right on. There are a few phlebotomists who think they know
better and I've suffered for their arrogance.
If any one has ever sold plasma... well, ya learn real fast where
that needle needs to go.

Thanks for the Rose Quartz info. I've done several queries that have
been fruitless for me as I need a good shot of the raw stone, and I
was not turning any up.

I will try to get some good photos of the 3 I collected as soon as the
sun shines again to get opinions from the old farts.

Been an avid rock hound too since childhood. Mom's was into it
and taught us kids.
I don't do it to collect precious or rare ones, only those that I found appealing.
Here in MI... we used to have Petoskey stones in abundance (they have
since been picked out). Finding cool fossils was (still is) what excited
me most so, finding a Petoskey was the ultimate prize.

Well wishes for a speedy recovery.


Well-known member
Mornin' old farts :)

As what has become a common occurrence in this thread...
it took up a fair amount of time to catch up and now,
I've got no time to reply as I'd like :(
Perhaps, I shall change my tact upon next log in and
begin by replying as I read along :unsure:

Gypsy, best to you today.
Sending out positive energy over the pond, that you get home to your loved ones today.


Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning brothers and sisters! View attachment 18999604 View attachment 18999605

Another double gorgeous day starting at 45F and predicted to reach 80F.

!@#$%!! I just got a Facebook AI notification that someone complained that my Graywolf's Consulting page violates Facebook policy, which is absurd and then when I try to follow their link to respond it fails to send me the code required to complete the transaction.

I finally responded to their email telling them that and to close the account if that is the best they can do.
Facebook and YouTube both need a good cornholing ☝.