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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
What about buying some of these? pretty damn cheap and could ight be pretty cool
Im very serious about getting something like this to live or rent out

WTF i cant post links now? WTF!?? Anyway they got decent tiny homes from Amazon for like 6k that are pretty nice.Im not fucking with Amazon again though. You guys are gonna have to do it
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In my empire of dirt
What about buying some of these? pretty damn cheap and could ight be pretty cool
Im very serious about getting something like this to live or rent out

WTF i cant post links now? WTF!?? Anyway they got decent tiny homes from Amazon for like 6k that are pretty nice.Im not fucking with Amazon again though. You guys are gonna have to do it

ive seen those pre fab house things before and it could help with the housing crisis in most areas
so fotr real, my lot is meant for single family unit, but who could you not not subdevide that into two, then thats two families that have a home, i recognise the strain on resources and shit like that but we are alking about getting people into home!
did you knwo the avg price of a home where i live is one MILLION DOLLARS! make dr.evil face
/no joke bro
bit the nimbys hawk, keep that shit out of MY backyead, but dont do it in your yeard either!
f'n nimbys!
f'that shit, get yourself a conex container and i will wire that shit and get you hooked up1


Well-known member
I heard about FL homeowner's insurance, some of the big ins co's are backing out of the FL market as well because of fraud? Like people claiming hurricane or wind damage to their roofs even when it was just normal wear and tear?
There were a number of issues around the insurance market besides fraud.

So you almost got swept out to sea during a storm, Buzz?
No, not that dramatic. 16' boat in a raging thunderstorm and wind, rain and waves were breaking over the stern and filling the boat. We were at the mercy of the weather and we broke out the life jackets and started bailing the boat. No idea where we were after crossing the bay. Bad day to be on a small boat.
how far out was the second sand bar
About 100 yards. The trench between the two sand bars varies in depth but it can be 6'-7' deep. Sometimes it takes a hop jump to keep your head above water. The depth of the second bar is about waist high.
I had chunks of cut mullet in my pocket to save time wading back and forth to shore. I was ringing the dinner bell for mean old Mr. Shark. When I saw a flash of a fin slide by me leg I commenced to empty my pocket of bait and hop jump myself back to shore.
i have a friend who dosent have a mortgage and he self insures, like he dosent have insurance but if anything happens to his house hes the one footing the bill
It is a consideration but that's a risk I am not willing to take on. June 1 is coming and the H word is lurking. My feet are not big enough to foot a huge bill. The shutters are stacked in the shed and we are far from the coast. There are no guarantees.


Horse-toothed Jackass
As long as u make sure ur island sex parties are 18+ we should be alright, unfortunately some of the rich people are freaks/pervs so they like 'em young. That's alright we dont want their business, too much heat.

Yeah thats the thing with insurance, ur paying for the peace of mind, but it does suck that youre in effect subsidizing the people who make expensive claims.

Amazon seems to have those same container homes but for 2x the price, i guess with that chinese site ur cutting out the middleman, Hawk.
So i see a toilet and kitchen and bathroom sink but is there running water or just a tank in those tiny homes? Is it a cassette toilet or black water tank or can u hook it up to a sanitary pipe? There's a stove too, is it electric or gas? Sorry for the questions if u dont know the answer but the description was fairly light on details. They look nice enough but without decent utility service it might not be all that comfortable.

I suppose the flip side of that argument Pops is that u dont want to overburden the local utilities (water/sewer, maybe electricity too) with more people than it was designed to support, also school systems etc. I think most towns/cities are like that, they dont want homeowners to start building extra residences on their land without pre-approval, maybe if youre unincorporated or way out in the boonies u can do whatever though.

How much do u pay for home insurance, Buzz, if u dont mind my asking? I guess part of the problem is the state's population is growing, so more houses being built so more prop damage when the storms come through. Also they mentioned climate change, do u think that's been a big factor? Youve been there for a couple decades now, have u noticed the storms getting worse?

A small boat in a thunderstorm and having to bail out water seems pretty dramatic to me, Buzz, but i guess u have a lot of experience with boats and water so u know it wasnt TOO life-threatening. Then again, with experience u wouldnt have been caught in that storm in the first place, what with radar and weather reports and radio, if a boater is caught in a bad storm isnt it their own dang fault?

Wading through water for a hundred yards with a hungry shark nearby would seem like an eternity. I hope the fishing was worth it. Next time I bet u carried the extra bait in a bag around ur neck or clipped to ur hat.


In my empire of dirt
if it were up to me @Bababooey , there would be no tiny homes in most neighborhoods and i would limit those air bnb things too!
/those short term rentals can be a problem as well
like you said, they put a huge burden on resources and most places are zoned for a single family residence
but a tiny home would be awesome if you had land
it would be like your own cabin or man cave to hang out in
we dont get the wild weather here in san diego like fla does @buzzmobile , so there isnt that season of dread when the bad storms come through
we do get wild fires, but those are not really a factor unless you live right at the edge of a canyon
earthquakes are a reality here too but we havent had a good earthquake in at least a decade or more
good read on the fla insurance industry and it seem there are a lot of factors at play
that must have been a fun walk back to shore

so today is tuesday and im thinking of getting tacos for fried chicken! kfc has their meal deal today (10$ 8/pc legs and thighs bucket)plus i have some coupons so i get soem of those too
ill ask my mom if she is in the mood for fried chicken


Well-known member
i dont know much about it but i guess there was a roast Tom Brady was a part of and some guy said something Brady didnt like and said something to him. I dont know what was said but FUCK BRADY! If you dont like it then stay the fuck away from a roast! Oh id LOVE to roast his ass! cheating spoiled crybaby pretty boy BITCH!

Sorry. had some drinks and drugs. sorry boys. i dont even know the whole story lol


Horse-toothed Jackass
So how's the growing going, DB? Have the cannabis seeds sprouted? You figure out how youre going to get them up in ur mom's place? How's the kief consumption, are you on pace to not run out early?

Maybe those tiny home things would be alright for a trailer park that's meant for residences like that. Have you ever lived in a trailer, Hawk? I think most trailer homes, at least the double wide ones, are actually pretty decent, have all the utility hookups. Not sure about these chinese made tiny homes.

$10 for a bucket of legs and thighs seems like it should be their usual deal, but KFC do be bussin' tho.

I saw some of that roast, Hawk, it was pretty funny. Almost nothing was off-limits, not even Brady's divorce. The roastmaster, Jeff Ross, did make a joke about Kraft's rub n tug escapade and that's when Brady whispered to him dont say that $hit again. We were just talking about that too. Not sure why Brady was so upset about that, if u cant make a joke about a billionaire's handjob from a prostitute then im not sure what you can make fun of anymore...
How's the drinking going, Hawk. Still only a couple three beers a day? That's probably a good # for u.

So Rashee Rice, rookie WR for the chiefs who helped them win a superbowl, got arrested for causing a car crash while drag racing around Dallas and now supposedly beat up a photographer at a dallas nightclub. Maybe this guy got hit in the head too many times cause his decision making is suspect.


Well-known member
Im not even at that Baba. I bought a 6 pack of Natty Daddy,they are 8.0 but this is the first time i drank all week. Im doing good but i cant drink if i wanted to. My bank is shut down. Sucks but at least i cant spend money but ive been doing real good on the drinking. No way could i drink 3 beers and call it quits! LOL Im on the last of my Tall boy and want another.

Been doing the gummi and Kratom thing. Yeah the gummies are legit. The kratom is meh. If you ever did a painkiller its kinda like that but way more mild. like a weak tylenol 3 MAYBE!

OH! I got my mom this mothers day present! She hates Trump but i think she might like this! Either that or she will hate it! LOL it should still be funny!


Well-known member

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
So how's the growing going, DB? Have the cannabis seeds sprouted? You figure out how youre going to get them up in ur mom's place? How's the kief consumption, are you on pace to not run out early?

Maybe those tiny home things would be alright for a trailer park that's meant for residences like that. Have you ever lived in a trailer, Hawk? I think most trailer homes, at least the double wide ones, are actually pretty decent, have all the utility hookups. Not sure about these chinese made tiny homes.

$10 for a bucket of legs and thighs seems like it should be their usual deal, but KFC do be bussin' tho.

I saw some of that roast, Hawk, it was pretty funny. Almost nothing was off-limits, not even Brady's divorce. The roastmaster, Jeff Ross, did make a joke about Kraft's rub n tug escapade and that's when Brady whispered to him dont say that $hit again. We were just talking about that too. Not sure why Brady was so upset about that, if u cant make a joke about a billionaire's handjob from a prostitute then im not sure what you can make fun of anymore...
How's the drinking going, Hawk. Still only a couple three beers a day? That's probably a good # for u.

So Rashee Rice, rookie WR for the chiefs who helped them win a superbowl, got arrested for causing a car crash while drag racing around Dallas and now supposedly beat up a photographer at a dallas nightclub. Maybe this guy got hit in the head too many times cause his decision making is suspect.
The veggies are growing remarkably well...5 or so cannabis plants popped up. They're not getting enough light but 4pm to 8pm is it for Sun. They are still all in the bean leaf stage. Almost all had seed shell stuck to them which necessitated helping them. How's it going with you guys? I have 5 grams of kief left. Maybe 6. Have to cut back. I think I get just as high from the shake. Been rolling 2 joints for every walk. And doing 3 quick one hit bowls. $35 for half zip is a good deal. Might grab more this weekend. How are you guys? Moving to buzz'? I've been to Key West...Coast Guard. Hard Rock cafe is poop.


Well-known member
What did you get your mom for mothers day doob? too bad she dont do pot huh? i split half a gummi with my mom.dont think she liked it.kept me up too.


In my empire of dirt
hahah that is sweet hawk!
you are the greatest son, the best
i hope she appreciates the mug biggly
/plus marked down from $777, much bargain

they have other deals but everything is super expensive now
they had one of those posters on the window for a meal deal that was almost $50! like yeah you get the big sides, plus its a lot of chicken but $50 on kfc
but im old and remember when big mac were two for $2
so im having some stomach troubles?
i thought it might be the grease from the chicken and all the hot sauce i put on said chicken, but it seemed different
then i remembered! i just got this big bag of tootsie rolls in the mail!
i know i was haf last night and at some point im sure i got into the candy
could those be the cause?

@D. B. Doober
the shake sounds cheap and keeps you blazing so it sounds good
2 joint walks?! thats a long walk
/wtf yah think ya'arrhhh, paul revere?
rock and roll man!
so you have some peppers and sunflowers going? plus your weeds
right on man and i hope you get some good stuff from all the plants!
i got some peppers at the store the other day, i have some steak im marinating and im going to make fajitas!
keep kicking ass doobah

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
hahah that is sweet hawk!
you are the greatest son, the best
i hope she appreciates the mug biggly
/plus marked down from $777, much bargain

they have other deals but everything is super expensive now
they had one of those posters on the window for a meal deal that was almost $50! like yeah you get the big sides, plus its a lot of chicken but $50 on kfc
but im old and remember when big mac were two for $2
so im having some stomach troubles?
i thought it might be the grease from the chicken and all the hot sauce i put on said chicken, but it seemed different
then i remembered! i just got this big bag of tootsie rolls in the mail!
i know i was haf last night and at some point im sure i got into the candy
could those be the cause?

@D. B. Doober
the shake sounds cheap and keeps you blazing so it sounds good
2 joint walks?! thats a long walk
/wtf yah think ya'arrhhh, paul revere?
rock and roll man!
so you have some peppers and sunflowers going? plus your weeds
right on man and i hope you get some good stuff from all the plants!
i got some peppers at the store the other day, i have some steak im marinating and im going to make fajitas!
keep kicking ass doobah
Yeah buddy I have green peppers going and I have jalapeno peppers going and I have sunflowers going and plus the cannabis. The Cannabis could be growing a little faster but everything else is doing great. Fajitas sounds great buddy 👍


In my empire of dirt
cook some
Yeah buddy I have green peppers going and I have jalapeno peppers going and I have sunflowers going and plus the cannabis. The Cannabis could be growing a little faster but everything else is doing great. Fajitas sounds great buddy 👍
rice and stuff those mfrs!
i know you havent picked shit yet, but i count on you doob
you got this and will pickapckofpickled peppers
plus all the weez


Horse-toothed Jackass
Sounds like ur taking good care of the seedlings, but they only get 4 hrs of sun a day? Can u put them under a small desk lamp indoors? I think seedlings and veg stage they can handle near 24 hrs of light, well not sure about seedlings but i remember cloning under 24/7 flouro's.
Seems like ur still going through almost a g of kief a day? U just bought 10g on Friday? Yeah that's way too much. I think you'll have to settle for being less high every day. That's not a bad thing either. Maybe 1 day a week u can get really blazed all day, that'll be like a treat to urself.

That's a sweet looking mug, Hawk, im sure ur mom will get a laugh out of it.

So candy will give u a stomach ache too, Pops? Not sure ive ever gotten a stomach ache from candy before, im sure it spikes my blood sugar and insulin tho. It would hurt my teeth more than my stomach but that's just me.

We're still getting some free agency signings, tyler boyd, bengals WR, signed a 1yr deal with the titans. Rashaad penny, ex seattle RB, signed with the panthers. These are starter quality players but i guess not good enough to be highly prized.

I hope Hippy is ok, there have been a lot of storms and tornados in TN yesterday. Buzz might be getting some more rain today as well.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I twist up two joints for each walk. Yeah I have a LED I use it on my house plans I could supplement with that


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In my empire of dirt
i have no idea if it was the candy or the booze or what? i just know i stayed up late the other night watching tv (beverly hillbillies ftw!)
i started out with a 2/lb bag of tootsie rolls and it feels like of light today
im not sure what they are made of and maybe its like those chips that would give you a hard time if you ate too many
that plus you just should not be consuming all that many tootsie rolls
i held back last night but the things are awesome
i was a fan of r.penny when he first came into the league
he came out of san diego state and looked like he might have a bright future in the nfl
i think he was injured a lot in sea and never really panned out

@D. B. Doober
if you have an led why are you monkeying around with window sill lighting?
put the plants under the led and keep that things burning round the clock
like baba said, in veg growth plants can take 24hr light cycles no problem
i would put my veg tent on a timer so it was on 20hr, (saving me four hrs/day) but this was just because electricity is expensive here in socal and it made me feel like i was getting the 7th day free
/plus the difference in growth was nominal
be sure to harden the plants off before you put them into ful sun
balze up doob! do you save your roaches or just toss them on your walk?
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
i have no idea if it was the candy or the booze or what? i just know i stayed up late the other night watching tv (beverly hillbillies ftw!)
i started out with a 2/lb bag of tootsie rolls and it feels like of light today
im not sure what they are made of and maybe its like those chips that would give you a hard time if you ate too many
that plus you just should not be consuming all that many tootsie rolls
i held back last night but the things are awesome
i was a fan of r.penny when he first came into the league
he came out of san diego state and looked like he might have a bright future in the nfl
i think he was injured a lot in sea and never really panned out

@D. B. Doober
if you have an led why are you monkeying around with window sill lighting?
put the plants under the led and keep that things burning round the clock
like baba said, in veg growth plants can take 24hr light cycles no problem
i would put my veg tent on a timer so it was only 20hr, (saving me four hrs/day) but this was just because electricity is expensive here in socal and it made me feel like i was getting the 7th day free
/plus the difference in growth was nominal
be sure to harden the plants off before you put them into ful sun
balze up doob! do you save your roaches or just toss them on your walk?
No I just throw the roaches on the sidesnizzle walk

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