Well-known member
These protestors do not appreciate how good they have it. Would not be tolerated in other countries !!!The problem I have with these protests as well as with most protests is that somewhere along the way what is protected by the first amendment has become seriously perverted. The first amendement was put in place to grant people the freedom of speech but it does not grant them the freedom to conduct that speech anywhere they please. In addition it has been twisted into freedom of expression which was never protected by the constitution. Yet the authorities have become so fearful of being seen as violating peoples rights that they allow all sorts of illegal behavior (rioting, looting, vandalism, etc.) for fear of violating that freedom of expression. Even though there is precedent that freedom of speech does not allow the people exercising in to engage in criminal activity.
Another problem I have with these current examples of freedom of speech is that attempts have been made to negotiate with the protestors to make concessions in line with ther protests and yet the protestors have been rejecting those concessions and instead standing firm on demands that the US is not able to meet such as the removal of Israel from the map. Not all protestors are this way mind you but the ones who are the driving force on both sides are just using these protests as a means to sow division aamong the masses and judging by what I hear most people saying in reaction to the protests they're having much success in sowing that division.