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Why do You Smoke Weed?


Well-known member
I smoke it because it's enlightening , thought provoking,,gives me positive energy ,makes me tolerate unpleasant chores, improves my outlook on life and relieves every day stresses.I don't drink or take any other recreational enhancers beyond a shroom trip every decade or so and I'm over 40 years daily into now and I'll never stop. It hasn't made me lazy ,irresponsible,psychotic or even develop man breasts .The only real negative thing I have experienced with it is law enforcement.


AI Glitch
I smoke it because it's enlightening , thought provoking,,gives me positive energy ,makes me tolerate unpleasant chores, improves my outlook on life and relieves every day stresses.I don't drink or take any other recreational enhancers beyond a shroom trip every decade or so and I'm over 40 years daily into now and I'll never stop. It hasn't made me lazy ,irresponsible,psychotic or even develop man breasts .The only real negative thing I have experienced with it is law enforcement.
Well said.


Hope you don't have to stop vaping. After 6+ years of nothing but decarbe bud capsules, Harley's vape gets a bit irritating at times. 😂
I can't dry vape for any length of time it wrecks my throat.
Hits through the bong all day long and it's great.
The wife hits the volcano bag all day and I can't do that even though it was our first vape and started my journey to quitting smoking everything cept meats.


Active member
I used to smoke weed...I still do, but i used to too! Ha ha.
I love to do bongs with yard work, or any thing else during my waking hours!
I dont usually remember my dreams, however the ones I have I dont recall smoking weed in them...bummer


the boveda kid
used to smoke in the evenings with my wife for relaxation or to make things more interesting, music, conversation, tv, bedroom activities.
that changed when we had our kid.
now i mainly drop a few crumbs of herb in my morning cig before i start my day at work. i like the feeling of a mild buzz to start the day. makes me feel more wholesome or something.


Well-known member
My reasons for smoking, vaping, ingesting cannabis have certainly evolved over the years. I grew up in Hawaii and as a teen I was immersed in the culture. Stopped using it in my 20's as I became a father and a firefighter with mandated drug tests. After moving to Oregon, cannabis became legal in 2015. I was now in my 50's and no longer cared what society thought. I was also in a lot of pain from a work injury and osteoarthritis. I had been haphazardly dealing with pain, depression and other traumas through the use of alcohol and at times opiates. One day after a hip replacement, I missed my opiate dose by 90 minutes. I woke up with very strong withdrawal symptoms and quit the opiates immediately. I recovered by eating lots of cannabis. Now retired I enjoy my cannabis for many reasons. I am especially hooked on growing the plant.


Active member
Cannabis allows better acceptation of being at first plan.
It helps to be like water accepting all that can be done by mankind with focus on good things or at least not taking it too badly.

And cherry on the cake, many activities are felt much more enjoyable being high.

(I don't smoke anymore for the last 5 months, thanks to mighty+)