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Golden Tiger


Active member
Congrats also on your bountifil harvest @gwhunran :D great job!
Let it cure 3 months and then please let us know what do you think about your 3 GT girls, enjoy!
Thank you Dubi! I put them in Grove bags yesterday. I'm just getting around to using the bags. I have always used jars and burped them in cure. I ended up using six 1/4lb bags equaling about 5.5 bags worth. One wasn't full. I also put aside a quart jar to smoke from. This is not counting the 225 grams used to make COB, so bountiful indeed. :biggrin:

GT start cure (2).JPG
Could do with some advice here please.

Firstly I’m in the tropics - 17’ N - temps about 28C day 25C night. Windy as hell most of the time and it rains a lot this time of year.

I have three GT girls on the go. All very different phenos. The one in the middle was a lot quicker to develop in flowering.

She’s more on the Malawi side and I recon she is two weeks from harvest.

I will be heading off for a three week vacation on Saturday, leaving my ladies with neighbours.

Do I harvest early or leave it till I get back, which I think will be too late?


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She's got quite a way to go yet. 3 weeks won't be a problem.
Thanks for the input. I’m pretty sure you’re right. Just getting a little separation anxiety I think. lol.

Wondering what the taste and high will be like from the one on the left. Never tried Thai before. Looks live I’ve got a very long wait for harvest on that one. FYI I’m an unusual grower in that I really don’t use cannabis that much but just love growing it, so end up giving it to friends mostly (thank you present for my neighbours).

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Could do with some advice here please.

Firstly I’m in the tropics - 17’ N - temps about 28C day 25C night. Windy as hell most of the time and it rains a lot this time of year.

I have three GT girls on the go. All very different phenos. The one in the middle was a lot quicker to develop in flowering.

She’s more on the Malawi side and I recon she is two weeks from harvest.

I will be heading off for a three week vacation on Saturday, leaving my ladies with neighbours.

Do I harvest early or leave it till I get back, which I think will be too late?
If the second pic is the Malawi pheno, then yeah, she's got more than 3 weeks to go I'd say.

If I may, you said it's really windy where you are, huh?
Maybe boost the little support sticks at the base you have, by putting in a long single stake (or you could do two or three to support each other), from the edge of the pot (to avoid hitting the main roots) but coming up near the top or middle of the plant, with some soft ties to hold your main stem to the stake. Bamboo works brilliantly for this, if you have any. Just a thought. :)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi 17 Degrees North thanks for joining us. To be able to grow sativas in the Caribbean islands must be wonderful experience. Why you didn't plant them directly in the ground ? They would be 3-5x times bigger , much healthier and will produce a ton at the end, quality will be higher too.

Your plants still need time. The plant in the middle is more Malawi influenced and probably needs 3-4 weeks more. The other are more Thai dominant. The one on the right is in early flowering and the one on the left is just starting.
Hi 17 Degrees North thanks for joining us. To be able to grow sativas in the Caribbean islands must be wonderful experience. Why you didn't plant them directly in the ground ? They would be 3-5x times bigger , much healthier and will produce a ton at the end, quality will be higher too.

Your plants still need time. The plant in the middle is more Malawi influenced and probably needs 3-4 weeks more. The other are more Thai dominant. The one on the right is in early flowering and the one on the left is just starting.

Good question about planting in the ground. None of the locals here plant directly in the ground. They all swear by pots, sometimes they cut the bottom off the pot and let the roots grow down into the ground.

I was told that the sativa roots rot during wet periods (sometimes we get torrential rain for days) so to help prevent that, pot/container culture is used. So I’ve grown in pots since I moved here. I’ve seen the same containerised cultivation on commercial cannabis farms in Jamaica. The other thing is that when it gets dry it can get extremely hot and dry like the Mediterranean summer conditions, so I would think growing direct in the ground would be good for that, but this extreme drought can be just for a week or two and then a torrential rain period again. Pretty crazy! Many growers are not growing in full sun either, but rather under the partial shade of young trees/saplings. Not sure why this is, but maybe for wind shelter (cultivation is legal here do it is not to hide them).

I will try growing some of my next batch in the ground anyway as I have observed that local knowledge is not always the most scientific.

Thanks for confirming the harvest timing. I’ll post some pics on my return in three weeks.

Looking forward re-veging and cloning that middle plant on my return as well as hatching a few new varieties from seed.

Have a wonderful Christmas!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Real tropical sativa genetics will grow like beasts planted in the ground. Root system is much healthier and protected in the ground (and with access to more nutrients) than in a small pot. Sativas grown in small pots are easily depleted of nutrients and are sensible to root diseases, ph fluctuations, salt accumulation ...

Next outdoor grow plant them in the ground after the wet season is over, and the difference will be like night and day.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Hi @17 Degrees North
I'm a bit further north than you are, but also have a wet season with huge rainfall and massive winds (the equivalent of hurricanes where you are).
Planting outside in the ground during that time can easily leave my plants' roots in a swamp / pool of water.
So I also use pots, I like to use cloth pots so the water can just poor right through.
But I also wait until after the rains have passed to start.
I've started early October this year, and will be growing through Dec to harvest maybe Jan or Feb.
Or you can grow in the ground in a raised bed, making sure heavy rainfall will drain right out and not pool at all.
Just some thoughts from a fellow sub/tropical grower.


Active member
High @ all,
well i have 3 GT phenos this grow... Seeds from 2014...
1. Malawi looking GT... big pistols dark green and later looks like as on ACE Website... harvest 12 weeks
2. GT looking like the most Pic's here... Mix between Malawi & Thai 10 - 12 Weeks
3. Thai looking pheno light green lots of Hair pistols and later... need 14 weeks and more

if someone has a idea how they turn plz let me know! First time this GT. Thank you!

Malawi leaning pheno

Thai leaning pheno

Malawi & Thai Mix looking pheno
Take a look at my posts, if you're still interested.


Active member
Too much reading

Too much reading

Now that I read 132 pages to catch up with this thread, I have a question. What is the average stretch of the Golden Tiger strain indoors?

I know from past grows minus pot size and my light arrangement and light intensity I have 43 - 45 inches to work with. I train plants to about 12 - 15 inches before stretch. So what can I expect?

There are 139 pages now. I'm going through them to better understand the Malawi and Meao Thai parent phenotypes in Golden Tiger Version 1 I'm growing.


Well-known member
Premium user
How did it compare to c99 for quality of high?
Not as high a plateau but more trance like and longer in duration. The initial flight of the Cindy gives me an overpowering electric rocket ride. Zam was more of a magic carpet ride than an ripping hot take off and quick landing. Zam lasted twice the duration. C99 was a quick up and level back down hour and a half vs 3 hours of no heavy machinery as the motor skills are affected. Its different. Worthy and I love the Zam. I am sure Dub and Co have taken great care of the offering GT as well.

They are true Stewards of the Art.

Happy New Year @dubi !