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moose eater

Well-known member
Why do they always end up being persecuted for being jewish?
Dishonesty and convenience.

Perpetrators often claim victim status. It's a knee-jerk deflection routine that's not nearly as effective as they seem to believe it is for anyone who can see through the smoke and clouds of bullshit.

But they keep doing it anyway. They've been doing it so long that I don't think they know any other way.

So Hai

Well-known member
By this reasoning you would think Israel and Jihadist ☪ would align to take out the West? It appears the other way right now. Though nothing is as it appears regardless.
It is not a secret that zionist wars in the middle east has pushed muslim migration to Europe and jewish organizations facilitate it.

”Amelek” is the designated name that jews give to any non-jews they seek to exterminate be they german, russian or palestinian.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Since Twitter became a weird Right wing echo chamber I trust very little of it's content.

So Hai

Well-known member
Dishonesty and convenience.

Perpetrators often claim victim status. It's a knee-jerk deflection routine that's not nearly as effective as they seem to believe it is for anyone who can see through the smoke and clouds of bullshit.

But they keep doing it anyway. They've been doing it so long that I don't think they know any other way.
It is incredible really, jews having been ostracized from no less than 1030 states and city states since the beginning of recorded history.

It is a long list…

moose eater

Well-known member
It is incredible really, jews having been ostracized from no less than 1030 states and city states since the beginning of recorded history.

It is a long list…

I don't deny that there's been persecution, that there are antisemites who target jews.

But when a person fucks up, they are culpable no matter the knee-jerk behavior they've adopted for deflection, excuses, and the assumptions that anyone who finds something wrong with the behavior of one who travels under that somewhat broad umbrella, is thereby antisemitic. Seems like a pretty shallow and cheesy attempt at a 'get-out-of-jail-free' card.

As opposed to those who criticize the 75 years of actions in reference as being anti-theft, anti-land theft, anti-discrimination, anti-apartheid, anti-murder, anti-delusional greed, anti-rape, anti-narcissism, anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism .... etc. all of which are currently valid criticisms of Israel's piss-poor behavior for the last 75 years.

If they wish to accuse others of being 'human animals', I'd recommend the Nationalist Zionist fascists engage in an examination of their own lengthy list of sins at this point.
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Well-known member
By this reasoning you would think Israel and Jihadist ☪ would align to take out the West? It appears the other way right now. Though nothing is as it appears regardless.
they are all in unity . iran and israel have been displacing arabs for decades together. the arab league is controlled by the same monetaryy system . it is all theatre . they do all work together in union . the monetary system funds and controls all sides of these equations people make .


Well-known member
i understand it is much simpler for people to point at individuals and lay the blame, but the reality is that is the goal , and exactly as intended . distraction

So Hai

Well-known member
I don't deny that there's been persecution, that there are antisemites who target jews.

But when a person fucks up, they are culpable no matter the knee-jerk behavior they've adopted for deflection, excuses, and the assumptions that anyone who finds something wrong with the behavior of one who travels under that somewhat broad umbrella, is thereby antisemitic. Seems like a pretty shallow and cheesy attempt at a 'get-out-of-jail-free' card.

As opposed to those who criticize the 75 years of actions in reference as being anti-theft, anti-land theft, anti-discrimination, anti-apartheid, anti-murder, anti-delusional greed, anti-rape, anti-narcissism, anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism .... etc. all of which are currently valid criticisms of Israel's piss-poor behavior for the last 75 years.

If they wish to accuse others of being 'human animals', I'd recommend the Nationalist Zionist fascists engage in an examination of their own lengthy list of sins at this point.
Yes there are antisemites such as Hitler and the ICC who target jews for being jewish. Leaving aside the fact that the jew is not a semite, the accusation always stand against a reaction to some form of action (such as ritual murder or genocide) by the jew.

A hundred years ago it was fashionable to call oneself an antisemite, but this was from perceiving the jew as being of a semitic race rather than a social construct seeking to take the place of the semitic palestinian people through genocide.

Today it would be better to simply level the accusation back at them. As for the accusation of goyim being human animals, it is not an accusation in such sense but a religious concept of judaism concerning all non-jews as only the jew is defined as human.

So Hai

Well-known member
they are all in unity . iran and israel have been displacing arabs for decades together. the arab league is controlled by the same monetaryy system . it is all theatre . they do all work together in union . the monetary system funds and controls all sides of these equations people make .
Actually Iran is not in the arab league. The islamic revolution in Iran ousted the zionist occupation government that was installed through a coup d’etat in 1953, backed by the US and UK against the elected government go figure. It is almost as if there is a patter with these democrats.

moose eater

Well-known member
They need to start putting these bootlicking dirtbags in a coma for trying to run people over.

That's one big reason I tend to leave my handgun at home when I attend most protests. Too many opportunities to clean the world up a bit. If there's an attempt to run someone over, that -is- assault with a deadly weapon/attempted murder, which -can- legitimize the use of lethal force.

But in the event such things are necessary and in presence of an armed individual, as the Alaska State Troopers told me about 43 years ago, just make sure the bullets enter the windshield and not the back window of the aggressing vehicle; one is self-defense, and one is not.
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moose eater

Well-known member
Yes there are antisemites such as Hitler and the ICC who target jews for being jewish. Leaving aside the fact that the jew is not a semite, the accusation always stand against a reaction to some form of action (such as ritual murder or genocide) by the jew.

A hundred years ago it was fashionable to call oneself an antisemite, but this was from perceiving the jew as being of a semitic race rather than a social construct seeking to take the place of the semitic palestinian people through genocide.

Today it would be better to simply level the accusation back at them. As for the accusation of goyim being human animals, it is not an accusation in such sense but a religious concept of judaism concerning all non-jews as only the jew is defined as human.
I don't believe the ICC is opposed to Jews. Hitler obviously was.

I understand what Goyim refers to, yet I have been treated with respect, dignity and hospitality by both practicing and non-practicing Jews. And my politics and metaphysical beliefs are often not a secret. Just as I have been treated warmly by Iranians, Arabs, and others, and when not, it was more of a personal beef than a generic one.

Hence, my belief that much of this rejection of others and diminishing of their place in humanity, whether Goyim or Infidels being regarded as 'human animals', rests with the more narrow-minded fundamentalist extremists, such as those I referenced as Nationalist Zionist fascists who support apartheid.

I have nearly daily correspondence these days with an old fishing friend, with whom I've been on the Gulf of Alaska numerous times and shared the wealth of saltwater fish from that place. His (non-practicing) Jewish wife and he are Dead Heads from way back (I've known them for 44 years, esp. his wife, who I knew before I knew him, before they were married), and his wife is currently a cancer survivor, though with some differences in use of the term, in contrast to myself, a source of commonality.

I live a relatively isolated (intentionally) life, as far as social interactions are concerned. Humanity in general strikes me as inherently dangerous (while having the ability to do miraculous and positive things at the same time; a source of sadness and frustration for me), and often merely for its ignorance as opposed to anything truly malicious in its intentions. Having people, however few, with whom one can exchange stories of the past, well-wishes of the day, occasional or rare food gifts, favors on rare occasion, etc., has been a positive thing, and his and my reacquainting or rekindling of acquaintance/friendship is relatively recent.

A Peruvian (practicing) Jew, (mostly a friend of a friend), in Anchorage, helped me years ago with a cannabis connection and provided hospitality back then when I overnighted repeatedly in Anchorage. There was no animosity inherently or generically borne of that time together, and my politics and metaphysical beliefs, again, being known to most who are familiar with me as a result of years of my activism.

I had Iranian neighbors on the Tanana River in Interior Alaska in the early-1980s. I sold weed, hash (maybe some coke), and even a handgun to the husband; the husband came from wealth and his family were Shaw supporters, whereas I (am/was) not.

There was also an Iranian grad student and his wife in Fairbanks, who was a definite pot head, and I had the opportunity to party and fish with them numerous times and ask deep questions about the Shaw and post-Shaw period. No troubles.

I try to lay blame/culpability at the feet of those who provoke or initiate infractions or violence, and clearly, I differentiate between force used to respond to violence and force initiated in pursuit of personal agendas and greed. Just as the law often differentiates between those things.
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