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Rainbow farms?


New member
Hey everybody, I’m a younger guy but in my high school days I lived around the area. Rainbow farms was a mythological concept none of us were sure of. I know there’s a lot of older cats on here that lived those days. Can anybody shed some light on what rainbow farms was like? What the festival was like? Was the downfall as sad for the Michigan cannabis community as I can imagine?


Active member
Wow! Before your post I'd never heard of it but that is crazy. No doubt some members on here have some interesting things to say about it.


New member
I visited Rainbow Farm in August of 2001, a week before the tragic end of the farm. I had heard that a festival "Roach Roast" was scheduled to
happen in the early fall and went to scout it out prior to gathering some like minded folks to go to the festival with me. I got the opportunity to talk with both Tom and his life mate, Rollie that weekend. Tom took me on a tour of the acreage and told me of their plans for the future. About a week later both Tom and Rollie were dead, murdered by the State Police, led by the A.G. Jennifer M. Granholm (later elected to be Governor), and marksmen from the FBI. Unfortunately this happened only a few days before 9/11 and the news quickly forgot the story of Tom and Rollie. I attended a memorial service, put together by the stoner community a short time later and even went back to the farm about 10 years later with a friend. We were thinking of buying the farm and putting a museum there to celebrate Michigan's cannabis history. The farm had been divided up into small lots and the museum simply wasn't viable. Many of my newfound "cannabis family" return there annually to show our respects.


Well-known member
wow, lived in MI all my life and never knew.

Sadly very few do and that's the way they like it. If Jennifer Granholm's Wikipedia mentioned the Rainbow Farm Siege as Janet Reno's mentions the Waco Siege, one would hope their political careers would have met the same fate. There is nothing worse than a politically climbing lawyer IMHO


Well-known member
The Farm was amazing! It is still to this date the most open cannabis festival i have ever been too! The sheer amount of top notch genetics was unbelievable!


Well-known member
Time for a new venue?

I own a farm in the NW lower, a few miles from the coast...Who is good at organizing these type of things?


Well-known member
I choose to stay home this weekend to read and reminisce our history as High Times threw their first post rec law Cup up in Clio. Protest to profit :-(


Hemp Aid 1997 at Rainbow Farm


Hemp Aid 1999 at Rainbow Farm



  • Burning Rainbow Farm.jpg
    Burning Rainbow Farm.jpg
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Well-known member
Yeah I miss that place. The pic of Tom and Rollie leaning on the tractor has been my avatar as long as I can remember. It may have always been. And I remember Doug quite well, he always had a variety he called 911 that was super good, and a great old haze variety as well. We would puff out of his corn cob pipe on the porch of the general store. I was pretty young still back then, so it is burned in my memory well.


Well-known member
I wish I would have noticed this last week. But after visiting the website, the no sales or consumption on site crap is in direct contrast to the original way of the farm.
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