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Green Squall

Well-known member
Is kratom affective for alcoholism?

I can't give a straight forward answer to that since it effects people differently, but I've read many accounts of kratom helping people abstain from alcohol and drugs. Reddit has a great Kratom sub with tons of good info on it. Think of the stuff as more of a tool and not a cure.

St. Phatty

Active member
City of Wilmington, State of North Carolina. The lawyers are interfering with out right to convey anecdotal experiences and observations.

It becomes so obvious that the Drug War is a make-work program for idiots.

Not referring to the people getting arrested.

There's one criminal defense attorney at the Y. Always has a big smile, makes lots of money from the town's daily arrests of young people trying to make a living.

One friend got nailed by a felony for meth possession as a youngster, which has followed him his entire life.

Let all the asshole cops & attorneys go pick coffee in Brazil.

Or fight fires with inmates for $2 a day.

Or, better yet, they can fly to Afghanistan and learn how to extract opium sap ! One of the world's lowest paying professions.


Active member
Is kratom affective for alcoholism?

You should look at multiple methods because more approaches can give you a higher success rate. I had some learning psych classes in school. You can find out basic behavior science, like training dogs (all animals have the same reward circuits to shape behavior), by googling "learning psych", or "operant conditioning", or "classical conditioning". Once you understand those dynamics you can try using something like kratom, exercise, etc as the reinforcement instead of booze. You want lasting success take the time to get familiar with learning psych. It'll help you navigate and it shows that you might have relapses so don't beat yourself up, just pick yourself up, and try to get back on to the game plan that you make for yourself after studying learning psych. It's all about learning new behaviors.


ICMag Donor
Is kratom affective for alcoholism?

alcoholism is a mental illness. Notice the word. Illness. Ilnesses can be cured. Once the illness is cured you won't be asking that.

The ama classifies alcoholism as a disease. Disease is not cured .Hence the scams from ocean front "treatment" centers with failure rates of over 98% ( but you can do yoga and "stuff") You can stumble into an na or aa meeting and there you may fail only 90% of the time.

Yet in all these decades, all these centuries only 100 men and women discovered what works about 70 years ago.

Try bigbookstepstudy. Find a local big book group if one exists nearby, move to where one exists if you have to. After all if it's that serious then you should have no problem with doing that and if not then hopefully you'll be one of the ones who doesn't need to


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Quality weed can curb excess alcohol use. Im sure kratom can as well. I mean, if it works for opioid abuse, it certainly can work for booze


Quality weed can curb excess alcohol use. Im sure kratom can as well. I mean, if it works for opioid abuse, it certainly can work for booze

I think I smoke less since kratom. I usually take kratom for working, and cannabis for relaxing.
I really want to get a hold of an "up", "energizing" sativa, drop the kratom.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
alcoholism is a mental illness. Notice the word. Illness. Ilnesses can be cured. Once the illness is cured you won't be asking that.
Correct. "Illness" is the initial cause, leading to addiction of the substance/activity which eases the symptoms of the illness. When you cure the original illness, the addiction goes away unless the body has become chemically dependent.

Cure the illness and clean out the chemical dependency. Addiction gone.



Well-known member
All I know about Kratom is that it's what got me clean from my 5 year opiate addiction. I was doing everything. Started out with opium, found it near impossible to procure after that one time incident, moved on to pharmacutical opiates, "weak" ones at first, hydrocodone, percocets, etc... moved on to morphine pills, dilaudids, oxys, opanas (my favorite), got clean for a month or two, then got introduced to heroin by the same person who convinced me to get clean to begin with, moved on to IV use, even after I quit heroin, I was taking at least 50-100mgs of hydrocodone daily. Obviously withdrawals suck and I had enough of it.

Heard about Kratom, nothing but positive reviews, ordered some overnight, ceased opiates that day, drank it as needed, ordered in overnight shipping heavily at first as needed, until I was no longer suffering withdrawals. (The Kratom immediately took away my opiate withdrawals, as well as constricted my pupils and made me feel like I was on around 5-10mg of morphine). I'd still get withdrawals while I was getting off the actual opiates, but as soon as that stopped I'd experience no withdrawals or craving for Kratom, so I ceased ordering it, with the peace of mind knowing that if I ever felt the need to relapse, or experience the opiate bliss, I could simply order Kratom.

Unfortunately, it shortly got banned in my state a few years later, so to my friends from my hometown who also wanted to get clean from their opiate addiction (it overtook my entire town, and state), the option of Kratom was no longer available to them.

In the country I currently reside in, Kratom is banned as well, which is a shame, but I have been 100% opiate and kratom free since Spring of 2011. (I was however prescribed codeine/promethazine syrup in 2016 for bronchitis, but I didn't abuse it, and while I did feel a short glimpse of opiate pleasure, I felt no craving or desire to to procure more)

It's a shame that they keep on banning plants that are not only medicinal, but beneficial, but it's all because the pharmacutical companies would lose billions, rehab clinics would lose millions, and prisons and jails would lose millions. They want the world addicted to opiates IMO.


Well-known member
They sell kratom at the liquor store but they only sell it in like 90 dollar lbs or kilos.i can't afford something I don't even know is gonna have a positive affect..I'd like to try it but I can't find a smaller quantity of it.is it easy to grow?


They sell kratom at the liquor store but they only sell it in like 90 dollar lbs or kilos.i can't afford something I don't even know is gonna have a positive affect..I'd like to try it but I can't find a smaller quantity of it.is it easy to grow?

Around here, it's sold at every head/smoke shop. And a few gas stations run by Indians.

Smoke shop sells 100 g for $35-$45. Or half that amount for same price if put in capsules.
Internet is cheapest place to order.

I've tried to sprout seeds a few times, but they molded each time.


Active member
Hey Shithawk. I’ve been using almost daily for a few months now. For me, my tolerance hasn’t gone up at all. I found 3-3.5 grams to be my sweet spot and it has stayed that way. So I can go through between and 1/8-1/4 oz a day while skipping a day here and there.

I order from KrackenKratom. Shipping is included in their prices and they always have some promo going on for 10-30% off. They sell oz for around $8-12.

I’ve never tried growing from seed but have read that they have very low germination rates and are very challenging to get going. Buying a rooted cut would be the easiest way to go. Very easy going plant once established. They like hot and humid weather. Frost will kill them. Check out that zodiacbotanicals website in Militia420’s signature a page back if you’re interested. He was cool with me. You can also try Craigslist for local options but have to play with the wording because they filter the searches—Mitragyna speciosa.


Shithawk, we only buy the 100 g jars, when we are late getting our kilo in the mail.
Between my wife and I, a 100g jar last about two and a half days. I don't weigh out doses. I use a spoon and dump in a heaping spoonful. (They call it "toss and wash"). I usually take two or three spoonfuls 3-6 times a day. No set dose, just take more when I feel the energy wear off. I don't take much at all once I get home from work.

Supposedly red "strains" or more for relaxation and rest, instead of energy. But, I don't really notice any "downer" effect.

With me, it seems that I quickly build tolerance to the same "strain" so we purchase multiple varieties.


Active member
I think I smoke less since kratom. I usually take kratom for working, and cannabis for relaxing.
I really want to get a hold of an "up", "energizing" sativa, drop the kratom.

I'm such a fiend for a good sativa that it's actually caused some of my own insomnia problems. I love every thing about sativa's, staying sharper, the flavor, smell, and the general lack of slamming my lungs the way most good indicas do.

I have a venomdog yield that is my go to indica, but it doesn't have that "pinch" in the lungs that a stronger indica usually has. I need to grow out some hard hitting indica in the future though to make a night time switch, and I'll probably just make edibles out of it because I ain't joking about my lungs and the pinch from vaping or smoking. Ever since I was young I remember and hated that pinch. It might be part of a slight sensitivity or allergic kinda reaction (I say allergic because even with my sativas I noticed I would get some slight asthma during my fresh trimming sessions, any body else ever get this??? I think it's the terpenes and what's called "phenol sensitivity").

On that note, man I just did a Hawaii winter trim on my kratom plants to have half of them ready for spring and I have a shit load of leaves waiting to be ground up!

Any other kratom growers ever grind up the harvested plant limbs to try to make tea? I noted sucking on the lightest green, new growth has a very bitter flavor to it and it packs a punch, so I figure the larger limbs may actually work well as a kind of traditional chinese medicine kinda thing. I have TCM whole herbs that are straight up HARD branches that my one grinder only grinds so much ( I have an industrial pulverizer on the way that is specifically intended for powdering straight up branches). I will report back to every one in a month or more, however long it takes these chinese to get off their asses and ship that pulverizer to me (this kinda thing https://www.ebay.com/itm/DF-20-Auto...998753?hash=item2802ff9f61:g:vNkAAOSwHnFVwHqB )

If it does what I think it'll do, it means less waste and more resource for hobby or serious growers. It might require doing an extract on that material, but, who knows. Maybe I should start what would likely be a slow thread on hobby kratom growing and processing the stuff. Would any one else be interested or able to contribute so it wouldn't become a dead thread...?


Active member
Thanks CannaRed.ill look around.how long will 100g last? I've heard tolerance builds fast

I've never had a big problem with tolerance from kratom or hydrocodone. The trick that I've found comes from dosing on the half life of the substance you're relying on.

It reduces the extra "high" or the "low" that hits you as you near the half life. Do some googling on pharmacokinetics and you should find some images of dosing schedules. It's similar to a rectified AC electric circuit. The timing is set where you're riding the bulk of the arc of effect at a certain level that deals with the pain, but doesn't go much higher. The fluctuations in dosing by doing it too soon or too late can cause side effects. Dosing too early can make you get more, unneeded effect, and then if you dose even a little later the next time you're gonna feel like you need more to get the relief you want, and it's all because you increased the timing dosing before the half life.