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Coastal Seed Co Oaxacan Colombian

Rory Borealis

Well-known member
Okay so they're hung up. But is it so hard to send a brief email explaining that? Its a sloppy way to do business. I'm glad you've had luck with them but its the first and last time they get my money
Underground Seeds, Zomia and others would greatly benefit from hiring a full time person to answer emails and handle tech issues. It begins to feel like the stereotypical lazy pothead/good heart/bad business acumen nonsense.


Well-known member
I would just settle for some transparency

Hey guys. Were really busy right now. Before you order please know that interactions will be limited and it may take a very long time to get you your seeds

See if they just did that the patient stoners would proceed to order and I'd still have my money :D


Well-known member
Well i placed an order for some CG72 and Mangobiche from Underground Seeds 10 days ago and, while they were quite responsive until i sent payment, I haven't heard a thing from them since then. They didn't even respond to the follow up email I put up a few days ago. I don't understand why folks like this think its okay to take someones money and just leave them hanging in the wind like that. Lessons learned. Last time i go through private channels to buy seeds
You will get your seeds. They ship from France. They aren't the type to hand hold while you wait. Show some trust.


Well-known member
Boutique Breeder
Este hilo es muy bueno y gracias a todos los que pusieron información aquí. Las variedades colombianas vuelven a tener una gran demanda y la auténtica oaxaqueña ha sido mi "ballena blanca" desde hace algún tiempo.

Extremo precauciones con cualquiera que venda Puro o Verdadero Oaxaqueño, creo que eso es aún más difícil de encontrar que el verdadero Colombiano. De alguna manera dejé de abastecerme de Oaxaca, tal vez algún día vaya a Oaxaca y encuentre algo...

¿Qué piensan ustedes sobre la genética hippie? Sé que la historia es difícil de digerir (semillas heredadas de papá de una fianza de marihuana importada de los años 70...), pero el cultivo que se muestra alrededor del feno parece legítimo colombiano. Si es una reproducción de alguien o una historia legítima, es otro trato. Podría valer la pena intentarlo.

Me parece interesante no encontrar machos en una línea determinada, lo atribuiría a una posible hembra intersexual autopolinizada, entonces la progenie tendría una tasa más alta de hembras. ¿Qué podría explicar por qué ciertos colombianos ahora tienen el mismo aspecto, el mismo fenotipo dentro de un genotipo tradicional o autóctono? Suena como una línea trabajada. No tengo ningún fenotipo idéntico y estoy trabajando con algunas variedades locales. Un verdadero genotipo autóctono debería tener muchas variantes como resultado de la polinización abierta, desde mi punto de vista y los resultados obtenidos.

Pregunta para Lugo, ¿eres tú el que trabaja con Zomia?
Se supone que Zomia hará un lanzamiento colombiano este año, eso también podría ser genial.

Hola Rob, ¿alguna noticia sobre las semillas?


editar; de ese MBx60sLB saqué 3 semillas, tenía 2 machos y de esa hembra he publicado fotos. No me gustaban los machos, mostraban rasgos de BroadLeaf y me quedé sin espacio, así que tuve que dejarlos ir. No me arrepiento de la decisión, pero es una prueba de que los hombres deberían estar en la fila, especialmente si son habituales. También creo que se ha trabajado hasta cierto punto esta línea, especialmente la vertiente del Lambsbread. Swami no dice nada sobre la fuente de su Mangobiche, ¿podría ser una reproducción de Cannabiogen? quién sabe...
Nuestro colectivo todavía tiene un par de frijoles más de este tipo. Todavía tengo que fumarlo para ver efectos, todavía se está secando.
¡Hola! Todavía quedan algunas buenas variedades de Oaxaca. Está el clon 79 y en el post de variedades locales mexicanas hay amigos que parecen tener genética mexicana antigua. NLD.

Tengo este Oaxacan Gold PS que compré en Proseeds de Cryptic Labs.

También hicieron un gran trabajo con Demon Latcher. (Original Haze x Oro Oaxaqueño)

Es una pena que ya no estén disponibles. Estas variedades no duran mucho...

Me dieron semillas Acapulco Gold x Colombian Gold.

Hacen un gran trabajo y tienen variedades valiosas. Debemos apoyar a este tipo de bancos.

¡Quiero probarlo!

El Pearl-Stem Oaxacan Gold tiene un patrón de crecimiento único en el que crece un solo cáliz a la vez apilados uno sobre otro cubiertos de glándulas de resina brillantes que parecen perlas en un tallo. Esta línea fue seleccionada por el mejor efecto que pensamos de la línea Oaxacan Gold, que es más eufórica y alucinante en cierto sentido. El tiempo de floración puede ser un poco más largo con estas. Alrededor de las 16 a 18 semanas. Algunos duran 20 semanas. El aroma es como de fino incienso y especias con notas cítricas. Casi como el incienso y la mirra. Quemar un porro de ella dejará la habitación con un olor como si se hubiera realizado un ritual horas después de que se apagara el porro. Esta línea es más adecuada para los verdaderos amantes de las sativa que buscan asumir el desafío de una verdadera sativa pura de floración larga con un subidón a la altura.


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Well-known member
I would just settle for some transparency

Hey guys. Were really busy right now. Before you order please know that interactions will be limited and it may take a very long time to get you your seeds

See if they just did that the patient stoners would proceed to order and I'd still have my money :D

its the minimum they should do. just say the truth what ever it may be; " sorry mate we are lazy and travel a lot, the seeds should be sent pretty soon, apologies and to make sure you come back, here is free pack X..."
people buy seeds and spend hundreds of dollars, at least reassure the person they were not robbed and that there are issues in the supply chain. we get it some of these seed suppliers play a one man band, but come on.


Well-known member
¡Hola! Todavía quedan algunas buenas variedades de Oaxaca. Está el clon 79 y en el post de variedades locales mexicanas hay amigos que parecen tener genética mexicana ancestral. LND.

Tengo este Oaxacan Gold PS que compré en Proseeds de Cryptic Labs.

También hicieron un gran trabajo con Demon Latcher. (Original Haze x Oro Oaxaqueño)

Es una pena que ya no estén disponibles. Estas variedades no duran mucho...

Me dieron semillas Acapulco Gold x Colombian Gold.

Hacen un gran trabajo y tienen variedades valiosas. Debemos apoyar a este tipo de bancos.

¡Quiero intentarlo!

El Pearl-Stem Oaxacan Gold tiene un patrón de crecimiento único en el que crece un solo cáliz a la vez apilados uno sobre otro cubiertos de glándulas de resina brillantes que parecen perlas en un tallo. Esta línea fue seleccionada por el mejor efecto que pensamos de la línea Oaxacan Gold, que es más eufórica y alucinante en cierto sentido. El tiempo de floración puede ser un poco más largo con estas. Alrededor de las 16 a 18 semanas. Algunos duran 20 semanas. El aroma es como de fino incienso y especias con notas cítricas. Casi como el incienso y la mirra. Quemar un porro de ella dejará la habitación con un olor como si se hubiera realizado un ritual horas después de que se apagara el porro. Esta línea es más adecuada para los verdaderos amantes de las sativa que buscan asumir el desafío de una verdadera sativa pura de floración larga con un subidón a la altura.

Saludos tio,

que variedades tan esplendidas!, especialmente ese cruce de OTH x OG, vaya que duo. Fijate que no he trabajado mucho con OTH, de hecho son contadas las veces que he cultivado descendientes de Haze (Brainstorm haze, church haze, malawi x PH, SLH). De las Haze me gusta mucho la morada es ahi donde he visto las perlas. Lo que me hace pensar que el que cruzo la Perla Haze con la Perla Oaxaca sabia bien lo que se obtendria.

Me encantaria poner mis conocimientos y manos en geneticas asi. Son para apasionados de la flor y el estimulo del espiritud. Viejas lineas, llevan consigo la energia de siglos de cultivo y esfuerzos de preservacion muy bien hechos.

Fijate yo he encontrado desafios al trabajar mis lineas, mi primer problema fue perder mi genotipo mexicano perdi mis semillas, lo unico que me queda es mi primer cruze entre genotipo mexicano de origen de la Peninsula de Yucatan y el NL Skunk jamaiquino. Tengo esas originales pero no tengo los padres. Por eso mi busqueda de variedades Mexicanas autenticas con flores no comerciales para poder seguir haciendo mi trabajo de seleccion. Los rasgos recesivos de una variedad Mexicana son muy particulares cuando los veo se erizan los pelos. De mi ultima corrida de plantas he logrado identificar un fenotipo con rasgos recesivos mexicanos, esta en revegetacion, quiero guardarlo para cruzar en un futuro con una variedad de Oaxaca, y tal vez la variedad Honduras de Ace.

Todos los mejores deseos en tu exploracion. AG x CG te dara fenotipos bien definidos colombianos o Mexicanos, podras tener lo mejor de 2 mundos.


Well-known member
its the minimum they should do. just say the truth what ever it may be; " sorry mate we are lazy and travel a lot, the seeds should be sent pretty soon, apologies and to make sure you come back, here is free pack X..."
people buy seeds and spend hundreds of dollars, at least reassure the person they were not robbed and that there are issues in the supply chain. we get it some of these seed suppliers play a one man band, but come on.

At the very least they should send their gear to a distributor who can be more responsible. I dont know some people are saying be patient but one member pm'd me and said it took almost three months for his order to arrive. Thats just ridiculous. You live and you learn though. Just Ace and Real Seeds for me from here on out


Well-known member
At the very least they should send their gear to a distributor who can be more responsible. I dont know some people are saying be patient but one member pm'd me and said it took almost three months for his order to arrive. Thats just ridiculous. You live and you learn though. Just Ace and Real Seeds for me from here on out

The Zomia site is still down. Did anyone find out whats


Well-known member
Saludos tio,

que variedades tan esplendidas!, especialmente ese cruce de OTH x OG, vaya que duo. Fijate que no he trabajado mucho con OTH, de hecho son contadas las veces que he cultivado descendientes de Haze (Brainstorm haze, church haze, malawi x PH, SLH). De las Haze me gusta mucho la morada es ahi donde he visto las perlas. Lo que me hace pensar que el que cruzo la Perla Haze con la Perla Oaxaca sabia bien lo que se obtendria.

Me encantaria poner mis conocimientos y manos en geneticas asi. Son para apasionados de la flor y el estimulo del espiritud. Viejas lineas, llevan consigo la energia de siglos de cultivo y esfuerzos de preservacion muy bien hechos.

Fijate yo he encontrado desafios al trabajar mis lineas, mi primer problema fue perder mi genotipo mexicano perdi mis semillas, lo unico que me queda es mi primer cruze entre genotipo mexicano de origen de la Peninsula de Yucatan y el NL Skunk jamaiquino. Tengo esas originales pero no tengo los padres. Por eso mi busqueda de variedades Mexicanas autenticas con flores no comerciales para poder seguir haciendo mi trabajo de seleccion. Los rasgos recesivos de una variedad Mexicana son muy particulares cuando los veo se erizan los pelos. De mi ultima corrida de plantas he logrado identificar un fenotipo con rasgos recesivos mexicanos, esta en revegetacion, quiero guardarlo para cruzar en un futuro con una variedad de Oaxaca, y tal vez la variedad Honduras de Ace.

Todos los mejores deseos en tu exploracion. AG x CG te dara fenotipos bien definidos colombianos o Mexicanos, podras tener lo mejor de 2 mundos.


Well-known member
¡Hola! Todavía quedan algunas buenas variedades de Oaxaca. Está el clon 79 y en el post de variedades locales mexicanas hay amigos que parecen tener genética mexicana antigua. NLD.

Tengo este Oaxacan Gold PS que compré en Proseeds de Cryptic Labs.

También hicieron un gran trabajo con Demon Latcher. (Original Haze x Oro Oaxaqueño)

Es una pena que ya no estén disponibles. Estas variedades no duran mucho...

Me dieron semillas Acapulco Gold x Colombian Gold.

Hacen un gran trabajo y tienen variedades valiosas. Debemos apoyar a este tipo de bancos.

¡Quiero probarlo!

El Pearl-Stem Oaxacan Gold tiene un patrón de crecimiento único en el que crece un solo cáliz a la vez apilados uno sobre otro cubiertos de glándulas de resina brillantes que parecen perlas en un tallo. Esta línea fue seleccionada por el mejor efecto que pensamos de la línea Oaxacan Gold, que es más eufórica y alucinante en cierto sentido. El tiempo de floración puede ser un poco más largo con estas. Alrededor de las 16 a 18 semanas. Algunos duran 20 semanas. El aroma es como de fino incienso y especias con notas cítricas. Casi como el incienso y la mirra. Quemar un porro de ella dejará la habitación con un olor como si se hubiera realizado un ritual horas después de que se apagara el porro. Esta línea es más adecuada para los verdaderos amantes de las sativa que buscan asumir el desafío de una verdadera sativa pura de floración larga con un subidón a la altura.




This is the first stage (2015) of the poly Sativa hybrid Jamaican x Filipino cross I have been growing this past winter.
The first ever cross of this line starts with a Mexican male from unidentified line sourced in Yucatán Peninsula (I can’t call it Oaxaca, but definitely Mexican heirloom).

This dude I crossed with the Jamaican skunk.

This photos are 50/50 phenos which is the closest I can be from Mexican heirloom Sativa, that has been passed down the line even now after crossing that same 50/50 genotype with the new Filipino genotype.

I could really benefit from a pure Oaxaca drop in regular as a male would highly rise that Mexican charm on some of my work. No purple phenos back in the origines, seeing purple now must come from the Filipino side.


Well-known member
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This is the first stage (2015) of the poly Sativa hybrid Jamaican x Filipino cross I have been growing this past winter.
The first ever cross of this line starts with a Mexican male from unidentified line sourced in Yucatán Peninsula (I can’t call it Oaxaca, but definitely Mexican heirloom).

This dude I crossed with the Jamaican skunk.

This photos are 50/50 phenos which is the closest I can be from Mexican heirloom Sativa, that has been passed down the line even now after crossing that same 50/50 genotype with the new Filipino genotype.

I could really benefit from a pure Oaxaca drop in regular as a male would highly rise that Mexican charm on some of my work. No purple phenos back in the origines, seeing purple now must come from the Filipino side.
Seems pretty likely to me that the purple would be coming from the Jamaican. Purple Skunk is pretty ubiquitous on the western half of the island. Strong tendencies towards purple stem, petioles, and some purple tinge to the bracts and even trichomes.

And I think it's very unlikely that something from the Yucatan has any relation to Oaxacan. Very, very different climates and conditions.


Well-known member
Seems pretty likely to me that the purple would be coming from the Jamaican. Purple Skunk is pretty ubiquitous on the western half of the island. Strong tendencies towards purple stem, petioles, and some purple tinge to the bracts and even trichomes.

And I think it's very unlikely that something from the Yucatan has any relation to Oaxacan. Very, very different climates and conditions.

I hear you. Would love me a real Oaxaca and if I can be picky a Highland Oaxaca.


Well-known member
I hear you. Would love me a real Oaxaca and if I can be picky a Highland Oaxaca.

Im really enjoying the Oaxacan that vermontman(green mountain seeds) uses in his crosses. Not sure how "pure" it is but it smells like candy and it has a very friendly up high. Zacatecas Tribute Oaxacan Gold x Big Sur Holyweed


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Well-known member
Im really enjoying the Oaxacan that vermontman(green mountain seeds) uses in his crosses. Not sure how "pure" it is but it smells like candy and it has a very friendly up high. Zacatecas Tribute Oaxacan Gold x Big Sur Holyweed
i bet its fire for sure, anything Oaxaca even 25% its pretty solid. Which brings me to Colorado Sativas? Have you tried them? Had to ask since they carry several types of Mexican.

I don't wanna derail the thread from Coastal seed Oaxaca/Colombia.


Well-known member
I don't want to be a downer but my insinct tells me that most of what we consider Mexican landrace is pretty much gone.

I don't know if people realize that just because something was collected at a certain place; like lets say Oaxaca, that its suddenly that old Mexican classic.

I see the same shit play out here in Colombia with things like lets say a 'Corinto'. Just because some fool acquired a handfull of god knows what they proclaim they've discovered a landrace.

A landrace that apparently survived through time being grown surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of commercial greenhouse growers pushing fast hybrids. Nevermind that most people had never even heard of it or these places until the last 2-3 years. They know who they are and they continue to hang on my every word the parasites but I digress...

In reference to Mexico i'm not sure if its just greed and profiteering from the person or outfit offering that or just willfull ignorance on part of the buyer, trader, grower and/or breeder.

I think its a bit of both in equal shares, the common denominator being greed and prestige.

Ive felt this way for years (call me a pessimist) but understanding as much as one can about the speed and size at which Mexican agriculture works and changes with time wether it be legal or illegal tells me that finding a continuous uninterrupted line or population of Mexican landrace or heirloum is quite impossible.

Unless of course a family, group or even an individual has taken to the task of conserving these genetics for at least the last 30-50 years. Unlikely right?

But Mexico is huge, like they say "como Mexico no hay dos" so one never knows.

What I do know is that one single source showing up with basically every famous Mexican variety ever mentioned all in one shot is most likely BS.

The worst part is that the pollen chucker(s) that used these unverified genetics making any possible, marketable cross they could, give less of a FLICK about the authenticity and provenance of these genetics.

Much less the broker and much less the end grower who willingly falls for it and starts breeding with it, whos so far from the birth of the lie that he feels quite innocent and justifies himself with the whole "thats what they told me" routine.

Ive been exposed to and have reached out to indigenous Oaxacan growers in Mexico and even THEY don't have it so...

I'd say if you wan't a true background (at least late 80's-90's) talk to retired military or cartel personal everything prior to that is pretty much lost to history from what I can gather.

Hope i'm wrong!

PS this is just one mans opinion mind you.



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Active member
@Lugo Well said man, I still have hope for some of these strains, but more than likely they're in a tacklebox, or under a floorboard in an older gentleman's house. When I first started growing the strain "Santa Marta" was available in Europe out of Germany (I believe) I just donated what i had for Colombian gold (which i said earlier ) to a member on here who sells clones, and hopefully will keep them alive for the community, I think there is hope, but its not in the general public, or the places one would typically look, If I was to search for Oaxaca, I'd start looking in Oregon/Washington and from ex military veterans, alot smoked and put the seeds in coffee tins, or like i said their old tackle boxes, and did not grow. I think the search has to be widened to the most unlikely of places, that is where miracles seem to happen :)


Well-known member
I don't want to be a downer but my insinct tells me that most of what we consider Mexican landrace is pretty much gone.

I don't know if people realize that just because something was collected at a certain place; like lets say Oaxaca, that its suddenly that old Mexican classic.

I see the same shit play out here in Colombia with things like lets say a 'Corinto'. Just because some fool acquired a handfull of god knows what they proclaim they've discovered a landrace.

A landrace that apparently survived through time being grown surrounded by hundreds if not thousands of commercial greenhouse growers pushing fast hybrids. Nevermind that most people had never even heard of it or these places until the last 2-3 years. They know who they are and they continue to hang on my every word the parasites but I digress...

In reference to Mexico i'm not sure if its just greed and profiteering from the person or outfit offering that or just willfull ignorance on part of the buyer, trader, grower and/or breeder.

I think its a bit of both in equal shares, the common denominator being greed and prestige.

Ive felt this way for years (call me a pessimist) but understanding as much as one can about the speed and size at which Mexican agriculture works and changes with time wether it be legal or illegal tells me that finding a continuous uninterrupted line or population of Mexican landrace or heirloum is quite impossible.

Unless of course a family, group or even an individual has taken to the task of conserving these genetics for at least the last 30-50 years. Unlikely right?

But Mexico is huge, like they say "como Mexico no hay dos" so one never knows.

What I do know is that one single source showing up with basically every famous Mexican variety ever mentioned all in one shot is most likely BS.

The worst part is that the pollen chucker(s) that used these unverified genetics making any possible, marketable cross they could, give less of a FLICK about the authenticity and provenance of these genetics.

Much less the broker and much less the end grower who willingly falls for it and starts breeding with it, whos so far from the birth of the lie that he feels quite innocent and justifies himself with the whole "thats what they told me" routine.

Ive been exposed to and have reached out to indigenous Oaxacan growers in Mexico and even THEY don't have it so...

I'd say if you wan't a true background (at least late 80's-90's) talk to retired military or cartel personal everything prior to that is pretty much lost to history from what I can gather.

Hope i'm wrong!

PS this is just one mans opinion mind you.


I feel the same way you do Lugo, thats why I started doing my own seeds, if I do the crosses myself I cant be fooled about what is in there.
I don't have plugs or connections to find seeds, I just travel for joy/pleasure and I manifest an opportunity and weed seems to find me and the 3 times I have scored solid bud it has had seeds lots of seeds in the bud. Thats what I am working as a starting point.
The people that have shared their bud with seeds most of the time never mention any particular name, strain, or legend, its just ganja for them, holy smoke, a master plant.

I have been very careful to NOT put iconic names to the cultivars I explore, I don't wanna fool anyone, that ain't my game, I just use the point of origin where I sourced the bud with seeds for reference.
Not everything found in Colombia is a Santa Marta gold, or Corinto, not everything found in Mexico is Oaxaca.

But if one talks to a peasant farmer in a village where no tourist are seen, and that farmer is smoking weed and gives you some seeded bud, would you take his work serious?
That has been my experience and approach to the seeds I have found in my journey. If they are modern hybrids or legendary old school genetics, It doesn't really matter to me because the seeds were handed to me by a peasant farmer like me in another country, so what ever that farmer did I want to find out.

At the moment I am stuck with a Filipino kind, from 2019 till now just checking it out, growing it multiple times in different climates. I wanna do the same with a Mexican but would like to start with a solid base.

Even if the landrace game is done, overkilled... guys like you, me and the many others here and there are trying hard to keep some stuff alive and around, thats worth keeping hope.


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