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Tutorial Autoflowering Guide


Hello everybody!

People think autoflowering plants are so different, and really have to say it has nothing special... anyway I want to write some tips:



1. Autoflowering plants are very grateful, and need, for good production, long days and high light intensity to grow and develop all that plant can give. You must to know that to speed up cycle, are prepared to make the most of available light energy.
Indoors are recommended, depending on the light:
250w (sodium): 20 hours of light, 4 dark.
400w (sodium): 20 hours of light, 4 dark.
600w (sodium): 18 hours of light, 6 dark, or for maximum 20 hours of light and 4 of darkness . Excellent growers, for optimal results even reducing to 16 hours of light and 8 dark.+

2. Outdoors, we recommend from 15 May until 1 August to get the best result if you cultivate in mountain areas, wet and cold. In warmer areas, can be grown outdoors with excellent results from March to November, but increased production will be in summer.

3. Use a substrate loose and fluffy as possible, the more loose and oxygenated, for more rapid expansion of the root system. Outdoors, it would improve our garden with quality commercial substrates we use indoors.

4. If we have to grow in containers, pots should use good size to allow the rapid expansion of the roots, use pots indoors 7-11 L. We recommend 11 liters.


5. Obtain excellent results with a hydroponic system, for example with a drip irrigation system of nutrient solution.

6. Keeping the moisture of the substrate lower than usual. Never drown the plant with irrigation, especially in crops on land. The more loose the substrate, can be watered more. If we use organic fertilizers will be somewhat lower performance, better quality pear.


One of the points that must be clear is that the factor limiting production in a autoflowering is its short growing period (22 to 25) days in most varieties. Knowing this, any mishap or lack of optimal conditions that the plant suffers in this period, it develops prevent 100%, so that the plant would remain small and, of course, greatly reduce production.

Transplants are not recommended in autoflowering, because if the plant stops for some kind of reason normal development (cold stress), take a few days to get back on track. We recommend planting directly into the final pot.

Vermicompost is ideal for the substrate (15-25%), as it will ensure sufficient nutrition for growth and not depend so much of the fertilizations at that stage, with a small risk of fertilizer would ok. Then we would spend to fertilize flowering.

The recommended size for indoor pot usually 7 or 11 liters. Outdoors the maximum would be 25 liters.
Also have to know that their short cycle, usually don’t have salt accumulation problems. And it is best to use preventative products to fight the plague. For example, a neem oil irrigate, when appears second knot, help to create a strong barrier for futures pests.

Here are some things to consider in growing autoflowering, the end of the day, as we said, do not differ much from non-self.

That’s all friends!:biggrin:
So we hope this information be useful and nice for all.


Active member
Very good! Interesting that you find autoflowers so useful in your part of the world. I use them in the great white north.

auto guerilla

what is your picture of buddha seeds? are they your own? they have a blue tinge to them and look beautiful. nice info


Nice post BuddhaSeeds, some good information there!

I am thinking of ordering your new PurpleKush auto, do you reccommend anything special for that plant?


Thank you very much for everybody! :biggrin:
We're trying to add our oficial avatar, we've sent an email to the admin of this forum, and we are waiting his reply or could add it early.


Nice post BuddhaSeeds, some good information there!

I am thinking of ordering your new PurpleKush auto, do you reccommend anything special for that plant?

About Buddha Purple Kush, nothing more to say, if you read this thread is enought.
Buddha Purple kush, is a 100% purple strain, It's a compact plant, with agreat aroma and nice flavor.

We hope you like our purple strain, and the others, and share with us your opinion!

Have a great day!


Nice post
So my plants are 20 days from seed now. So i should start to se some flower soon if i understan your guide


Autoflowering plants start to flowering about 20-35 days (Most of our strains about 22-25 days). It depends of strain you have :)


Autoflowering plants start to flowering about 20-35 days (Most of our strains about 22-25 days). It depends of strain you have :)

Mine are not from your seed bank

They are ak47 femmed from Norden seeds.
So i it can take up to 35 days before they show any flowers
can i effect it by light ? Mine are under 18/6 now.


For optimal results:
250w (sodium): 20 hours of light, 4 dark.
400w (sodium): 20 hours of light, 4 dark.
600w (sodium): 18 hours of light, 6 dark.

If your plants get less hours could be affect.
They take longer to start flowering and harvest, but nothing more.


Well-known member
@BuddhaSeeds, what do you think about training? LST, SCROG, Supercropping?
Which one of these could be more effective for plant? What you can suggest with that kind of question? And maybe more tricks for outdoor? :) What kind of nutrients AF plant loves?


puffin' the herb


8 weeks from seed she is Vertigo from Paradise Seeds , she grows in an 4.5 L container with biobizz light-mix soil + AN Iguana Juice Grow/Bloom + Big Bud + OverDrive + Piranha , she's in the flush stage at this moment and i lst'd her when she was little.Check out the grow journal if your interested in more pictures on how she grew.