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2022 Outdoor Gardening in the Northeast


Not Veteran
All outdoor gardeners are welcome :). I took last year off and had to move my garden so now I am starting from scratch. Planning 6 plants for this area that is almost ready to be amended 3 on each side / front of tree


Then I have this area that I still need to strip and amend to fit 3 more plants


Not Veteran
For amendments so far I got this instead of buying multiple parts it's a mix of everything I want.

Also have 50# of worm castings and 40# gypsum to start
Plan to grab 50# chicken manure and 40# dolomite lime
Gonna mix all this evenly into the top few inches of soil. I plan to top dress through out the season also. Fingers crossed and hopeful for a decent season or at least a good starting point.
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Not Veteran
I am in Massachusetts. I don't plan to put my plants out till mid June especially because this year I don't have a fence up. They are under florescent and almost at 16 hours of light a day. I will end up getting rid of most of what I have for plants to friends.

9 mother's that I grew indoor this year

Clones at least 1 of each mother


passing the gas
good luck with the outs! what are you doing in the old plot?

don't apply dolomite, way too much Mag in it, get some aglime, seashells, or double down on the gypsum. best to get soil tested and I'll help you dial in the amounts of the minerals.

get your poops and organic maatter tilled in before testing though if you go that way...


Not Veteran
Doubling down on the gypsum will probably be easiest so will go that route, thanks chunky. On second thought, i will go the ag lime route for some mg but more so for the ph buffering. Here is the old plot ;):) wife and 3 kids wanted the yard back and a nicer pool area ;) :) you gotta get out here for a swim this summer :)

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Not Veteran
Ended up with a garden thats @ 35' x 10' and I used 60 # of gypsum, 25# rice hulls, 160 # composted cow manure, 30 # bio alive, 60 # worm castings, 5 # kelp, and left over coco and soil from indoor grows. Tilled and amended today waiting for rain tonight to water the area well. Plan to top dress with remaining bio alive and gypsum during the season. Gonna bring my clones out tomorrow to start hardening off for planting in the ground next week. I took the mother's outside today, they will most likely become compost.





Started mine inside in April, had a cold stint, got them out near the end of May. Starting garden is looking good...


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Things are kicking I to gear here in Western Mass, plants are doing well, entering their growing phase where every day is an eyeballs pleasure.


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Not Veteran
Off to a rough start this year but everything is still alive 😁. It started when I put them in the ground expecting 3 days of cloud with showers weather. Well we never got that and instead it was full sun and 85. They were wilted bad every day until this past Sunday where at least they don't look like they will die anymore and are perky at times. Only one of the plants is still drooping hard but noticed some digging around the plant so that could definitely be the reason for it. I think they just need to get their feet under them and they will be good. Gonna water tonight as rain has been hard to come by so far this year.




Worst plant

Green Squall

Well-known member
I haven't taken any pics from the garden yet, but I always keep one plant in a pot on my deck so I can gaze at it while chilling and catching some sun. I'll Probably transplant it early July in a final container. Strain is Charlie Sheen OG (freebie) and next to it is two varieties of sweet peppers.
deck plant.jpg
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Well-known member
This looks really good so far. I have a plot almost the same general size with similar number of plants. I put mine in the ground June 1st about 2/3 the size of yours. Your plants definitely look better and healthier than mine though!

It started when I put them in the ground expecting 3 days of cloud with showers weather. Well we never got that and instead it was full sun and 85.
I'm your neighbor just a tad to the west. The weather has been getting on my nerves big time with the forecast. It will predict rain like 3 days of the week and it almost never ends up raining at all the whole week. Keeps giving me blueballs thinking it will rain hardcore and it rarely does- Just cloudy 70 degree days where I'm at for the past 3+ weeks.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
The summer green colors in these beautiful photographs are so easy on the eye. Green Squall you are blessed to live where you do amid woodland, and doubly fortunate that growing weed is legal such that you can tend a garden of connoisseur-grade cannabis right in your own garden.