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Voglia di caramello


Well-known member
Good morning everyone, happy holidays for those who are on holiday and good day for those who are not on holiday like me. The plant has reached its sixth week after the photoperiod change, it is consuming many nutrients and the buds are getting bigger day after day, the The smell is penetrating but manageable with a good carbon filter and I saved money with Onagel by not putting it on. Of course, if the stench increases I'll have to deal with it and run for cover, as they say safety first.


Well-known member
Hi Apollo I listened to your advice and immediately added another fan, I was able to lower the humidity a little bit now things seem to be better. The buds have grown even bigger and the branches are very bent by the weight but the time has not yet come to cut, today we are 52 days from the change of photoperiod and in my opinion everyone goes there about ten days.


Well-known member
Well, 58 days after the change of photoperiod I decapitated the plant, I thought I had to wait longer but no, maybe also thanks to the heat that made the buds ripen quickly. An excellent harvest of fat and resinous buds has come out, a nice bag of clippings and first choice leaves that will end up in the washing machine to make good ice, what more could you want??!!


Well-known member
Hi Tommy, thank you for visiting and a good harvest has come out, certainly thanks to this well-tested strain that has been around for many years. I had no problem getting it up despite the heat and excessive humidity, yes I did have a hint of botrytis which was promptly eradicated and by adding another fan things went very well. I had the opportunity to give a small taste but I still don't want to make a smoking report because the weed is not completely dry yet, however the first impressions are very positive and powerful, truly a serious strain and sofa enough, in short, to smoke at home quietly or before going to sleep but I repeat my personal report I will do it with very dry buds.


Well-known member
Well, 9 days after cutting, today I packed the truly gourmet product, now I understand why it has won so many awards. Rightly so. Quantitatively it was not a massive harvest even if very satisfying, qualitatively a whole different story and I only smoked a few clippings but it already makes me understand who I'm dealing with. As I said I had the opportunity to smoke a few buds and I realize that this is a high quality herb especially on a medical level, 100% relaxing for those with stress or muscle fatigue problems then this is a real panacea for pain. No paranoia, no negative thoughts just nice and warm sensations that radiate your whole body without weighing it down, it's not a knock out herb but a gentle therapy that gets you high without oppressing and relaxes your whole body. However I have a high tolerance to thc and for those who are not used to it this could put less experienced smokers in a bit of a crisis. With a good curing it will surely improve more but already now its smoke is very smooth and it goes down like a pleasure you almost don't notice it, you really feel your muscles relaxing and the high rises slowly and takes you into a total bliss, I recommend consuming it at home in total tranquility if you abuse it you will certainly no longer feel like doing anything but just getting a good night's sleep. The smell is more or less like the taste, very smooth and quite sweet but not fruity, obviously with a good period in the jar, the aromas and sugars will combine, releasing other scents. For indica lovers and medical patients,


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