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University of Guelph paper- Flushing is a myth!


3rd-Eye Jedi
You should stop showing your ignorance on topics you clearly have little understanding of re "hydro ... lacks the accuracy and leads to unnecessary excess the fate of which can end in plant tissue." Yeah although you can finely tailor a nutrient regime in hydro because all elements are readily bioavailable whereas in soil organic growing it lacks the necessary control because of the need for microbial breakdown and hence unknown quantities. You just stepped right into the idiot pooh. What you are talking about is luxury feeding or feeding to excess which many novice hydro growers do; however, that is a statement on growing skills and not hydroponics.

This is about flushing

I am calling you out for cock blocking a discussion that goes into the uncomfortable area of the differences between hydro and soil interactions without saying or or the other is better. That is the issue. Flushing is a lame duck term taken from old soil container method logy so it never applied to hydro. Only no nothing noobs carry the term like a torch.

However the fate of nutrients in plant tissue does vary powerfully based on methodology. All methods suffer from poor understanding in this manner so there is no superior to be had in this discussion.

Just tons of fear because people are out of their comfort zones and get defensive. I'm not fucking stupid and you are all very easy reads. Wear a kick me sign it would be less obvious.

Anyone adult enough for a productive conversation yet?

Mr. J

Well-known member
This is about flushing

I am calling you out for cock blocking a discussion that goes into the uncomfortable area of the differences between hydro and soil interactions without saying or or the other is better. That is the issue. Flushing is a lame duck term taken from old soil container method logy so it never applied to hydro. Only no nothing noobs carry the term like a torch.

However the fate of nutrients in plant tissue does vary powerfully based on methodology. All methods suffer from poor understanding in this manner so there is no superior to be had in this discussion.

Just tons of fear because people are out of their comfort zones and get defensive. I'm not fucking stupid and you are all very easy reads. Wear a kick me sign it would be less obvious.

Anyone adult enough for a productive conversation yet?

Ya okay but you don't have to be such an asshole about it.


This is about flushing

I am calling you out for cock blocking a discussion that goes into the uncomfortable area of the differences between hydro and soil interactions without saying or or the other is better. That is the issue. Flushing is a lame duck term taken from old soil container method logy so it never applied to hydro. Only no nothing noobs carry the term like a torch.

However the fate of nutrients in plant tissue does vary powerfully based on methodology. All methods suffer from poor understanding in this manner so there is no superior to be had in this discussion.

Just tons of fear because people are out of their comfort zones and get defensive. I'm not fucking stupid and you are all very easy reads. Wear a kick me sign it would be less obvious.

Anyone adult enough for a productive conversation yet?

I really don't care what you are calling me out for. You're an idiot. Block idiot. Bye


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
I want some attention too. Please, somebody?
Maybe PM me?


3rd-Eye Jedi
It's all fun and games 'til somebody gets cockblocked :D

Or it just becomes a waste of time so at least I salvage it by making sure people understand their lack

it's ok everything people don't learn will be easily had for the right money from the seed or bottle salesman
Love this plant
Getting overly emotional isn't a good look
If it don't apply let it fly

I would have never loved Cannabis if it naturally tasted like unflushed hydro does. Or even like clean hydro. I've even vegged in salts and got Part B flavored weed at harvest. That's what I call unflushed,because it smells like petrochemical and natural gas derived salt alkenes that entered the plant and never left. Other people may have arbitrary definitions of zero meaningfulness. Others still may have scientifically know npk values that are proven to elevate metabolite in the end product. But most people are just sheep running around with no original thoughts or observances. They do no fit into the discussion the same way someone with no eye should judge beauty. The number one quality issue with Cannabis is contaminants that are accepted by fake humans. It's proof NPCs are real. We'll go to war against them and Skynet some day I'm sure.

Most would call that unflushed bud I grew "gas" because most are not real humans, they can't tell acetone from a banana milkshake. They can't tell garlic from skunk. They can't tell feet from armpits. They can't tell puke from shit if they eat alot of dominoes. You could piss in their apple juice and as long as the color matched they wouldn't even know.

They can only detect the class of molecule, not the specific molecule or the natural bouquet arrangement of molecules. They detect the disgusting carcinogenic alkane of overfed synthetics, and associate it with the pleasant sweet, sour "if gas was edible and made of lemons" solvent smell that organic growers know.


Well-known member
Flushing variation was only in regards to various water volumes. I have never heard of anyone flushing hydro by flooding the plants with water in greater frequency. They didn't test by using nutrients throughout the life cycle of the plant. None of it simulates what has been common practices reported over the internet since laughing moon and over grow.

Basically touting a facet of abiotic stress as a means of enhancement which has NOTHING to do with nutrients.

Hate to say it but, Weird, you are a major asshole and on top of just being dick, you are a fucking idiot if you are pushing the old flushing myth! What's up next? Are you going to push the old highP myth?


So has anyone tried flushing for themselves and come back to say it's all bunk? Been a while now, haven't seen any. Plenty of grows between the OP and now, seems like if folks really wanted to know for sure they'd have it at this point one way or another. Better off trying it for yourself than arguing about it in here in any case.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Hate to say it but, Weird, you are a major asshole and on top of just being dick, you are a fucking idiot if you are pushing the old flushing myth! What's up next? Are you going to push the old highP myth?

better than thinking a master's thesis for an environmental science degree is a peer reviewed paper on cannabis botany

imagine being too stupid to realize it isn't a paper that has anything to do with flushing

the title

Irrigation Management Strategies for Medical Cannabis in Controlled Environments

show me something peer reviewed


3rd-Eye Jedi
This stupid thread has been dead and buried so many times, it's hilarious how it keeps resurfacing..

Ignorance is born of the sapient mind and growers in particular fear their own ignorance as if it defines them.

However being unwilling to challenge one's own thinking is what defines a person.

Don't worry canna kids, it's not just you! Already caught the PHd's doing the similar things in the market place using their science degrees to push marketing perspectives.

Anywhere there is a chance for human desires to manifest one can expect delusion of ignorance to accompany it.


Yep, people don't want answers they want to argue and feel like the big chief. If they wanted answers they would find out for themselves, and then probably come back here and get called a troll for not being able to explain it like a molecular biology professor. Fact is though talking about gardening will get you nowhere until you apply it, always been that way always will be.

Still waiting for someone to try flushing and come back here to blow the worst smoke they've ever had in my face. Still, still waiting...


3rd-Eye Jedi
I see it as more problematic. There are many real issues that arise from this one phenomenon. It has been going on from the advent of the internet.

One of the greatest is expression within given sets of environmental variables and the effect ignorance has had on the polluting of gene pools.

Yep, people don't want answers they want to argue and feel like the big chief. If they wanted answers they would find out for themselves, and then probably come back here and get called a troll for not being able to explain it like a molecular biology professor. Fact is though talking about gardening will get you nowhere until you apply it, always been that way always will be.

Still waiting for someone to try flushing and come back here to blow the worst smoke they've ever had in my face. Still, still waiting...