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Not sure where to post this. what mistakes are you making raising pets? My dogs are fighting im very stressed and sad 😥

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Well-known member
So how many mistakes are we making 🤔 this shit has to stop the fear the anxiety mental anguish of a breakdown in the relationship with your pets we are always posting dog pictures and r.i.p. my boy or girl we live in harmony with our pets but what mistakes are we making? The simplest behavior like "play fights" or just posturing growling that we think is so cute always look she's a little bully you know or o they just go crazy a bit at the fence its OK they won't bite the box delivery guy and then a fucking fight ....o no its alright they just fight a little bit and stop its okay .....and slowly but surely the behavior escalates..

A crazy fight happen again its the 8th time then two more in the span of a week this time its bad again last time they left her alone the boy and girl I have 3 dogs pitbulls....why why are they fighting one dog gets hurt and they gang up on one then damn the worst fear is to have to put your dog down euthanasia or you keep him train him you can give him away but only one thing will solve the problem whats your choice choose your poison will you run or will you face your fear?

Holy shit man owning pets ain't a joke this is some serious shit and its all my fault. too much affection not enough discipline bad manners bad experiences bad exercise habits at home or when out and about.

Do your dogs fight? Do you keep dogs separate permanently these three dogs I have are a pack one boy two girls all pitbull with different personalities and 99%of the time they are good but it's In these attacks these moments of 1% instability really makes you see life in a different way.
You can't feel sorry for the dog over your security you are the pack leader they will do what you say but there's a way to communicate a right way.

Most of the time we just let them join again my dogs one of the girls has been attacked. you know we Are at fault we got lazy and developed bad manners but does it have to mean its the end of the world?
Holy shit its been a hectic week 3 fights now we are scared we are stuck in this mud and if we don't get out that's it we're finished what would you do? Turn to compost or fight to get out? That's how I feel about this situation problems with your dogs how many people have dog trouble at home?

think about who really is at fault who is controlling who? You have your connection to your dogs they understand your emotions your not talking always. talking is for humans most of the time its your body language and demeanor that your dog sees then yes he will learn words. If your happy they are happy dogs they remember things but they ain't people you know?
I highly recommend that people watch cesar millan or anyone really but this guy the dog whisperer has a new show on national geographic I bought a Disney plus subscription for 16$ and now I'm watching some shows I first was reading and relying on you tube but it's worth it its many TV programs you watch when you have time. You only get a little bit of info reading and watching clips but also you need to do the things you learn don't just focus on learning you need practice.

It's a new season. Season 2 right now he says right away the pandemic completed many packs the shelters are empty but now we need to teach people how to live in harmony just watch it man it helps but you can't be lazy can't feel sorry fir your pet but also you can't live in fear forever

So tell us about your pet troubles I know you have them stop lying to yourself lol....the is called Better Human better dog
I guess it's also the other way bitter humans bitter dogs.
You can watch free on abc.com I bought the Disney thing for more TV options I don't have cable just the digital antenna and phone to watch tv
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Bubba Zanetti

Active member
They are pitbulls they were bred to fight in pits, you can never breed it out of them just like a gun dog will always go for a bird.

Only tards keep dogs bred for fighting then wonder why they don't stop fighting.

Its people like you that end up having someones baby ripped to pieces because you know nothing about dogs and think its sane to keep something bred to rip rabbits heads off as a domesticated pet to cuddle.

Put down your vicious chav gangster twat killer dog breeds bred to kill and do nothing else and go get a proper dog like a collie you don't even need a lead for you numpty.

Be reading about you in the news soon...


Well-known member

Boff! Bonk! Pow! Kick em! Scold em while their down.​

Consider yourself chastised. ;-)

I'd make my pack smaller and quickly figure out how to become the Alpha pack member if I were you. :)
Big bulldogs can be sweet as pie or mean as hell, depending on how/whether they are properly instructed on desirable correct behaviours as young dogs.
I wish you luck solving your aggression problem.

Vandenberg :)
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Autistic Diplomat in Training
They are pitbulls they were bred to fight in pits, you can never breed it out of them just like a gun dog will always go for a bird.
You obviously have more experience with news channels than owning dogs. Your media hype assessment of "The pitbull" is so wrong it's offensive. A pitbull is what you want to put in your yard with your kids... so other ignorant people don't fck with them. ;)


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Start watching Caesar Millan videos, because he deals with dogs of owners who need information.

Attempting to calm your dog down and reassure them after they've growled at, barked at or attacked someone tells the dog they're "Doing the right thing!"

When your dog growls at ANYthing they should be ignoring, the pack leader is supposed to give them a corrective bite. You can do this by firmly jabbing 2 fingers into their ribs while giving them the "quiet!" signal. (whatever you choose which is distinctive and easy for the dog to remember) With time and consistent application, the dog will quit growling at things it is supposed to ignore.

It's called discipline. Your dog wants a specific set of rules to follow, and a consistent application of those rules. When you change them too much the dog often tries to become the pack leader, and lets face it most dogs suck at it.

Edit: I directly assisted with the retraining and re-homing of 52 dogs over a 7 year period. Most of them were red-zone cases where we were their last chance before being put down. In all cases the problem was the ignorance of the human owners and not the dogs natural behavior.


Well-known member
Yea man I'm not a newbie no I'm not going to make a smaller a pack 😒 my dogs and I have a bond we understand each other
They are pitbulls they were bred to fight in pits, you can never breed it out of them just like a gun dog will always go for a bird.

Only tards keep dogs bred for fighting then wonder why they don't stop fighting.

Its people like you that end up having someones baby ripped to pieces because you know nothing about dogs and think its sane to keep something bred to rip rabbits heads off as a domesticated pet to cuddle.

Put down your vicious chav gangster twat killer dog breeds bred to kill and do nothing else and go get a proper dog like a collie you don't even need a lead for you numpty.

Be reading about you in the news soon...
Fuck you fool I bark too what the fuck are you talking about theirs no babies loose on my property you don't know me Put your self down do what you want you think maybe parents are responsible for their kids yea my dogs would definitely kill you if you walked in to my house or if your stupid and have your dog out or let your fucking kid or cat or you if you get close yea my dog will go at you. All three will work as a pack and kill if I let them so what?

Your walking a fucking dog without a lead? It's dumb fucks like you that are being irresponsible your dog better stay away from me I'm not out to cuddle other people's fucking dogs I'm out to exercise I'm not their walking so peoples dogs attack me or bark at us they let their stupid fucking little dogs out to take a shit loose because they are " tame" won't attack that's bullshit my dogs could have killed many dogs in this neighborhood I could kill many dogs I'm in texas you can kill an attacking animal I have not come out on the news but if you hear about me its how my pit bull saved my life already twice from pit bull attacks I'm not a fucking pussy I'm ready to kill too its my right.....

Man this fucking guy yea thanks for the encouragement to the 👍positive vibration dudes and fuck off if your being stupid about It ...watch your fucking babies and your off leash cuddly animal your part of the problem I want my family to get along and if I have to defend with deadly force I can do it yes my dog is a weapon so what?

And for the record pit bulls were bred to pit bulls literally they came from Spain do some research.
I see what I'm doing wrong why worry about me worry about yourself I know you aint perfect its not all sunshine Rainbows and lollipops in this fucking life
My dogs have bad manners need obedience calm walking and hunt pulling but harmony at home no fights we are the pack leaders not them they will do what you let them do anyway ill be back posting here and other threads I need to update its getting close croptober I can harvest now! Man I'm I a bit more relaxed now

Would I ever let a baby or someone the dogs don't know outside by themselves? No the dogs dont know them . Is it my fault when others are being irresponsible with their kids and pets? No ....is it my responsibility to protect myself and my family? Yes

You think you can walk your dog off leash in a neighborhood? He'll no you will get a ticket in a dog park ok cool, people get kicked out for being irresponsible having aggressive animals

Let your dog go outside loose or go walk him loose and confident in the neighborhood your ass will get a ticket I don't give a shit if its a toy dog. O you didn't get a ticket you say that's because no one called the police when they should. I don't care how nice how trained how tame dogs off a leash are an owners responsibilities if your dog gets hurt by a loose dog its both of your fault. Do you let your cat out to provoke dogs? Because having loose cats is your problem you want to risk them being run over or killed don't blame people if your both at fault I can keep going but long posts don't get much attention or reading sometimes ......I'm slowly seeing seeing my mistakes I refuse to give up

P S pick your dogs shit up stop letting them shit in the neighborhood thats the main reason these tiny aggressive dogs or calm small dogs are let outside by stupid owners. Low fences are another problem keep your fucking dogs from escaping or else the tragedy will be for you.........
Smoke break!
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Well-known member
In conclusion I need to work on many skills having dogs is not a hands off minimum effort task they are a part of my life and I need to back to exercise discipline then affection their was zero discipline or almost zero lots of bad habits and bad manners. They do listen to us they do live in harmony in many ways their is lots of good things and they better fucking listen or else....


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
Not all pit bulls are the same..I have had game bred pit bulls since I was 19years old and they have to be kept separated..game bred put bulls are not for everyone, get yourself Ams Staff instead.


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Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
And for the record pit bulls were bred to pit bulls literally they came from Spain do some research.
The American Pit Bull Terrier was created in the USA not Spain folks and that's a fact..


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Well-known member
if both of your dogs are female, you are always going to have trouble. two males will growl and show their teeth and carry on, but normally won't do any damage. when two bitches go at it, someone if not both of them will need stitches and/or surgery...


Well-known member
Premium user
You might want to seek out the services of a qualified dog trainer in your area. I trained dogs professionally for about 10 years and I trained more than a few pits. Most were wonderful dogs and good pets. However, there were a few that were not so easy. Each of those 2 types of dogs would be handled differently. And, without actually being there with your dogs, I could not begin to give any advice. And, any advice you get from someone who is not right there with you and your dogs to evaluate both you AND the dogs.... could very likely be giving wrong advice.

What works for one dog and handler might not work with another dog and handler. Especially since your dogs seem to have at least one issue to address.

Look for a good trainer with at least 10 to 15 years experience. Stay away from big box pet stores. Sometimes they have an OK trainer but it's a stepping stone for most trainers so I would look for someone who is self employed and has been in business for at least 10 years. If they managed to support themselves for 10+ years by training dogs, there's a fair chance that they know what they are doing.

Good luck


Well-known member
I have a presa Canario that experiences sleep startle reflex. It is a trait found in some ancient dog breeds. It usually is not a problem. But she has woke up growling a few times but always seems to feel guilt as soon as she notices. Anyways. A few days ago not thinking about it (because she as never bit anyone) I layer right in front of her nose to nose. And got myself chomped. I feel more bad for her than myself. I know she has no control of it.


Well-known member
You will also get idiots telling you that these big dogs need a smack,to control them,or they,ll take over ur house,don't listen to them,u should never hit ur dog,the only thing that it teaches a dog is to resent u.u want the dog to obey out of respect not fear.good luck,hope u get it sorted 76


Well-known member
Premium user
Hitting or kicking your dog is almost NEVER a good idea. LOL

We used a 'twitch' on the lead as a correction. Supposedly, it simulates the nip on the neck that mom would give her puppy if he were misbehaving.

I have seen a ton of other methods from remote collars to clicker devices. Most of them will work if they are used properly and consistently. The key here is IF USED PROPERLY.

I think every dog and handler should go through a basic obedience class. It creates a bond and establishes the hierarchy between you and your dog.


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
I have game bred pit bulls since I was 19 and now I'm pushing 60..I have also met a lot of famous game bred pit bull breeders..All my dogs can/will be big dogs in the yard but there can only be 1 top dog in the yard and that's me..I never hit my dogs but I will slap them on the snout and say no if they are doing something I dont want them to do..


Well-known member
Most dangerous dog breed lists place these at the top.
I just pulled a list made over 12 years.
These kill someone every 2 weeks
The rotty every 4 months
German Shepherd every 9

That's in order. Not bites but kills.
I think I will take three please.
Oh yeah, banned here.

It's refreshing to see dog owners posting from the prospective their dogs are dangerous. Generally owners think they are the alpha, not the meal ticket. Until it comes to a face off.

Sell them. Your chances of getting killed are about as obvious as anybodies ever have been.


Well-known member
Many dog owners make me want to gag. Little 'poopsie tootsie wootsie' is so out of control, jumping and pawing on people...stop it poopsie, but poopsie won't, so the 'owner' lures the dog away with a treat, Yay, rewarding poopsie for bad behavior. These are some of the people that think they should get a high risk dog and think that the dog will 'respect' them.

ANY dog can be dangerous. I recall a little chi-terrier mutt thing, that ran the household, and was a real biter. NOT my dog, ha.

We were trained to obedience train dogs from the time we were smaller than dogs...gosh, i must've been about five years old. GSD's, and we sure as heck were not taught to make a 'poopsie' dog. Believe me, these dogs learned some control, they didn't run you over at feeding time, they sat back until they were told it was okay to feed. Of course, they would have run us over when we were really small, but dad was the alpha, and he watched over and taught those dogs to behave for us. We were taught the silent signals, and didn't have to yell at the dogs, they knew the signals.

I definitely don't advise high risk breeds for 'newbies'. Nor do i think that anyone should think that a television show is somehow superior to a good trainer of trainers. Just my opinion...
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