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Cloning Feminized Autos and Reversing the Sex on the Clones with STS for Pollen


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I am having thoughts.....

I am going into week 6 and 3 of the 7 plants have not even shown sex yet. The others are all well on their way. These are all supposed to be autos.

Should I NOT pollinate those plants? Eventually, they will probably flower. Or, I can shorten the light cycle and try to force them. BUT, will these 'late flowering' traits be passed through to the seeds? Or will the seeds take after the pollen donor which flowered in only a couple weeks and was finished in less than 8 weeks?

I am having thoughts of taking these 3 plants out of the project and put them elsewhere.


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Everything I am doing is from commercial seeds purchased from a seed bank.

None of this is my creation (yet). LOL The only thing that's mine is when I took a Feminized Auto White Widow that I grew from a seed that I purchased from a Seed bank and reversed it for pollen.

I run 19 hrs on 5 hrs off lighting.

Out of the 3 plants that are not flowering.... I think the AK47 was mislabeled when I bought it. I asked the seedbank (Seed Supreme) if there rather cryptic code number on the package (see attached pic) was for sure Auto and they said yes but I still think they are full of shit. So, the AK47 might not eve be an auto at all.

The Super Silver Haze that's not flowering is also from Seed Supreme and I have grown this one before and it was also a late flower and a long finish.

The Northern Lights is from CannaGenentics Bank and I have grown this one 3 or 4 times and it's awesome (for an auto) but this is a new vial of seeds from them so this crop might not be very good at being an 'auto'.

The 4 that flowered are from 420 Fastbuds and Sweet Seeds. Both have been very reliable autos in my short experience. I never grew autos before I moved out here to SoCal a few years ago. Now, my space forces me to grow some autos.

Thanks for the input.


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Little update. I am in week 3 of pollination using that White Widow pollen I collected earlier. I'm dusting every 2 or 3 days. One more dusting and I am done. All the strains are on a different schedule which has been a pain in the ass. You can see in the first pic how the Trainwreck (front/right) is in full bloom and the Girl Scout Cookies (left/rear) is really just getting started.

I tossed 3 of the strains because they were so late flowering. They went outside on the patio to finish.

I have seed pods on all 4. No brown seeds yet but I see a little shiny green seed through the crack in some of the seed pods on the Trainwreck and the Crystal Candy. I plan to let them run another 4 to 6 weeks and see what I have. Last time I went 6 weeks and the seeds were nice and mature.

The seedlings are 9 of my White Widow self'd seeds. Just wanted to make sure they were viable. All 9 seeds spouted. :)

The seedling in the large pot is a Sour Diesel I plan to self.

So, I should have seeds for :

Trainwreck x White Widow
Crystal Candy x White Widow
Girl Scout Cookies x White Widow and
Zour Apples x White Widow


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Here is something I don't remember seeing in the past. The plant is doing well and flowers are forming nicely all over the plant.... except for a couple branches.

No big deal and it's not affecting anything but I'm just curious what it is and why. I assume it's a breeding/pollination thing of some sort.



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Looking good @Ringodoggie. It will be interesting to see how your feminized auto-flower seeds turn out using STS.

These are the plants grown from the seeds I made with the STS reversal. The one plant front left is a Sour Diesel, not the White Widow. All the others are from my seed batch.

Pretty consistent. Looks like the back row is developing more dense flowers than the front row but that might just be the difference in light exposure. I am still chasing that leaf necrosis but overall the plants are doing OK.

This is week 6 from sprout. The donor matured in about 10 weeks. We'll see as time goes on.



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Well, I harvested these 4 plants a few days ago. I looked through the buds yesterday and it looks like a pretty good share of mature seeds so I am hopeful. I am going to process it today if it's dry enough.

How do you guys separate seeds from buds?

The only way I have found is to dry the pot 'cracker dry" and then crumble the buds. After that I just roll the seeds out of the dust.

However, this makes the pot pretty undesirable to smoke. I smoke mostly for taste and dried pot tastes like shit. Like an old stale cigarette. LOL

Any better suggestions for separating seeds from buds?


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Well, I harvested these 4 plants a few days ago. I looked through the buds yesterday and it looks like a pretty good share of mature seeds so I am hopeful. I am going to process it today if it's dry enough.

How do you guys separate seeds from buds?

The only way I have found is to dry the pot 'cracker dry" and then crumble the buds. After that I just roll the seeds out of the dust.

However, this makes the pot pretty undesirable to smoke. I smoke mostly for taste and dried pot tastes like shit. Like an old stale cigarette. LOL

Any better suggestions for separating seeds from buds?

I would say that would be the way to go.. however as for smoking the residual leftovers, I really wouldn't bother. But if you really wanted to get something from it, then I reckon making edibles from said leftovers.


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Well, I harvested these 4 plants a few days ago. I looked through the buds yesterday and it looks like a pretty good share of mature seeds so I am hopeful. I am going to process it today if it's dry enough.

How do you guys separate seeds from buds?

The only way I have found is to dry the pot 'cracker dry" and then crumble the buds. After that I just roll the seeds out of the dust.

However, this makes the pot pretty undesirable to smoke. I smoke mostly for taste and dried pot tastes like shit. Like an old stale cigarette. LOL

Any better suggestions for separating seeds from buds?
I roll or push the seed out of the green bud. My last harvest was only about 200 viable seeds. The others I tossed so it wasn't a huge seed harvest. I grow way more than I use. Therefore, I throw out any plants I use for breeding. Doing it while the plant is green will have you cleaning your fingers with alcohol a few times. But, the seeds cure quicker and take up less space than drying the whole plant.


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The final count is in and I am pretty happy. I had a lot of immature seeds. Less than half but that still seems like a lot to me. Do the white ones sprout? I have some real beautiful, large, plump, very mature looking seeds but the seeds are snow white. Some seeds were simply not fully developed and I will toss those. However, I may do a little experiment with the big, white ones just to see how many out of 50 actually sprout. I also got about 5 jars full of shake that tastes like shit. LOL Looks like it's edible time. Maybe I'll get out the old DabPress and make some rosin. I used my standard 'work box' for separating all the seeds (my work box is a giant pollen box I made with a 100u screen) so I also got about 8 grams of dry sift that I pressed into some beautiful hash. Life is good. LOL

This run gave me 2131 seeds.
810 Trainwreck x White Widow
609 Crystal Candy x White Widow
363 Girl Scout Cookies x White Widow and
349 Sour Apples x White Widow.

Add this to the past 2 runs and I now have about 10,000 seeds. LOL Actually, kind of ridiculous IMO I won't use that many seeds in my lifetime. I'm not going to stash them for years in the fridge so the probate court can steal them when I die. LOL

6 months ago I had zero need for a seed trading forum. I hang at OG and they have constant seed giveaways and trades. I never had the need. I have always been a photo grower and always used clones. I bought seeds about 10 per year, if that. Once I had a strain I liked I could keep it going for years. I love Barney's Farm LSD and always had a few pounds laying around. Now that I am forced to grow autos, seeds became a need and it seemed so easy to get my own. LOL

So, it looks like I'll be using the seed trading opportunities of the site after all.

Thanks to everyone who helped along the way with information and guidance. I couldn't have done it without you.


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Question: What is the best way to package and ship seeds?

I have small 1ml centrifugal tubes that are perfect for 5 to 10 seeds and are super crush-proof. You can stand on these suckers.

Is it OK to put a tiny piece of cotton in the tube to stop the seeds from bouncing around?

Then, a 4"x8" Mylar bubble envelope for shipping????????

Does this sound OK?



Well-known member
Question: What is the best way to package and ship seeds?

I have small 1ml centrifugal tubes that are perfect for 5 to 10 seeds and are super crush-proof. You can stand on these suckers.

Is it OK to put a tiny piece of cotton in the tube to stop the seeds from bouncing around?

Then, a 4"x8" Mylar bubble envelope for shipping????????

Does this sound OK?

I also use those size bubble envelopes. But, I put the seeds in a small 2"x 3" paper coin envelope inside the bubble envelopes. I've shipped 3-4 packs with a hundred seeds per envelope and have never had any issues. They have gone all over the continental US that way.


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Great minds think alike... LOL

I had a zillion of these. I used to put DISH and DTV satellite cards in them when I was a DTV Hacker. LOL

I heard so many stories about crushed seeds in the mail that I thought the little centrifugal vials would be perfect. I have a zillion of those as well. I pretty much buy everything buy the zillions. LOL

Thanks again. I'll order the bubble envelopes tonight.


Well-known member
Great minds think alike... LOL

I had a zillion of these. I used to put DISH and DTV satellite cards in them when I was a DTV Hacker. LOL

I heard so many stories about crushed seeds in the mail that I thought the little centrifugal vials would be perfect. I have a zillion of those as well. I pretty much buy everything buy the zillions. LOL

Thanks again. I'll order the bubble envelopes tonight. View attachment 18977381
I've got a shit load of those bubble bag envelopes that I'll almost never use. Shame you're across the pond or else you could of had them all.


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I am getting some of these seeds ready to give away and I am wondering what a person would like to know about the seeds they get. Basically, what information to include on the label.

Does it matter to anyone who the original breeder was? For example, the Trainwreck came from Fastbuds420 and the White Widow I used for pollinating was from Seed Supreme. Would I include that on the label and label them "Fastbuds420 Trainwreck x Seed Supreme White Widow"? Or, would I just say "Trainwreck x White Widow"?

Obviously, I would label them as Feminized Autoflowering Seeds. But, would I also include that each donor was a "Feminized Autoflower" and that the White Widow was reversed for the pollen? Does this matter to anyone?

I guess these would be called F1's? Even though the donor was a reversed female rather than a true male, as far as I can understand, since they were 2 different distinct strains, it is still an F1. Yes?

Also, if I'm not mistaken the name order is, the seed producing plant (female) strain first x the pollen donator (male) or in this case the reversed female, second.

So, this would be Trainwreck x White Widow

Or, do I just skip everything and call it WhiteTrain or TrainWidow? LOL

I may be overthinking this since I have never really done any breeding and always grew Landrace as much as possible. But, I read a lot of posts by breeders and many of them seem interested in details.

Thanks again.

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