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What would Jack Herer do? Vote yes for Prop.19 !!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
From the Family of Jack Herer, author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes

Van Nuys, California, August, 2010

Dear Friends of Hemp and Cannabis,

Our father, Jack Herer, was a man of leadership, compassion and idealism. He worked relentlessly for decades to achieve his dream of legalizing Cannabis hemp in all its forms, personal, medical and industrial. He wanted Cannabis to be free and open, and to be given full respect for its enormous economic, environmental and cultural benefits.

As an idealist, Jack was adverse to half measures. He originally opposed Prop 215 because it stopped at medical use only. He initially opposed Senate Bill 420 because it set limited quantities as a safe harbor. Over time, however, he came to appreciate the freedoms they created, and took pride in the role he played in inspiring those changes. Jack’s great fear about Prop 215 and SB 420 was that people would accept those limits, become complacent and stop working for full legalization. He feared we would be stuck with medical use forever.

Likewise, Jack railed against Tax Cannabis 2010, now Proposition 19, and its plan for limited legalization and local authority to tax and regulate marijuana sales to adults 21 and above. It falls far short of what he wanted. Jack ‘wanted it all,’ and Prop 19 is just a part of that dream. Unfortunately, Jack passed away before Prop 19 made the 2010 ballot; so many people think he would still oppose it. We don’t believe that, and we ask that everyone stop saying he would cling to that position as we move toward the Nov. 2 vote.

As his family, we want the world to know that the last thing Jack Herer would want is for Californians to vote to keep Cannabis illegal. He was smart and had the political savvy to know that once a measure is on the ballot, the time for bickering has passed. That is why he campaigned for Prop 215 despite its shortcomings. That is why, were he able, he would now be telling voters to rally around and Vote Yes on Prop 19.

Does that mean he would want everyone to stop and be happy with the modest changes that Prop 19 affords? Absolutely not! What Jack would want us to do right now is to support Prop 19, and come Nov. 3 he would be right back again, telling you to renew your commitment to bring a comprehensive California Hemp and Health Initiative to the voters in 2012 or some future date. Jack Herer would ask – no, he would demand your yes vote on Prop 19, along with a pledge to continue fighting for the plant, the people and the planet.

It is true that Prop 19 does not fulfill our father’s dream; but it takes us much closer to achieving it than we are now, and for that reason we, his family, endorse Prop 19 today.

Please vote yes on Prop 19 Nov 2, but do it with the dedication to keep working toward complete legalization in Jack’s honor.

Sincerely, Dan Herer et al.


Thanks for posting. I just hope that in the back of Californians heads', you keep in mind your impact nationally and even internationally. No, you as Californians do not "owe" us shit as a result of your default position (that of being a progressive, intelligent state that is at the foreground of this movement.) You have no "responsibility" to anyone but yourselves. But the fact remains that this will be an incredible momentum swing one way or another; the world is watching. The Drug Warriors will have fuel to their fire in epic proportions if this is rejected. "See," they will posit, "even the liberal crazies in California have had enough of the pro-pot talk."

California is leading the way, as usual, on social issues. I hope you CA voters see what this is: a highly imperfect law with a million caveats, that ultimately puts us all much closer to our dream.

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
A message from the Family of Jack Herer, August, 2010...

A message from the Family of Jack Herer, August, 2010...

Unfortunately, Jack passed away before Prop 19 made the 2010 ballot; so many people think he would still oppose it.
We don’t believe that, and we ask that everyone stop saying he would cling to that position as we move toward the Nov. 2 vote.
...he would now be telling voters to rally around and Vote Yes on Prop 19.
From the Family of Jack Herer,
author of "The Emperor Wears No Clothes"
Van Nuys, California, August 17th, 2010:

Dear Friends of Hemp and Cannabis,
Our father, Jack Herer, was a man of leadership, compassion and idealism.
He worked relentlessly for decades to achieve his dream of legalizing Cannabis hemp in all its forms, personal, medical and industrial.
He wanted Cannabis to be free and open, and to be given full respect for its enormous economic, environmental and cultural benefits.

As an idealist, Jack was adverse to half measures.
He originally opposed Prop 215 because it stopped at medical use only.
He initially opposed Senate Bill 420 because it set limited quantities as a safe harbor.
Over time, however, he came to appreciate the freedoms they created, and took pride in the role he played in inspiring those changes.
Jack’s great fear about Prop 215 and SB 420 was that people would accept those limits, become complacent and stop working for full legalization.
He feared we would be stuck with medical use forever.

Likewise, Jack railed against Tax Cannabis 2010, now Proposition 19, and its plan for limited legalization and local authority to tax and regulate marijuana sales to adults 21 and above.
It falls far short of what he wanted. Jack ‘wanted it all,’ and Prop 19 is just a part of that dream.
Unfortunately, Jack passed away before Prop 19 made the 2010 ballot; so many people think he would still oppose it.
We don’t believe that, and we ask that everyone stop saying he would cling to that position as we move toward the Nov. 2 vote.

As his family, we want the world to know that the last thing Jack Herer would want is for Californians to vote to keep Cannabis illegal.
He was smart and had the political savvy to know that once a measure is on the ballot, the time for bickering has passed.
That is why he campaigned for Prop 215 despite its shortcomings.

That is why, were he able, he would now be telling voters to rally around and Vote Yes on Prop 19.

Does that mean he would want everyone to stop and be happy with the modest changes that Prop 19 affords?
Absolutely not!
What Jack would want us to do right now is to support Prop 19, and come Nov. 3 he would be right back again, telling you to renew your commitment to bring a comprehensive California Hemp and Health Initiative to the voters in 2012 or some future date.
Jack Herer would ask – no, he would demand your yes vote on Prop 19, along with a pledge to continue fighting for the plant, the people and the planet.

It is true that Prop 19 does not fulfill our father’s dream; but it takes us much closer to achieving it than we are now, and for that reason we, his family, endorse Prop 19 today.

Please vote yes on Prop 19 on Nov 2, but do it with the dedication to keep working toward complete legalization in Jack’s honor.

Sincerely, Dan Herer et al.


R.I.P. Jack:plant grow:
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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Everyone kept saying they wouldn't support 19 because Jack didn't support it. I hope this changes their mind. Having smoked MANY a times with the man in norcal and Amsterdam I KNOW Jack would have supported it after his iniative failed -- and 19 made the ballot. That's just classic Jack. Jack would have taken anything he could to get closer to full legalization.

Vote yes on prop 19 this nov.2 !!!!!
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
wow....might change a few peeps perspective huh?...nice post herb...
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
it makes complete sense to me he wanted cannabis to be legal. If he was still with us it only makes sense for him to back the prop that does pass. Moving forward is what we all want. His bill was more aggressive in terms of giving us more thats why it failed.


Jack would say don't stop here.. Keep moving forward. 2012 isn't that far away.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Jack would say don't stop here.. Keep moving forward. 2012 isn't that far away.

I would be happy as fuck to pass Jacks C.H.I. in 2012. But first we need to pass 19 since that is what is currently on the ballot. A fail on 19 would make passing the CHI much harder.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Still no here. I am not buying it!

Yeah well thankfully your vote won't mean a god damn thing when 19 is won by a landslide vote.

You've already proven you have NO valid reason to vote no, so your probably just some micro mini nothing of a dealer or grower who's just too ignorant or arrogant to realize 19 will benefit you.
Thanks for the post

Thanks for the post

Man, BiG H3rB Tr3E, I gotta say, I really appreciate all your Prop 19 posts, especially this one. I'm a huge admirer of Jack's work and his lifetime of crusading in our name. When I first read Prop 19, I wondered what Jack would think, and I knew that, as a half-measure, it would have disappointed him. But, as his family have just said, he would put his shoulder to the wheel and fight to get the word out, if only he were able. If this measure passes, it will be a great boost to our forward momentum, and we can ride that to a more permissive bill in a few years. The last thing we need is a prohibitionist victory here. And make no mistake, if Prop 19 fails, the prohibitionists will declare it a victory, no matter how many weed smokers/growers/dealers vote with them. We need to continue the trend of greater freedom, until we can proudly declare "Free at Last!"

Big Country

The World is Watching

The World is Watching

Thanks for posting. I just hope that in the back of Californians heads', you keep in mind your impact nationally and even internationally. No, you as Californians do not "owe" us shit as a result of your default position (that of being a progressive, intelligent state that is at the foreground of this movement.) You have no "responsibility" to anyone but yourselves. But the fact remains that this will be an incredible momentum swing one way or another; the world is watching. The Drug Warriors will have fuel to their fire in epic proportions if this is rejected. "See," they will posit, "even the liberal crazies in California have had enough of the pro-pot talk."

California is leading the way, as usual, on social issues. I hope you CA voters see what this is: a highly imperfect law with a million caveats, that ultimately puts us all much closer to our dream.

Right On:laughing:

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