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It might help ya to change your cycle to run at night. In the summer I 12/12 from 9pm - 9am and saves me a fortune in dead plants and energy.

My Penny

Thanks mr wags! Thats exactly what im going to do when i go into flower, as of right now it stays on from 6pm to 12pm the next day.
It would be sweet if people learned to drop the word 'chemical' when talking nutrients. Once you've aquired a basic understanding of chemistry, you know that it is by definition the science of properties of matter. A chemical substance is a substance/material with a definite chemical composition, organic, non-organic or synthetic. Therefore, using the word 'chemical' as a definition for non-organic nutrients is pointless, since organic nutrients are also 'chemical'.
It's called mineral-based or salt-based nutrients, because that's what it is.

It ails me to see organic growers believe that they're more in tune with nature by using organic nutes, while in fact they often contain more 'chemicals' than mineral-based nutes.

Here Here!! I have previously ranted about the rampant ignorance concerning organic nutes for cannabis cultivation. Nothing winds me up more than a self-righteous gardener who runs all organics without knowing why they are advantageous. Its like they think the fuzzy feeling they get from having "organic" on the label of their ferts somehow makes any difference to the plants. The plants don't give a shit. Wait, I know what winds me up more: Gardeners who use/switch to organics and then bitch and moan about how they smell when added to the medium or how they take forever to break down on their own. These peeps need to stick to salts. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the ONLY advantage of running organics is that you can deliver potent nutrients to the plants without killing off the local micro-life in the root zone. The troubles these gareners have is due to the fact that they neglected to consider the need for these tiny organisms to make organic gardening worth a damn!

Thats it people! That's all the more good it does! Organics are 'food' and you need to treat them like your own food. You wouldn't drink/eat a biodegradable substance that has been sitting at 80+ degrees for months would you?

Rosey Cheeks makes the excellent point on the 'chemical' content of designer liquid organic nutes. Their complex organic makeups in the presence of mostiure should be a hotbed of undesirable biological activity. The knarly shit that needs to be added to keep this from happening is not of any benefit to your plants. The amount of time that such volotile organic substances can last which you guys consider to be 'short' has always seemed frighteningly long to me.

This is exactly why I have never bought into designer organic liquid nutes. Once the containter is opened the desirable active ingredients that they contain should break down and be useless in a matter of weeks, not months. The fact that they can last as long as they do at such temperatures is a testament to the technology of preservatives. Fuck that shit.

I have never used anything other than pure, raw powdered organic nutes. Dry blood meal, guanos, granular fish emulsion, etc. These things contain little to no preservatives. I think that fresh microbially-active teas made with these sorts of organics are vastly supirior to designer organic nutes. Just my :2cents:

Good luck and happy gardening!
