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warning labels


if it smells like fish
have we become so dumb we need to be warned about even the most simple stuff???/ really... looking at my spaghetti squash I read the label and it told me to remove label before eating !!!! really???....has someone ate one and sued??/...you don't eat the skin anyhow...

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
For real man, was just operating a bobcat skidsteer and the warning labels are great. Like don't stand under the bucket and the man being attacked by lightning lmao!


Active member
the first warning label i remember seeing was on a microwave burrito at a 7 11. it was around 3 in the morning, me and my friends were street crawling wasted and it still struck us as fucking retarded that they would actually have to warn someone that they had to take the plastic wrapper off the burrito before you ate it unless they were actually drunker than we were at the time.

that was the early 80 and the lawyers hadn't taken total control yet

now there are 10 labels on a ladder explaining the finer points of gravity

IMHO things like gravity,velocity and general idiocy used to be the mechanism that took the stumps and silt out of the gene pool.

the legal system has short circuited natural selection

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