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Vote no on Prop 19...Really?!

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Someone needs to say it.... Any grower that votes no on Prop 19 is a fucking traitor and no better than the greedy, corporate, fascist pigs that perpetuate prohibition. California needs to make a statement, not only for California, but the nation!
"no better than the greedy, corporate, fascist pigs that perpetuate prohibition"

Stick to smoking pot, A bold statement like that just screams "JUMP ON THE BAND WAGON"

What if This Pass's and screws over all the Current Medical patients, Mybe they dont wanna vote yes until they know there not being threatend but go ahead call them names and tratiors

All i know is that no matter what happens im still gonnna be paying way to much for my chron beacuse i dont have the time to grow it with all the money im making in Corporate America, Dont be mad beacuse there are people with bigger salarys out there than you its life son.

The main thing we have to worry about here is light bulb prices if this shit is legal everyone and there mothers gonna be out there buying bulbs to power there grows, And fat Cat Corporate Light bulb Ceo's And board peoples And other people that make more money than you, All those fascist pigs will rule the world!!!!

Classic New age american Lets do it Half ass, Fuk prop 19 we can do better and to give in is just another Fail moment in The U.S, Like when everyone jumped on the obama wagon, Hows that working out hahaha

Hey boy wondure another thing

"A person, or group of persons who via the coercive power of government, force their opinions and beliefs on others in ways that are illogical, unfair and most often harmful. Its generally used towards Right-Winged politicians or cops; generally because of the way the left-wing smear their enemies. Generally, the left-wingers do the same thing, get into office and make laws that hurt and oppress and usually they claim that anyone who points this out is racist or a fascist pig."

I know your not a goverment , or a party, But when you use Such nice words as your a fucking tratior if you vote no Look in the mirror douche your pushing your opinions and beliefs on others Go ahead I vote no on prob 19 and i grow medicaly does that make me a fascist Greedy Corporate Pig. Think about it douche bag. Its idiots like you that make this country worse not better. Nothing in life is free you get what you put into it. You must sit around and get high and complain about your Mediocre job.

Did i come off sounding like a dick? good everyone has there right to vote yes or no

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Funny how no matter how many lawyers, judges and authors of 19 that come out and say how 19 won't effect 215, you still hear people trying to fear monger others with these claims that 19 will take away all patient rights.

I guess if you have no real argument to make you can just bullshit with lies and deceipt to hopefully sway those who are easily manipulated or haven't bothered to research their fears themselves.

VOTE YES ON 19!!!!!


Surely this just confirms and underlines the principle that Government has the right to interfere in private lives?
Is it not just another form of prohibition, only dressed to look like the opposite?
Satan dressed as an angel of light?

Mere thoughts, I cannot vote as I a not a US resident of any kind. Just the thoughts of an outside observer. Moreover, I have not studied Prop 19 in depth. So please don't crucify me lol

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Surely this just confirms and underlines the principle that Government has the right to interfere in private lives?
Is it not just another form of prohibition, only dressed to look like the opposite?
Satan dressed as an angel of light?

Mere thoughts, I cannot vote as I a not a US resident of any kind. Just the thoughts of an outside observer. Moreover, I have not studied Prop 19 in depth. So please don't crucify me lol

And having jackboot armed government thugs kicking in your door with assault weapons and throwing you in a cage isn't interfering?
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