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Virus? Infection?


This plant has been giving me issues....very hard to keep happy. Leaves wrinkled and always has purple petioles, gets better with foliar supplemented feedings. I cut a couple branches and the middle of the stems have something going on. Definitely not a healthy inside of a stem but I have no clue what I am dealing with here. Gut instinct says kill it off.

any ideas? thanks in advance!


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Active member
my gut says let it live.
which variety is it? which medium? which nutrients? which pots? which water? which climate?
Taking a picture of the plant in its entirety would also be helpful.

the cross-section of the stem rather indicates a deficiency situation, which disturbs the lignification in the stem.
the shoots were previously hollow and fill up over time. the lignification of the shoots swallows huge amounts of nutrients. calcium potassium phosphorus. if the hunger is already high with some phenos and if these nutrients are rather weak from the beginning, the leaves become wrinkled, dry and brittle. the stems do not lignify properly, the flowers remain small. since you can already see that she is jumping on additional nutrients by means of foliar fertilization, it would make sense to give her more nutrients through the watering water.

if you answer the questions asked, i can help you.


Growenhaft thanks for your input, I am hoping it is indeed a deficiency rather than a pathogen. I have just never encountered a plant that didn’t fit into the maxi bloom regime I have always used so it caught me off guard and I am a nervous kinda fellow anyway when it comes to the garden.
Cross I will have to look at my notes....but everything else I know.
MaxiBloom as my base nute and I supplement cal/mag every other feed or so. Agsil-16 as my pH up. 80deg/52%rh pretty steady under LED lighting. Pro-mix HP 4 to 1 with perlite. Hand feed to runoff once a day.
Last feed was 4 tsp MB with .75 tsp agsil and 3 tsp cal-mag for 3 gallons of tap water which ended up at 5.9 Ph at 1.8 ec. I have 5 other plants getting the same feed....all without issues.


Active member
Ich habe 5 andere Pflanzen, die das gleiche Futter bekommen ... alles ohne Probleme.
that speaks is that one of the women has a metabolic disorder.
MaxiBloom als Basisnute und ich ergänzen cal / mag jedes andere Futter oder so.
Agsil-16 als mein pH-Wert
excuse me, i don't speak english, i use google translater. I can't quite make up my mind from this sentence.

Have you been using Maxibloom since the beginning? you haven't used a maxigro?

you also use cal / mag, what are the levels of these nutrients in your starting water?

HP 4 zu 1 mit Perlit mischen.

here, too, I have a communication problem. a photo of the entire plant with the pot would be very helpful, also because of the size of the pot.


Well-known member
It looks like a calcium, maybe magnesium deficiency/lockout.

1) The hollow stem
2) The crinkly leaves


the stems could be turning a dark shade of purple and the leaves look wrinkly.

The leaves also look like this plant.

So I would say something is locking out calcium and maybe magnesium. I would also check for insects, just to be sure because they can also create nutrient deficiency like symptoms. Mites might be a candidate.


Well-known member
Hey unregistered190 :tiphat: In my opinion thats a very high ec. I only get to that ec with some strains, at their maximum flowering peak. The stem problem im not sure, but the plants seem to show nutrient lockout / overfertilization, to me.
Are your ec and ph meters calibrated? As TanzanianMagic says, dont rule out that they are insects. My mites have driven me crazy, until i diagnosed them.

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