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TRC Karen



This is TRC's Karen, a cross of the fabled Sharon Widow with Texas Hammer. I know the pics ain't the greatest, sorry.

Anyway this is my smoke report on Karen. I realise some will have a problem with this as I grew her, so I am inclined to be biased, so I' have someone in mind to do a fair one after the harvest and a proper cure.

Appearance: light green with massive hairs and as you can see, tons of crystals, just flat loaded with trichs.

smell: kinda fruity, with fresh roasted coffee and skunk undertones.

Taste: the intake is roasted coffee and pine with skunk underneath it all. Yhe exhale is pure pine. Must say for a quick 3 day dry, this little nug had no green taste to it at all.

Potency: ok, we ain't big time smokers here y'all. Back in the day when we bought weed, we only went thru a 1/4 bag a week. When ya got as many kidz as we do, smoking mass quantities is some thing you used to do back before ya had to buy new clothes about every 6 months, not to mention books and school and the other normal day to day living expenses. So we don't have high tolerance levels at all. Missus and I each took 3 hits off that pipe. I was feeling it on the 3rd hit, wife caught a rush so hard she had to sit down. After about 5 minutes felt like a heavy hand on my head pushing me down. After 10 minutes I noticed my back didn't hurt any more, really relaxed. It's been about an hour now and I'm still totally buzzed, a nice total relaxing body buzz. This is definitely the best I've smoked in may a day, and it's still not ready for harvest, all the trichs are crystal clear still. I'm really wondering if I'm gonna let her go 50/50 aber/cloudy......naw I ain't really, got to have some that will knock out a heavywieght back ache or for headaches. This is definitely a good med strain IMO. Wife had a wrist surgically rebuilt 3 years ago and it pains her a lot, and she's sitting here doing her crochet so it loosened her up pretty good I think.

Special thanks to 1TokeOverTheLine for the spoon.





Active member
outstanding my friend!................i also am raising her...i have 3 going i think but this is my baby so far..........i enjoyed your s.report and pics immensely..........dead on about her smell..........nf



natefrog> thanks for dropping by.....I've been following yours here and over at that other place also.....job well done my friend, my skills pale in comparison to yours....is that the one that had the purple stem? That was one freakish looking plant my friend. Also I have to ask this.....I had one male I used for pollen that smelled....and this is the weird part.....of roasted coffee skunk, and I swear, fresh vomit......did you have any phenos that were like that?

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Right on!
I haven't tried Karen, but I sure do love Sharon.

My wife is hard to get stoned, she's got the tolerance level of Godzilla.

I had just harvested and dried some Sharon, she took a few hits and exclaimed "wow, I'm stoned", which is an amazing thing to hear her say!

A few minutes go by, and she lays down on the couch to get tired for bed. She turns her hip to pop it (something she does every night before falling asleep) and I hear a POP! She falls off the couch in agony, like someone shot her!

what had happened was, she was so relaxed that she overtwisted her hip this time, and pinched her sciatic nerve!

The rest of the night was spent in the hospital. Moral of this story is... don't mess around with Sharon! Respect her! hahahaha! Very medicinal, she couldn't feel that she was overextending herself in her stretch.

Another short anectode about Sharon... My best friend got himself a new girlfriend recently; she doesn't smoke very often, and when she does, it's not really good shit (I really didn't know that!). She started hitting the bong loaded with Sharon, over and over and over again! The herb was so smooth that it was decieving her as to how much she was actually getting. Next thing you know, her eyes are rolling into the back of her head, she's complaining of not being able to take a breath, going blind, passing out, falling over, etc. She must have ripped the bong at least 8 times. Way too much, but I thought she was a regular smoker, so I wasn't going to tell her to stop! hehehe

I have other stories about Sharon, but I'll keep those to myself for now :smile: Some people don't think Sharon is that great, but to those folks I say, try growing her better next time :wink: She IS great! About as strong as it gets.

I'm excited about the karen cross, I hope Lonestar can eventually get the Sharon IBL out to us! Imagine a Sharon with seed vigor!!! :woohoo:
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Crazy Composer>:respect: for the man that started the Sharon craze. I hope the Sharon IBL goes well also, I really want to see Sharon herself in my growroom. In my nursery at present I have TRC Chili, a Sharon widow x TRC Fandango hybrid, TRC Bluetooth, Blueberry x SWT#3, and 6 more Karen, one of which sprouted 2 tails and I have no idea how to safely seperate them.....so TRC has kind of dominated my grow lately. Also got some G33 by H3ad and some NYCD f2's by annac going, so it's gonna be a busy and productive winter hopefully.


Ya Hoo..............(you fill in the blank). I moved your Smoke report into the approprate forum. I too am a Sharon grower and enjoyed your report on the Karen. She sounds like a lovely strain love to see more of Lonestar's work.


SmokeyPufmaster> LOL sorry about that....and thank you for moving it. When I posted it I was still pretty high..............Sleepy my brother......you are one of the things I like best about this site, don't you ever change.

the grower formerly known as stankbud


Way to grow Brother,Nice to see The ole Monks goods get more and more show time!!Sounds like you and the Kat are gonna have a nice holiday with all that killer,which is good cause it takes your mind off the bills and money we dont have rite!! :wave:


Good Show MD the Texas Hammer is a mighty potent plant in it's own right I can't even imagine how this cross is.

I was lucky enough to get some of their stuff in that brief period that they were here, now they are in auction mode and I don't do auction mode. I would rather just be able to buy it.
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looks damn good for an early pick! Really frosty! Any idea how long the karens are supposed to flower for? I over nuted the hell out of one of mine so it will probably have to be taken early. Oh well hopefully it turns out near how yours did.


dubmantx> I know yours will turn out as well as if not better than mine, you have great skillz. Oh, I think Lonestar said 56-60 daze on the finish...........not sure, pretty high right now, still toking on that bowl of Karen...........

Just wanted to reiterate what dub said about overnuting his... I had the same problem along with letting them get rootbound.

!. Root mass on these is unbelievable, develops very rapidly.

2. This strain seems to require almost no nutes at all and will overnute on ya in a heartbeat if you overdo it. I use a very rich soil mix and this compounded the effect, so beware of nutes if you grow this strain out.


hmmm...think that's the bullshit nute there Sleepy LOL

Thot I might include some pics of her in flower....she's pretty overnuted, may have to take her early. Last pic is developing seeds on the lower budz so I can have Karen forever...........






Rubbing my glands together
She really packs on the crystals don't she. Beautiful girl MD. You described the smells of fruity, coffee, and kinda skunky. Is it really strong or kinda moderate odor. Do you need a carbon filter or other odor killing method is what I'm asking. Thanks for the report. Have heard alot about this girl. You know how word gets around about those bad girls. lol


not gonna pull any punches resinryder.....they reek..especially in flower..I would definitely advise odor control

gotta like those bad girlz.....:)


Active member
That is some serious looking herb. Really packed on the trics........ :yoinks:
Really looking forward to more of your great pics, genetics. :joint: Great job, too much nutes????looks great to me.

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