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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Oooops! I forgot and drank coffee while dining out and the caffine caused A-fib to start up again, so I had to take another Metoprolol to stop it. Looks like I may not be able to stop the Metoprolol until I'm weaned off the DULoxetine.

I also ordered a smart watch so I can pay closer attention to my bp and pulse rate.
I take that too! Metoprolol...

But I take @6mg every other day for maintenance. So far it's working well. I noticed if I sleep on my left side (I always do btw) my heart will sometimes do weird pulsations... off rhythm. Since I started the every other day regimen it's settled right down.

I also got an APPL watch and it does a lot of cool monitoring that's stored on my phone. Now if I had better eyesight I could read the screen w/o glasses!


Cabana’s bitch
Boo, because it is you I will come back in my pajamas and briefly post. Maybe you did not read where I got called "a dick". Follow that post backwards with that singular individual. Every other person who has jumped on my case (no names who started doing it) was part of the gang. Ever see a mob fight where someone gets jumped by 3,4,5,6 people. I have. And does that make them in the wrong that all of those people get upset enough to want to kick that persons ass. I have run for my life when confronted walking alone to avoid just suck a situation in the city.. I'm not a Trumper. Or a never Trumper. I don't care. If someone else sees my beliefs as nonsense that's okay by me. I have been on the internet long enough, to watch many dozens of these type of gang bang fights occur as seen here today. I know them.

G'nite again. Sleep well, Bro
cola, my intention was to get you to chill out and not be the lead man for the lynch mob...sure we have a few that are not to your intelectual liking but he's a regular..I have zero issue and like most of your posts but if I see someone being poked and they cant step in I say something...don't take things I say you may not like a dig at you...I thought we were better that that...sorry, kept me up for a while but hey, it's snack tie...urp...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Dutch’s leave it alone word is phooey and when he does latch onto something, it’s your typical aus said quite utterly and harsh… he is the only dog that ever dragged me anywhere and I am really steamed that happened. I apologize profusely to the dogs handler as I left with my tail between my legs. I am beyond confident, and he has what it takes to protect me and our home… travis, I am well-versed in the use of a pinch collar, but this isn’t gonna work on Ivan. He needs that collar and all it takes is one good pop and he knows not to do it again.
Currently I'm training Loki the PomShitzPoo mutt pup - and at just under 20lbs in weight it's a breeze compared to training the last dog I trained called Bogart - who was a 50kilo/110lb - Dobey/Rott cross - trained on a huge beach on Palawan - I've always had to use my weight and strength when training bigger dogs - you gotta find some way - to get the dog to fear you - and accept you as the alpha - before they will aquiese and listen to your commands - that collar might do the job -

Keep in mind that we are all slowly getting weaker and losing muscle mass as we age - some faster than others - and training a big strong dog - is a VERY physical pursuit - easy to pick up an injury - so I don't envy you having to train your dog - but it must be done methinks -

Loki is also difficult to keep to heel - always pulling forward - but he's not likely to pull my arm off being such a small dog - and if he's not listening at all - I can just lift him up into the air on his harness - with one arm - and get him out of harms way - be it traffic - or another dog - thinking that if he was 100lbs heavier - I'd be in trouble -
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Trying to control 100+ lbs dogs is a problem to most people. But ofc you were the bionic ninja, so you had no problem. :muahaha:
These days I'm truly a Bionic man - with a pacemaker - and I'm not supposed to let my heart run at over 135bpm - so down-sizing to training a 20lb dog is much more sensible currently - even if Loki wants to walk along on just his back legs - hopping/pulling forward - he cant pull me over -


Well-known member
Morning OFs.

Bit of catching up to do this morning huh? 🤨

Yes Gypsy, I do miss having my 10kg Jack Russell (who was possessed by a demon) I could just pick him up and shove him under my arm to keep him from being an arse. This sheepdog has given me tendonitis in my right arm from pulling at stuff and going nuts, he is nervous and HATES being on a lead, I think he feels trapped and at a disadvantage for protecting us (his flock) and himself.

Anyway, back to the terrier... he hated the postie, we had a female post person in our old house, she'd just caught me out of the shower in my robe with a parcel and the dog came bolting at the door to kill her, so I grabbed him, and he did his usual wriggling trapped tazmanian devil cartoon thing... rolling my bathrobe all the way around himself and exposing my undercarriage to the postwoman.

She knocked the door, even for letters after that day! 🤪

(no she didn't) 😂

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Morning OFs.

Bit of catching up to do this morning huh? 🤨

Yes Gypsy, I do miss having my 10kg Jack Russell (who was possessed by a demon) I could just pick him up and shove him under my arm to keep him from being an arse. This sheepdog has given me tendonitis in my right arm from pulling at stuff and going nuts, he is nervous and HATES being on a lead, I think he feels trapped and at a disadvantage for protecting us (his flock) and himself.

Anyway, back to the terrier... he hated the postie, we had a female post person in our old house, she'd just caught me out of the shower in my robe with a parcel and the dog came bolting at the door to kill her, so I grabbed him, and he did his usual wriggling trapped tazmanian devil cartoon thing... rolling my bathrobe all the way around himself and exposing my undercarriage to the postwoman.

She knocked the door, even for letters after that day! 🤪

(no she didn't) 😂
I'm in quite a built up area - so have to keep the dog on a harness/lead - till I get him over to a gated park half a mile away - then he's off the lead - and runs around chasing and being chased by other dogs - like a pocket rocket - doing his miniature Afghan Hound impersonation - his long and lustrous hair flowing in the wind - he's good natured - doesn't start fights - and knows to run and hide under benches - if a bigger dog decides to get too rambunctious - and it's good for me too socially - chatting with other dog owners over King Athelstones 🤴 Park - opposite my old junior school - plus I get some extra steps in going there and back 😉


Well-known member
- and in the news today - the sad case of a working Belgian Malanois dog - who got shot in action -

The "Maligator" is expected to make a full recovery apparently. Shot in the face and neck and is up and walking about already.

I do have a poke in the Malinois groups on reddit they are great dogs, lovely to see them working, they LOVE biting.

That's the best thing about reddit, the doggy pics and videos in the dog groups.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You sound jealous... (I know I am)

If I was to ever have and wear a syrup (wig) - then I'd have it made from the hair of me own dog 🐕 -


Well-known member
I'm in quite a built up area - so have to keep the dog on a harness/lead - till I get him over to a gated park half a mile away - then he's off the lead - and runs around chasing and being chased by other dogs - like a pocket rocket - doing his miniature Afghan Hound impersonation - his long and lustrous hair flowing in the wind - he's good natured - doesn't start fights - and knows to run and hide under benches - if a bigger dog decides to get too rambunctious - and it's good for me too socially - chatting with other dog owners over King Athelstones 🤴 Park - opposite my old junior school - plus I get some extra steps in going there and back 😉
There's no parks to run my mutt around here, we have a pebbly beach (no good to run on) or the open land which is full of sheep and he has zero recall when it's playtime with another dog, sheep, cat, bird etc... So i run him down a single track lane with minimal traffic where he meets up with his jack russell friends and had a good bark and play with them.

Loki's hair got me looking for an Ai pic I did to fit a frame we have (still not got it printed and hung in the crapper... Gawd bless the attention deficit! 🤪 )


We want a wall of Ai pics in the toilet, that makes people question if they're real or not. 😂

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I'm pretty sure they will automatically fight any moves, just like last time. It is not about the USA, it is about winning.
What part of Q's "WE HAVE IT ALL" did ya miss, bro?

YOU (and millions of others) saw on TV the loops of vote connections via exposed paths to foreign countries being monitored. You saw on television the Marine General announcing there had been a "smooth transition to military control."

I dunno if you remember the CIA in Germany being raided by the US Army.

It will not be "like last time" because the Q requirement was "They Must Be Shown" <-- And so they were shown. Look around -- you see people of all stripes plainly disgusted (and often physically or financially hurt) with the way the evil ones have damaged society.

Even Trump haters acknowledge that he has been under lawfare attack. <-- A major failure for the rats: it pushed proof of multiple fake "crimes" Nelson Mandela-style to convict. Look what happened if South Africa.

It will be more like rats scurrying. And rats will rat on rats for deals.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
speaking of GSD's, Ivan showed me who he really is today at the vet...he's a good boy, loving and obediant...that went out the window today when he saw a big GSD about to walk into the lobby...he went totally mental and drug me across the until he hit the door which thankfully opened in...I had no idea as to how strong he is...never again, time for serious training as I've never had a dog do that...I had no idea what a DDR dog was until I read up on it...Ivan is one and his training begins tomorrow...
Holy shit. I have seen one DDR dog in my life. I love doggies. But this one scared the crap out of me.

His head was bloody huge and he got up when I walked in the room. His owner had to say, "friend".
Getting unseasonable rain in the middle of summer where I live in Australia, yesterday was 43 degree celsius, today its raining which is good, cooled down the place a bit but in a few days time it means we are going to have a bush fly problem because moisture + heat breeds flies, lots of them. Thank God for dung beetles otherwise we wouldnt be able to do anything.