Well-known member
I take that too! Metoprolol...Oooops! I forgot and drank coffee while dining out and the caffine caused A-fib to start up again, so I had to take another Metoprolol to stop it. Looks like I may not be able to stop the Metoprolol until I'm weaned off the DULoxetine.
I also ordered a smart watch so I can pay closer attention to my bp and pulse rate.
But I take @6mg every other day for maintenance. So far it's working well. I noticed if I sleep on my left side (I always do btw) my heart will sometimes do weird pulsations... off rhythm. Since I started the every other day regimen it's settled right down.
I also got an APPL watch and it does a lot of cool monitoring that's stored on my phone. Now if I had better eyesight I could read the screen w/o glasses!