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The Direction of this Community on-line....



mean mr.mustard said:
It's obviously a bumpy ride this year, but maybe.... just maybe it will all work out in the end. Gypsy you have done a favor to many by supplying many miracles and giving us all a home to call home. I do miss the old days, but it doesn't mean that I'm not looking forward to better ones!

well said,MMM!!I truly dont have one bad t
hing to say about GN or DG,or ICMag for that matter,they have all enriched my life and I'm gratefull to them all!!

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i dont mind change-as long as its a change for the better.... now who here can honestly say they think that is what has happened here=-and keep a straight face...
I dont mean to be a pisser but i miss the REAL IC


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Yep, that is the damn truth..........I know it is for all you ICMAG lifers.......you miss the good ole days.............

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.....As the world turns.......things change perpetually.........we do what we can........and live our lives for better or for worse....

At least I can keep this site here......and now........and will try to keep it around for as long as it has value as a place where people from all lands can come together and communicate....and share in the knowledge of this plant....

......The past is now behind us although in essence it has fashioned the present....and here we are.........let's try and make it good.....

.....What the future may bring?.....hopefully we shall see.....


Bodhisattva of the Earth
We all have been transplanted. The OGer's have been transplanted to a new grow, and us ICMAGgers have been transplanted into a 'larger pot size'. We all have suffered some shock in our own personal ways.

Whose has gone through more trauma?

Is the cup half full or half empty?.................personally, I beleive, it's over half full and filling up with improvement. There is more real science going on again.........and the 420 has been a refreshing breeze for our family. I see more/better info every day.........I know I do!


Ya know,
I never knew there were so many sites dedicated to this subject of ours. Not until the first part of Feb that is.
Seems I always keep coming back to this one to spend most of my online time.
Steady as she goes Capt.


When things went down I have to say I was a lil shocked and disapointed by some of the reactions in the canna-community. I know people were scared and nervous and some people became angry after they chopped their grows but the truth is growing is a very high stress activity and if some people don't have the fortitude for it then maybe they should find something less stressful to occupy their time. Irregardless of my s/n I detest rudeness in people and I saw enough to last me a lifetime. At the same time there were people who maintained their composure and kept on keeping on. I would like to commend Gypsy for his composure throughout the whole sordid episode and his grace while undergoing personal attacks on his charactor. I had deleted my account and was totally fed up with the online bullshit but once the smoke cleared and Gypsy was still standing tall I realized how many good people were part of the online community and that I would be foolish to walk away because of the reactions of overstessed growers. We are all in this together and the only way for us to gain strength is for us to share the knowledge and the love we have for this plant.


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Great words Gypsy! I'll second that. Let's not clash on what we disagree with, but let's join together on what we like :D The world is a tiny, but complex place. Many peoples, cultures, traditions, believes, ethics... We're not here to impose ours over others, but to learn frm eachother & share our passion for a plant. A plant that's a wonderful tool, but accordingly, needs to be used as such. A plant that's been used by many for many uses, both positive & negative (we shouldn't not forget those who's only interest is profit). A plant that has been criminalized outdoors and taken indoors for their magic fruit.

I really like the vibe of the IC forum, and not only the people that take part in it, but also the Admin and the Mods have a great deal of input into that. We all share information, concerns and curiosity for a very special plant.

Keep up the good work, and always keep it safe!


Well-known member
Man will never be able to live in harmony with man untill he is able to forget his differences and recognize his similarities.

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