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THC4MS need our help



www.thc4ms.org are looking for people to sign a petition

Following the arrest of 3 members of THC4MS for conspiring to distribute Canna-Biz chocolate, the court of appeal in London has ruled that there is no longer a defence of necessity or duress of circumstance relating to the use of cannabis for medicinal reasons. We therefore ask that you write to your MP about this matter also send a copy to local press and any other organisation you can think of

TO: Mr. Charles Leyberg, Acting Chief Prosecutor, Kendal Criminal Justice Unit, Kendal Police Station, Kendal, LA9 4RJ.

As a resident of the UK and member of the tax-paying public, I do not feel it to be in the public interest to prosecute suppliers of medical cannabis products to seriously ill people when there are no victims involved, and therefore request that CPS Cumbria immediately halt the prosecution in the case of Lezley Gibson, Mark Gibson and Marcus Davies. August 2005

Please get as many to sign as possible - it is VITAL that we get THOUSAND!

please go HERE and sign the petition


to vote yes (as far as i know), to send care packages no, they welcome donations of weed to make the choclate for the patients, please check the link though


I don't know about sending weed Nationally let alone Internationally but I'll hit the link and see if there's something a Foreigner can do with Cash. MS is a devastating disease and if we can help we should.

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot


Please get as many to sign as possible - it is VITAL that we get THOUSANDS!

The THC4MS Recipe: Cannabis Chocolate Recipe.

150 grams dark chocolate (highest cocoa fat content possible)
3.5 grams Herbal Cannabis.

1x Pan
1x Pyrex Bowl
1x Mould (ice-cube tray(
1x Coffee grinder
1x Sieve
1x Plastic serving spoon

Break chocolate up into small pieces and place in Pyrex bowl. 1/3 fill pan with water and bring to boil allowing to simmer. Place Pyrex bowl on pan and allow to melt slowly, once melted stir slowly.

Grind DRY herbal cannabis into a fine powder and sieve out the bits of fibre and woody stalks. Grind again and sieve remains into the melted chocolate slowly stirring whilst doing so, DO NOT ALLOW PAN OF WATER TO BOIL DRY! Keep the mixture in the pan for at least 15 minutes stirring occasionally over a low heat.

Spoon the mixture into a suitable mould (ice-cube tray) and allow to cool at room temperature before placing into the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, remove chocolate by sharply banging mould on kitchen work surface.

Some bars may have greyish edges this is due to the fats in the chocolate separating this can be prevented by tempering the chocolate but is not necessary.
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I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2006/12/15

Cannabis chocolate trio convicted
Three people have been found guilty of supplying thousands of cannabis-laced chocolate bars to multiple sclerosis sufferers for pain relief.

Mark Gibson and his wife Lezley, both 42, of Alston, Cumbria, were standing trial at Carlisle Crown Court with Marcus Davies, 36, of St Ives, Cambs.

They were convicted of two counts each of conspiring to supply cannabis throughout 2004 until February 2005.

All three were ordered to return to court on 26 January for sentencing.

The Cumbrian couple admitted running a cottage industry making and posting out more than 20,000 Canna-Biz bars containing about 3.5g of the drug, to victims of the disease around the world.

But in their testimonies they both insisted this was a free service funded by voluntary donations, which was only available to MS sufferers who provided a medical note confirming their condition.

Davies admitted running a website and post office box, but had denied any involvement in making or posting the chocolate.

Cash receipts totalling £30,000 were seized by police, but the court heard Lezley Gibson told officers these referred to donations, which were ploughed "straight back in" to fund the Canna-Biz operation.

All three told the court they believed they had a defence of medical necessity in supplying the cannabis-laced bars, but this was rejected by the jury.

After the hearing Lezley Gibson said: "The maximum sentence for what we've been found guilty of is 14 years in jail. If you were a child pervert your maximum sentence is only 12.

"I think there's a mistake in the law, and I think they really, really really need to re-think the law on cannabis and medicinal use. Bringing ill people to court and torturing them like this isn't what you do.

"You look after ill people, and you try to make them better. You do not torture them and drag them back and forward to a court of law."


we live in a very sick society when we prosecute people for helping others.
these people should be given honours not a conviction.
how do the people who bring this sort of prosecution live with their conscience?
sad sad country we live in.
and a sad day for justice.


Thanks for the update on the story.

Mark and Lezley are such genuine people, they new all along of the risks and fought to help others less fortunate. Its a horrible situation for them and medical cannabis must be accepted soon in the UK. Its crazy to not be able to use medical neccasity in defence. Sick people need defending.

Peace, Flowers


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
All three told the court they believed they had a defence of medical necessity in supplying the cannabis-laced bars, but this was rejected by the jury.
How can this be?
I've never heard of a jury rejecting a defence before!

I was under the impression the only decision they made was AFTER they had received all the evidence, from the prosecution & defence.
If anything, the Judge is the ONLY authority who has this power, (to accept a submission of defence or to disallow it).

It's been a few years now since I frequented a courtroom....... have things changed this much?