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Thai weed grown from bagseed near Ching Rai (3 phenos)


Well-known member
Hey dudes!

This stuff is from Chiang Rai. All I know about it is that my friend's friend grew it from seeds he found. To me it seems like 3 phenos of the same strain, but I have no way of being sure. They have very similar flavors, but they've only been dry for about 3 weeks. A lot of the weed from that area comes from Laos, so it could be a Lao variety originally.

"Sativa Pheno"

This one is the most typical sativa of the group in terms of effect and high.

Taste: I'm breaking up a piece right now so I'm getting a good idea of the smell. A mixture of varnish, spice and too-strong artificial mango/strawberry. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it smells incredible.

High: This is one of those plants that I can smoke, and after about 45 minutes I can forget that I'm high until something happens to remind me that I am, in fact, very high. It has a relaxing component, and it definitely elevates my mood consistently. One thing that I've noticed about this one is that every time I've smoked it I feel like dancing. Now I really like to dance, so it could be that it simply has the tendency to make one want to move their bodies in some way that flows for them. (I apologize for the pictures, I used my phone which is pretty old)

"Chunky Pheno"

When I first pulled this one out of the bag I thought that it must be an indica that the guy pulled early. I still think that it was pulled too soon based upon appearance and effects, but I'm more of the opinion that it's a sister plant to the other 2, more sativa leaning phenos. The taste is very similar; it has that same overpowering artificial mango / strawberry smell, but this one lacks the spice notes. Instead it has a hint of dankness or almost rotten fruit.

The high is purely calm. It gets me very high, but where the first pheno has a trippy, surreal feeling to it, this one simply makes me feel calm, relaxed and high. It does not have any noticeable sedative effects for me. It seems to cause a lack of inner dialogue sometimes.

"Sticky Pheno"

This one I like. I bought the guy out when I picked this batch up. I asked him if it was finished already, and he thought for a minute, breathed heavily and walked into the back room to get this stuff.

I'm rolling a joint of it right now so this will be a live report.

Smell: Spicy with a hint of like under-ripe mango. This one is lacking the syrupy overly-fruity smell of the other 2.

High: Hold on a few minutes...

Ok, back in action! This one is a lot headier than the others. I feel that it's slowed me down a bit, but again in a calming, mentally stimulating way. A bit trance-like. No anxiety from any of these phenos in my experience. This is less intensely trippy than the others, but it still has a funny vibe.

A good Thai friend from Issan is sending me a bag of Lao bagseed from his favorite brick that he's had recently. (It's mostly brick here if it's made the trip from Laos to Thailand, the intact flowers are almost exclusively domestic.)

This is (เกริงกระเวีย) Krerng Ka Via strain.

He sent me a pic of a plant he sprouted and it looks like the most sativa you could imagine. Idk why I'm getting the seeds really, growing is really not plausible for me right now. I live in a small village. My neighbor on my right side is another American guy who's smoked his share in his day so he's quite cool. (Still accepts the odd joint for a rainy day if I offer)

On the left side is a minimarket / barish type thing which basically means that they have a pool table out back and a group of locals buy beer from the market and get drunk out back, which causes a direct line of sight to any place where I would be able to stick a plant. And yet... I have 3 seeds soaking in a glass overnight, I just can't help it. I miss growing something powerful.

Hope you enjoyed reading, peace!

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