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Tell it on the Mountain. Documentary on the PCT

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This is a documentary about people who hike the Pacific Crest Trail, and is in HD release date march 22, 2010. This is independently produced and any nature lover and hiker will enjoy the film. even the trailer is great.


the second link is the trailer in HD.

I cant wait to buy this.

Tell It On the Mountain is a documentary full of tall tales and alluring lore from the Pacific Crest Trail. A string of trails running through the center of California, Oregon and Washington, this vast and varied terrain holds a treasure trove of history - some already written, the rest in the making, season after season. And it's all ripe for the telling.
Our hikers will walk as many as 40 miles between water sources, hike through the longest uninterrupted stretch of wilderness in the US, cross life-threatening rivers and streams, climb 13,000 foot passes, take the infamous "Pancake Challenge" and generally just push through 20 miles a day for five straight months. Fortunately for us, while they're off slogging through all those miles, we'll have plenty of time to meander off on side jaunts and catch glimpses of oases in the desert, the highest peak in the 48 contiguous states and the deepest lake in all of the US and to hear of random acts of "trail magic."

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
this thing keeps getting delayed. i wonder what the hold up is. i hope it actually makes it out soon


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Over the years I worked on a few sections of PCT in northern California. Always was a fun and interesting job. I live right by a part of the trail where people camp and sometimes spend a few days to rest up and take care of laundry and what not. Have given people rides to the laundry mat or other places in town they need to go. The ones that take the offer of a few good hits get very very high after all that time in the wilderness :)

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