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Soil Mix


Active member
Hi guys, in a while im gonna start to run my new growing, last time i had some pure sativaish plants wich had problems the first days because a high EC of the soil, this time i would like someone around here advises before doing nothing wrong with the next Neville's Haze batch

My idea is growing in soil top crop complete mix (with 1.0 EC) and i wanna get down the EC to 0.3 or so for the first bunch of days, i have the doubt about how to do it, i was thinking mixing the top crop soil with worm castings, coco coir, and perlite, bbut i dunno in wich proportion because i have readed that with worm castings you cant overfertilize, so having this in mind if i mix for instance 1 cup of soil + 1 cup of worm castings + 1 cup of coco coir + 1 cup of perlite the allegedly EC would be 0.25 is that right? would you go with that proportions of each thing?

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Well-known member
you can't over fertilize with castings because the worm poop is encased with mucus membranes which cause it to slow release nutrients.

in the beginning when you plant the soil, is the soil ever hot to the touch or feel warm? usually soil feels a bit cooler than the room temp. if so, it could've been the heat from nitrogen fertilizers and not so much that there was too much fertilizer. if that is the case, then get the soil wet and then wait a week before transplanting.

if it wasn't from heat, i'd mix 50% of a base soil like 1:1:1 of peat moss, castings and perlite. if you want it as low as 0.25 you would take 1 part bagged soil and mix with 3 parts of the base soil you made. i'd also add some minerals like lime, gypsum and if you're feeling frisky, rock dust. lol


Well-known member
It was just the first days though right? I have never worried about ec growing organically. When you have a little baby clone or seeding, it can get a little squirly if started in rich soil. Just start it in a starter mix and transplant it. You are going to need that food later. Just let it grow a couple leafs before u put it in the regular mix


Active member
Yes this would be the first days i guess or even a couple of weeks, last time i had a zamaldelica wich was very stuck growing for 2 months, all of this because in the soil bag was write 0.5 EC and i tought it was alright, then this year i checked out this value on the web for the very same soil and they raised it to 1 EC, their fu***ng fault!


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ICMag Donor
1:1 is half of each, equal parts, fifty fifty, fifty percent, I believe most of us agree. 1:2 or 2:1 for that matter, I don't know if that is one part to two parts which sounds like makes the most sense from the 1:1 (inference) logically. Or, one out of two, one in two, instead of one out of three parts total or one in three or a third of the first and two thirds of the second. Ratios specifications and syntax are documented. I remember reviewing this topic on Khan Academy and/or YouTube years ago, well after geometry class in elementary school.

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