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Seed Company Spamming...hurl


Active member
The company is not in the list here, If I mention it, will it be suppressed/edited ?
Anyway, I will name names, It was cropking, they had the "strains" and decent price, only problem is they won't stop harassing me. I've asked them to stop emailling me, that did not work. They email me pretty much every day even though I asked nicely to not do so on multiple occasions.

I recommend NOT buying anything from CropKing.


Active member
I recommend disposable email addresses.
Actually it was, that's not the problem...it's the point. But I figure If I tell enough people, just maybe they might gain that half clue. And BTW I am going to show them this post, and a couple of others.
THANKS Friend,


Active member
The thing is , for me anyway, JC I don't need reminding every day, and to do so is just FN annoying...any company that does that has an idiot at the helm.
Rule #1 don't piss off customers.


Well-known member
I get it and agree with you. However...

Emails are easy not to read and delete.

It could be worse they could robocall you.