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Search function


moose eater

I've tried to search for a specific topic/item numerous times this A.M., both while logged in, as well as while logged out, and the search function now goes to a blank screen with no results; just a white screen.

Anyone else having this experience, or am I the ONLY lucky winner?


moose eater

My repeated searches this morning were for 'nutrient work sheet'.

I still get a blank screen of all white.

Looks like a winter white-out on a computer screen, which, considering the weather forecast and current season here, may lead me toward experiencing some form of psychological trauma. ;^>)

moose eater

I'll take a break, and try Google, or DuckDuckGo, or....

moose eater

It's working for me now; both with the original search terms, as well as a better worded and directed, modified search.
