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I dont know how much I will update this one. Just started a Rubber City grow. Seeds were pretty pricey and supposed to be a close relative of Ohio Death Star. Im trying to acquire a true cut for a medical grow. In the meantime Im growing these out. All 6 popped but one is not looking well. Put in dirt a couple days ago. Organic grow. Pot size will be determined by how many of them I decide to grow out as a small pheno hunt in my limited space.



Well I culled the one that popped and didnt make it. Now there is another one struggling and not looking well. Other 4 are coming along. Still early and I wont cull the small one for now. No real need to at this point but that may change. I took advantage of the down time in my small tent to do the between grow cleaning with soap and bleach water to wipe all of it down.



OK update with some pics. These were up potted to 4 gallon bags in a new mix of soil same recipe as last for most part. Added some black owl biochar cause I had it on hand. But the soil seems hot maybe but I have not grown this strain before so it may be sensitive to the soil. Last grow the Headbanger loved this soil. 2 of them are very similar phenos it looks like. All are having some minor issues and one is worse than the other 3. They were just fed Neptunes Harvest veg formula and some liquid compost tea. Plus I added a shot of Cal/Mag which I have not added so far. Mix has a heavy dose of solution grade gypsum when mixed same as last. Using the AG difficult mix just adding more gypsum same as last batch. Soil is once and done.
My COB light is plenty high and temps are upper 70's low 80's and humidity is around 50% in tent running a humidifier in my grow space next to tent.

Here is the pic of all 4

2 on left look like twins mostly.

Front right different pheno and is having some slight issue but Im not sure what.

The one in back right is having similar issues but worse. Canoeing leaves which have improved almost overnight since feed including cal/mag. The leaves that were canoeing are looking better less than 24 hours after feed including a shot of Cal/Mag. The fan leaves are not crisp but the damage is obvious. New growth from last few days at top is looking better.

Plan is to give them another week or two to fill out and up some before flip. Have not decided if Im taking cuts of these or not.

Anyone have experience with this type strain which is supposed to be close to the Death Star have any insight to what my issue is please chime in.



Just playing around with pic sizes. Ignore.


Active member
I see this kind of thinking all the time online with organic grows. If you get the soil mix right you shouldnt need to feed at all in veg and its actually throwing all different stuff at the plants is which causes the issues.

In living soil a plant will work through its issues all by itself as it spreads its roots, you are currently treating your organic grow like a hydro grow.

If you can start growing some vegies in your garden this will really help you understand the process of keeping plants healthy. Less is more, good luck.


Bat Macumba
I don't know where to look for AG's mix. Can you post the recipe? Also, you may want to grab a soil pH meter- they are not so pricey.

I would also agree that if you've already pre loaded the soil with nutrition, you shouldn't need to feed nutes every time. That only works with a high percentage of peat because it's exchange capacity is much larger.

My guess is a P and K lockout. Not irreversible. Just take it easy with the nutes for a few waterings. Find other sources of calcium besides Cal mag. A cal-phos foliar may help once these start to rebound.


This is the mix. Pretty simple. It did my last grow great and I ran a small side by side with clones comparing plain water with earth juice and a third plant with Neptune's Harvest. The plant using low feeding of Neptune's Harvest turned out easily the best of the 3. Both in quality and yield.


This is my abbreviated example of my last grow using this soil mix with Neptune's Harvest. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=365627

Sorry to thread drift.


Active member
This is the mix. Pretty simple. It did my last grow great and I ran a small side by side with clones comparing plain water with earth juice and a third plant with Neptune's Harvest. The plant using low feeding of Neptune's Harvest turned out easily the best of the 3. Both in quality and yield.


This is my abbreviated example of my last grow using this soil mix with Neptune's Harvest. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=365627

Sorry to thread drift.

I followed that grow, was very informative and you certainly seem to understand that less is more. Did you supliment with cal/mag last time? Ive never suplimented with anything since switching to organic although i live in a volcanic area so my base is great.


I followed that grow, was very informative and you certainly seem to understand that less is more. Did you supliment with cal/mag last time? Ive never suplimented with anything since switching to organic although i live in a volcanic area so my base is great.
I did twice I think with just small amounts. This grow I used a small amount a few days ago and it seems to have helped.


Today is 6 days from flip. Obviously the one in the back left is a totally different pheno from the other 3. The remaining 3 are pretty similar.

Yesterday they got a ACT from EWC and some molasses, and a small amount of Neptune's Harvest fish feed added after 36 hours of brewing. They have been a little twitchy and had issues. Gave some Cal/Mag which seems to have helped. Plus a lot of leaf taco and I completely shut off my circ fan and just using the air movement from the exhaust fan. The taco got much better. First time thats happened to me. Light is almost 2 feet above so I dont see that being an issue. This is obviously my first run of this strain or one like it.

Tomorrow or next day Im going to pull each one out at a time and do a really hard trim of lower stuff and fans since Im pretty crowded for light on this one. Hope Im doing it justice.


More pics. First one of them out of the tent is about 4 days ago. The two on the right have growth on the lowers I missed on the last lollipop and trim it seems. I did one more hard defoliation simply because I have limited space in this spot and the budsites needed light before I put them back in the tent. I think its gonna be fine. These girls really have surprised me how well they look. Very tight and close nodes. Im no pro but we shall see because they really look happy as far as my limited grow experiences tell me. The plant on the left was the early sprinter and still is taller and a different pheno but the others have stretched more than I though they would.
Bud sites out the ass. I did keep cuts of each. FYI these are 4 gallon soil pots and the last week or two going back to basics and using ACT's really has shown a diff. Im trying to wean off cal/mag brand and using Biomin liquid cal and dissolved Epsom Salts instead. I added plenty of lime and solution grade gypsum to the soil mix before I used this batch. No more than I grow Im a once and done soil mix.

Bitches trying to run away :biggrin:


