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ReGreening America with seeds and clones

Americans, it is time we decide to come together and ReGreen the country. No longer should we sit on our laurels waiting for those fighting against freedom to limit our ability to grow the plants and raise the animals we want. It's our right to this earth that they are stealing from us. Today I can happily say that 46!!! out of 50 states have legal recreational use or medicinal use of marijuana laws. The people have spoken and the government and corporations are looking to trade in the freedoms they denied us for tax dollars and high levels of profiteering. This has got to stop or the american people will have their freedoms robed from them again by the modern day robber barons. That is not to say that profit cannot be made from our hard work, it is to say that our hard work must be monetized for the people and not for the company/people we have been told exist. Companies are not people, they never have been and they never will be, they are companies and we will treat them as such until the laws change.

The reason I write you today is for this. It is time to ReGreen America...

By that I mean that it's time for us to all strive together to return the indigenous plants of Cannabis Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis, as well as hemp, back to it's native lands across america. Many are not aware today of the mass culling of Marijuna and Hemp across america in the early 1900s, almost 100 years ago today. It is impossible to know just how detrimental removing these plants from our ecosystem has been through all these years. However, as we have seen in other places where previously hunted animals were reintroduced to balance the ecosystem, it can create an immense benefit to the ecology to return what was once taken away. It is time we correct this foolish mistake by coming together as a nation of lovers of freedom, life and love to make a change. For this I propose the following...

For those who have large generic seed stocks, cuttings or the ability to produce bulk seed runs for fun; how about we consider building a system to move them to each other around the world to others who would like to ReGreen their neighborhoods, lands and freeway ditches. The places where things such as ditch weed got their name :biggrin:. We could use seed stock that is for anything but commercial cultivation. Ideally we would use landraces for each of these indigenous places, however the truth is that the landraces of these lands are extinct. We are literally planting the seeds of new landraces to develop in the wild for generations to come from our efforts in this labor of Love. There are some lands this is not ideal for, specifically around areas where large scale outdoor commercial pot grows are happening. This still leads to large swaths of land where plants could grow uninterrupted by anything but Mother Nature herself.

All I need to know is who is with me on this!!!???

I cannot carry this torch alone, which is why I am planting this seed here. I Am A Lot of things and one of those things is a Lover of Life, and I know I'm not alone here. Are there those here who are with me who are willing to carry this light with me out into the world? Even if you cannot help by planting the seeds yourself physically, you can help plant the seeds of Love with me mentally by sharing this concept with your friends and family. There are tough times ahead, lets help each other out now by planting our seeds to the future.

And maybe, just maybe, while we are planting our seeds out there for our future, we can also plant seeds of Truth, freedom, Love and compassion as well as possibly some rutabaga, corn, artichoke, chard and other edibles.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Much Love, God Bless You One and All



Active member
I say so long as the wild planting happens far enough away from people's own outdoor crops, I'm all in!

Jonny Appleweed this place


Active member
Seeing how places in the US where ditchweed grows wild aren't necessarily more friendly toward marijuana, not sure I see the point?
Seeing how places in the US where ditchweed grows wild aren't necessarily more friendly toward marijuana, not sure I see the point?

Excellent question, mind if I answer your question with another question? For the most part, pot can grow wild in all 50 states, of those 50 states and collectively as a nation, which have the man power to resist such a movement? There really isn't a group of people out there to remove the plants either, let alone one that is funded and interested in doing such a thing on a state level. Sparely grouped plants of any genus take a tremendous amount of energy to address vs. something like a cultivated field.

Oh and it's good for the earth and mother nature to boot so everyone wins.

Follow up question for you, what do you imagine there is to lose on such a fun adventure? The world is going to heaven in a hand basket, might be fun to have it full of naturally wild free pot for all of us available while we are our foraging for food. And we could make rope and clothes out of the hemp, which is what I hear is all the rage these days with the kids.


Active member
Can't say I have firsthand experience with this, but everything I've ever heard/read suggests drug cultivar cannabis reverts to fibrous hemp within 4 generations in the wild, without human selection. Do we want that pollen floating about ruining everyone's outdoor seed crop?

Speaking of hemp fiber, maybe they've improved it vastly, but every hemp fabric item of clothing I've ever had has been pretty awful compared to (environmentally awful) cotton. Think slightly more comfortable burlap.

I'm all for more people growing their own herb, just hope they'll keep moving the drug cultivar forward. Diversity yes, ditchweed, no.


Active member
Americans, it is time we decide to come together and ReGreen the country. No longer should we sit on our laurels waiting for those fighting against freedom to limit our ability to grow the plants and raise the animals we want. It's our right to this earth that they are stealing from us. Today I can happily say that 46!!! out of 50 states have legal recreational use or medicinal use of marijuana laws. The people have spoken and the government and corporations are looking to trade in the freedoms they denied us for tax dollars and high levels of profiteering. This has got to stop or the american people will have their freedoms robed from them again by the modern day robber barons. That is not to say that profit cannot be made from our hard work, it is to say that our hard work must be monetized for the people and not for the company/people we have been told exist. Companies are not people, they never have been and they never will be, they are companies and we will treat them as such until the laws change.

The reason I write you today is for this. It is time to ReGreen America...

By that I mean that it's time for us to all strive together to return the indigenous plants of Cannabis Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis, as well as hemp, back to it's native lands across america. Many are not aware today of the mass culling of Marijuna and Hemp across america in the early 1900s, almost 100 years ago today. It is impossible to know just how detrimental removing these plants from our ecosystem has been through all these years. However, as we have seen in other places where previously hunted animals were reintroduced to balance the ecosystem, it can create an immense benefit to the ecology to return what was once taken away. It is time we correct this foolish mistake by coming together as a nation of lovers of freedom, life and love to make a change. For this I propose the following...

For those who have large generic seed stocks, cuttings or the ability to produce bulk seed runs for fun; how about we consider building a system to move them to each other around the world to others who would like to ReGreen their neighborhoods, lands and freeway ditches. The places where things such as ditch weed got their name :biggrin:. We could use seed stock that is for anything but commercial cultivation. Ideally we would use landraces for each of these indigenous places, however the truth is that the landraces of these lands are extinct. We are literally planting the seeds of new landraces to develop in the wild for generations to come from our efforts in this labor of Love. There are some lands this is not ideal for, specifically around areas where large scale outdoor commercial pot grows are happening. This still leads to large swaths of land where plants could grow uninterrupted by anything but Mother Nature herself.

All I need to know is who is with me on this!!!???

I cannot carry this torch alone, which is why I am planting this seed here. I Am A Lot of things and one of those things is a Lover of Life, and I know I'm not alone here. Are there those here who are with me who are willing to carry this light with me out into the world? Even if you cannot help by planting the seeds yourself physically, you can help plant the seeds of Love with me mentally by sharing this concept with your friends and family. There are tough times ahead, lets help each other out now by planting our seeds to the future.

And maybe, just maybe, while we are planting our seeds out there for our future, we can also plant seeds of Truth, freedom, Love and compassion as well as possibly some rutabaga, corn, artichoke, chard and other edibles.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Much Love, God Bless You One and All


Most of the greenup ive participated in requires first cleaning up the areas(esp homeless encampments in pristine planting areas) botany guide to which species are native to my area (black willows ) for example in my area were on the decline so i volunteer at the local nursery to help get saplings going and replanted. It doesnt have to be hemp cultivars to do your part.


Active member
great analogy

great analogy

Can't say I have firsthand experience with this, but everything I've ever heard/read suggests drug cultivar cannabis reverts to fibrous hemp within 4 generations in the wild, without human selection. Do we want that pollen floating about ruining everyone's outdoor seed crop?

Speaking of hemp fiber, maybe they've improved it vastly, but every hemp fabric item of clothing I've ever had has been pretty awful compared to (environmentally awful) cotton. Think slightly more comfortable burlap.

I'm all for more people growing their own herb, just hope they'll keep moving the drug cultivar forward. Diversity yes, ditchweed, no.

slightly more comfy burlap is right, chaff chafferton


Well-known member
I'm not going to be negative because this is a chance for the poster to learn and I don't want to chase him off quite yet. I see you're American but this also applies if you're in Australia, Africa, North or South America, cannabis is not a native species and as suggested by another poster you could better spend your time re-greening with native species that are much better adapted to local environments.

If you spend time looking through the threads on Disease, Outdoor Cultivation, Fertilizer, Lighting, Genetics, you'll see that cannabis as an introduced exotic cultivated species is notoriously difficult to grow successfully. Like all the other crops domesticated by man. Simply tossing seeds in a field will most likely fatten the native birds but won't give you decent smoke or textiles. It takes organization, planning, determination, sweat, blood, and $ to pull in a crop, and that's in legal areas. In areas where cannabis cultivation is illegal it takes much more.

Your idea makes me think of a story I heard a couple weeks ago from a hillbilly type stoner out in logging country. His friend, unfortunately now deceased, used to go to the big clearcuts in the spring, after the logging company had chopped all the trees. He'd find their burn pile, wait for it to stop smoldering then toss in some seeds. Cannabis has always been a disaster plant, moves in after a cataclysm and is one of the first plant to start the regrowth. The ash would provide the nutrients, he'd come back in the fall and hack a few seedy, gnarly buds. If the deer didn't get them. Sometimes he'd get lucky and harvest quite a bit but my grower friend and I were laughing about it. How much better he'd have done if he'd done some planning, gotten some good genetics, removed the males, watered a few times, and mixed in some good soil. With ganja you get out what you put into it.

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