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Redbud cookies



Redbud cookies

Sorry don’t have an exact recipe but I make them strong with a couple oz of fresh clean bud (no stems or seeds) sautéed in fresh farm butter for about 20 minutes. Then strain it and mix it in with the cookie mix I make with flour sugar, egg and in this case coconut. These babies look like normal cookies but they are super potent and more then one will put you into a cold paranoiac sweat. One a day is the maximum for me.



Si they are served daily here. I had one about 8AM and it's still working....


Esas si que son galletitas magicas, mi amigo, gracias por compartir. :yes:

Paz y mas...



Con mucho gusto Qaxaca!
Yea cannable the butter is the way to go, I never got off eatting weed or hash for that matter till I made the butter. But really I started making cookies (canna butter) for my sister in law that has MS, she would never smoke Mj so the cookies are good meds for her. Funny thing is my Colombian mother in law didn't think they were potent and she eat one causing her to sleep for two days. Now she has mucho respect for them.

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