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Questions I would ask my "breeder"

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I haven't bought cannabis seeds in almost 25 years now. Wouldn't even know where to begin, because I'm a skeptical fuck and I know how much bovine excrement is mixed in with marketing, just to sling some seeds.

But in an ideal world, were you could actually talk/communicate with the person chucking pollen (shows what a dinosaur I am, I should have said "swishing chemicals/hormones" to be current), here are some of the questions _I_ would ask of a “breeder”, a term that is so misused that when I type it, I get a little throw up in my mouth. :ROFLMAO:

Here's some questions to think about asking, if you could:

How long have you been developing cannabis, not growing it, but actually using male and female cannabis plants where the primary purpose was to produce _seeds_, not consumable cannabis?

Do you actually use staminate and pistillate plants for seed production or do you use chemicals to genetically modify the sexuality of the plant?

How, when and where did you obtain the initial seeds that were a part of this development, and how many actual seeds did you use in the initial grow? How many plants were there and were they uniform in color, shape and size?

What is the growing/developing environment for the cannabis that you develop for seeds? Do you use older, traditional HID lighting such as HPS/MH or do you utilize LED? Organic or chemical fertilizers? What growing medium… hydro, soil, coco?

What typical number of plants do you grow to develop seeds and what is the largest number of plants you've ever had complete responsibility for?

How many generations of plants have you used to standardize and stabilize this variety of cannabis and what methods did you use?

What chemicals, hormones or insecticides have been used in the maintenance of your plants? In addition, what type of water is used for your cannabis, have you had it tested, and if so, how long ago?

What is the general frequency/percentage of hermaphroditic plants you have experienced and what do you think the cause of them might have been?

Who else has grown these seeds, were they provided free of charge by you for a review, and how did you determine the exact length of the flowering cycle.

Are you the only source of the seeds I’m interested in or are there other vendors who trust you skills as cannabis “breeder” enough to sell your product?

If a cannabis developer has experience and actually knows what they're doing, they'll not only be eager to answer them, they'll be _proud_ of the answers they give.
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Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
How long have you been developing cannabis, not growing it, but actually using male and female cannabis plants where the primary purpose was to produce _seeds_, not consumable cannabis?

Since the early 90's. When I first started growing inside I did not have access to "store bought" seeds. Once a year I would make seeds from my favorite females and a freshly selected male from the previous year's increase. Which usually involved 2-4 lines of Skunk, Northern Lights and Blueberry. I kept the lines separated though, just working the individual strains.

Do you actually use staminate and pistillate plants for seed production or do you use chemicals to genetically modify the sexuality of the plant?

Both. I mainly focus on feminized seeds. The last project was regular seeds. Sour Bubble male to females. Seeds for sale feminized, seeds for future projects Regular.

How, when and where did you obtain the initial seeds that were a part of this development, and how many actual seeds did you use in the initial grow? How many plants were there and were they uniform in color, shape and size?
The first seeds were collected by me and friends from bags of high grade cannabis, many coming from Dead shows. The seeds I first worked with came from a friends Dad who had been growing for years and had made seeds along with going to Amsterdam in the 80's. The initial seed making grow was around 30 plants. There was quite a bit of phenotypical variation and that led to the different lines within the strains. In the late 90's early 2000's I was able to source some high quality genetics and some clones which carries us to the present. I sure wish I had that beginning work today as that was the best cannabis I ever smoked. NLxHaze, Skunk, Blueberry, Romulan etc.

What is the growing/developing environment for the cannabis that you develop for seeds? Do you use older, traditional HID lighting such as HPS/MH or do you utilize LED? Organic or chemical fertilizers? What growing medium… hydro, soil, coco?

First the lights have always been HPS. The last few years I tried led and the results were not the same. Potency and plant health were not up to snuff. I got rid of the LEDs and went back to good old HPS 600 or 1k. Hortilux bulbs.
As for grow method I've used it all. I favor hydro, grow a lot in soil, least experience is with coco. For making seeds I normally do that outside or in smaller cabinets in soil. Promix, worm castings, perlite, with amendments or bottled nutrients. I tend to use the amendments for growing flower for consumption and bottled for making seeds. Products I use:
Botanicare - all purpose soil or hydro base nutrient
General Hydroponics - Rockwool tables base nutrient
Advanced Nutrients - supplements, Big Bud, Overdrive, Voodoo Juice.
I don't use these all at once of course, just trusted nutrient lines I've used for years. Like pantry staples.
Making seed indoors I use soil, GH nutrients, HPS, temps 72-75 day/ 62-65 night. Rh 40 then down to 25 to finish.

What typical number of plants do you grow to develop seeds and what is the largest number of plants you've ever had complete responsibility for?

Last season I used 30 plants to make the next gen of my 2022 project, Strawberry Diesel x Grape Stomper x Cherry Pie. The clones that were pollenated by the Sour Bubble was the one SB male and 1 clone of each strain. If I'm just doing a next gen thing I want at least 30 plants started and go from there. Currently I think I have 18 of the Sour Bubble x Maha's Mind Blower seedling from last seasons outdoor project above ground. I will look for the best males and females for the next gen. As for the most plants I have grown in one run, 500. Indoors on Rockwool tables.

How many generations of plants have you used to standardize and stabilize this variety of cannabis and what methods did you use?

It is never the same. When I feel like I can hand someone seeds and they will get a few keepers from 10 seeds that's where I'm good with it. I like to leave a little variation so people can pick the one they like. Mostly structural variation. Taste, smells, potency and effect should be the same on all plants. I'm not trying to make an "ibl" line by any means. The method is simple, cross the plants that have the desired traits. Test the progeny. Repeat until satisfied.

What chemicals, hormones or insecticides have been used in the maintenance of your plants? In addition, what type of water is used for your cannabis, have you had it tested, and if so, how long ago?

I use RO water and cal/mag. As for chemicals in the ipm I use GrowSafe, Protekt and wettable Sulphur.

What is the general frequency/percentage of hermaphroditic plants you have experienced and what do you think the cause of them might have been?

Hermie plants are pretty rare for me. It's all about the genetics you start with. I never had a line riddled with hermaphrodite plants. I think the environment when the plant is growing is more likely the cause of most Hermie plants. When I do run across them they are culled and carry on.

Who else has grown these seeds, were they provided free of charge by you for a review, and how did you determine the exact length of the flowering cycle.

Icmag friends have grown some of my seeds and many friends and family. I am a hobby chucker that has gotten more serious lately and will eventually offer seeds for sale. Determining flower time is a ballpark thing. I take the time of the shortest and the longest and average that. Which isn't usually more than 10 days variance anyway. From the day they are turned to flower light cycle of 12/12 the count begins. As far as determining ripeness that is strain specific. Some strains smoke and taste better pulled on the early side some on the riper side. I decide where I like the effect and that's what I call harvest day.

Are you the only source of the seeds I’m interested in or are there other vendors who trust you skills as cannabis “breeder” enough to sell your product?

I haven't gotten that far yet. I have done many projects with different folks or supplied the genetics. Either way good fun!

Again I am not a breeder just a chucker and I answered your questions for the fun of it. I could go into far greater detail but I figure I have bored y'all long enough. Keep chuckin'!

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
How long have you been developing cannabis, not growing it, but actually using male and female cannabis plants where the primary purpose was to produce _seeds_, not consumable cannabis?

Since the early 90's. When I first started growing inside I did not have access to "store bought" seeds. Once a year I would make seeds from my favorite females and a freshly selected male from the previous year's increase. Which usually involved 2-4 lines of Skunk, Northern Lights and Blueberry. I kept the lines separated though, just working the individual strains.

Do you actually use staminate and pistillate plants for seed production or do you use chemicals to genetically modify the sexuality of the plant?

Both. I mainly focus on feminized seeds. The last project was regular seeds. Sour Bubble male to females. Seeds for sale feminized, seeds for future projects Regular.

How, when and where did you obtain the initial seeds that were a part of this development, and how many actual seeds did you use in the initial grow? How many plants were there and were they uniform in color, shape and size?
The first seeds were collected by me and friends from bags of high grade cannabis, many coming from Dead shows. The seeds I first worked with came from a friends Dad who had been growing for years and had made seeds along with going to Amsterdam in the 80's. The initial seed making grow was around 30 plants. There was quite a bit of phenotypical variation and that led to the different lines within the strains. In the late 90's early 2000's I was able to source some high quality genetics and some clones which carries us to the present. I sure wish I had that beginning work today as that was the best cannabis I ever smoked. NLxHaze, Skunk, Blueberry, Romulan etc.

What is the growing/developing environment for the cannabis that you develop for seeds? Do you use older, traditional HID lighting such as HPS/MH or do you utilize LED? Organic or chemical fertilizers? What growing medium… hydro, soil, coco?

First the lights have always been HPS. The last few years I tried led and the results were not the same. Potency and plant health were not up to snuff. I got rid of the LEDs and went back to good old HPS 600 or 1k. Hortilux bulbs.
As for grow method I've used it all. I favor hydro, grow a lot in soil, least experience is with coco. For making seeds I normally do that outside or in smaller cabinets in soil. Promix, worm castings, perlite, with amendments or bottled nutrients. I tend to use the amendments for growing flower for consumption and bottled for making seeds. Products I use:
Botanicare - all purpose soil or hydro base nutrient
General Hydroponics - Rockwool tables base nutrient
Advanced Nutrients - supplements, Big Bud, Overdrive, Voodoo Juice.
I don't use these all at once of course, just trusted nutrient lines I've used for years. Like pantry staples.
Making seed indoors I use soil, GH nutrients, HPS, temps 72-75 day/ 62-65 night. Rh 40 then down to 25 to finish.

What typical number of plants do you grow to develop seeds and what is the largest number of plants you've ever had complete responsibility for?

Last season I used 30 plants to make the next gen of my 2022 project, Strawberry Diesel x Grape Stomper x Cherry Pie. The clones that were pollenated by the Sour Bubble was the one SB male and 1 clone of each strain. If I'm just doing a next gen thing I want at least 30 plants started and go from there. Currently I think I have 18 of the Sour Bubble x Maha's Mind Blower seedling from last seasons outdoor project above ground. I will look for the best males and females for the next gen. As for the most plants I have grown in one run, 500. Indoors on Rockwool tables.

How many generations of plants have you used to standardize and stabilize this variety of cannabis and what methods did you use?

It is never the same. When I feel like I can hand someone seeds and they will get a few keepers from 10 seeds that's where I'm good with it. I like to leave a little variation so people can pick the one they like. Mostly structural variation. Taste, smells, potency and effect should be the same on all plants. I'm not trying to make an "ibl" line by any means. The method is simple, cross the plants that have the desired traits. Test the progeny. Repeat until satisfied.

What chemicals, hormones or insecticides have been used in the maintenance of your plants? In addition, what type of water is used for your cannabis, have you had it tested, and if so, how long ago?

I use RO water and cal/mag. As for chemicals in the ipm I use GrowSafe, Protekt and wettable Sulphur.

What is the general frequency/percentage of hermaphroditic plants you have experienced and what do you think the cause of them might have been?

Hermie plants are pretty rare for me. It's all about the genetics you start with. I never had a line riddled with hermaphrodite plants. I think the environment when the plant is growing is more likely the cause of most Hermie plants. When I do run across them they are culled and carry on.

Who else has grown these seeds, were they provided free of charge by you for a review, and how did you determine the exact length of the flowering cycle.

Icmag friends have grown some of my seeds and many friends and family. I am a hobby chucker that has gotten more serious lately and will eventually offer seeds for sale. Determining flower time is a ballpark thing. I take the time of the shortest and the longest and average that. Which isn't usually more than 10 days variance anyway. From the day they are turned to flower light cycle of 12/12 the count begins. As far as determining ripeness that is strain specific. Some strains smoke and taste better pulled on the early side some on the riper side. I decide where I like the effect and that's what I call harvest day.

Are you the only source of the seeds I’m interested in or are there other vendors who trust you skills as cannabis “breeder” enough to sell your product?

I haven't gotten that far yet. I have done many projects with different folks or supplied the genetics. Either way good fun!

Again I am not a breeder just a chucker and I answered your questions for the fun of it. I could go into far greater detail but I figure I have bored y'all long enough. Keep chuckin'!

If I was in the market to purchase seeds, I would definitely want to communicate with you. Shantibaba is probably the only other one I would consider right now, besides Mike up in BC, who went legal and is no longer sellling seeds cause of some arcane Canadian law.

You could never bore me with detail and facts, I live for that shit. :cool:

Nice post, hope you're in the Boutique Breeder section of ICM.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I've always said...keep it stupid simple.

I was one of the only contract growers in bc back in the day to bring photos, references and flower to meeting. There was and still so much bs pump and dumping then and now in the legal sector

My advice
- find the strains you like most that work in your specific sacred space
- vet the breeder: test grows, resume, social media, word of mouth, ic mag vendors
- gotta really know who has the juice once you experience it yourself personally. Otherwise all the hype is just tripe and frills at the end of the day
- don't get feedback from "competitors" and other "breeders" spite and zealots will often bend and twist the facts for their own petty person gains.
- proof is in the pudding: just becuase someone has paid for massive social media following doesn't mean much. Your needs. Region. Environment matter much more


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
Again I am not a breeder just a chucker
my kind of folks

- find the strains you like most that work in your specific sacred space
super advice

@CharlesU Farley plant lots and lots seeds more you grow the better you become :) find a strain/plant

you like that grows well in your setup/space for you

grow the hell out of it until you can grow it in your sleep

just a hack :)



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
You gotta get yourself some seeds now!
You miss to much.
The fun begins, when you know, which effect you like.

Then the chase is on.
Try something new now!
One thing I forgot to mention: the biggest problem I have found is once you start breeding, buying or trading beans for most its impossible to stop lol

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Grew lots of seeds from BC :) Federation had some good work loved Mikado

still have a couple of different UBC Chemo
I've always had a very soft spot in my heart for BC developers, especially this guy. Can't talk about BC cannabis developers without mentioning the Godfather who started it all and got everybody together. Cut n paste from another thread:

Vic High

This nym established the very _first_ online, web based cannabis forum (like the one your viewing/using now) and shared his vast knowledge of developing cannabis with a _world_ wide audience. He established a "knowledge cooperative" of cannabis cultivators known as the British Columbia Growers Association (BCGA). It was quite revolutionary at the time because it included growers from not only Canada but the EU, OZ, NL and the US, among other countries.

Unlike the various cannabis fora of today, the discussions were civil, educational and informative... without politics, ego, and most importantly, _selling_ anything.

I am _so_ not a name dropper but if you use your intellectual curiosity and explore the links I'm going to provide, you see names like Mr. Soul, Chimera etc. You'll see intelligent and insightful discussions by people who know/knew what they are/were talking about, _disagree_, and present their logic and experience to validate their positions, in a non-confrontational, non ego-driven manner.

Vic High
I'd start with real world question instead of AI bullshit training.

What does Sour Diesel smell like in your opinion?

A) "earthy"

B) Like tennis balls

C) Like hospital and soap

D) Like Sour Diesel

Never listen to people who need prompts. People who need questions asked to them before they have anything to say are bullshitters.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I would ask if they have been femmed or selfed at any time
"Do you actually use staminate and pistillate plants for seed production or do you use chemicals to genetically modify the sexuality of the plant?"

...or any ruderalis added to the mix. Hard pass on all that for us.
I didn't even think about Autos. Like I say in the how to get cannabis to do what you wanted to do thread, if you can't figure out how to turn a fucking light off and on, this thread isn't for you. o_O

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
How long have you been developing cannabis, not growing it, but actually using male and female cannabis plants where the primary purpose was to produce _seeds_, not consumable cannabis?

Since the early 90's. When I first started growing inside I did not have access to "store bought" seeds. Once a year I would make seeds from my favorite females and a freshly selected male from the previous year's increase. Which usually involved 2-4 lines of Skunk, Northern Lights and Blueberry. I kept the lines separated though, just working the individual strains.

Do you actually use staminate and pistillate plants for seed production or do you use chemicals to genetically modify the sexuality of the plant?

Both. I mainly focus on feminized seeds. The last project was regular seeds. Sour Bubble male to females. Seeds for sale feminized, seeds for future projects Regular.

How, when and where did you obtain the initial seeds that were a part of this development, and how many actual seeds did you use in the initial grow? How many plants were there and were they uniform in color, shape and size?
The first seeds were collected by me and friends from bags of high grade cannabis, many coming from Dead shows. The seeds I first worked with came from a friends Dad who had been growing for years and had made seeds along with going to Amsterdam in the 80's. The initial seed making grow was around 30 plants. There was quite a bit of phenotypical variation and that led to the different lines within the strains. In the late 90's early 2000's I was able to source some high quality genetics and some clones which carries us to the present. I sure wish I had that beginning work today as that was the best cannabis I ever smoked. NLxHaze, Skunk, Blueberry, Romulan etc.

What is the growing/developing environment for the cannabis that you develop for seeds? Do you use older, traditional HID lighting such as HPS/MH or do you utilize LED? Organic or chemical fertilizers? What growing medium… hydro, soil, coco?

First the lights have always been HPS. The last few years I tried led and the results were not the same. Potency and plant health were not up to snuff. I got rid of the LEDs and went back to good old HPS 600 or 1k. Hortilux bulbs.
As for grow method I've used it all. I favor hydro, grow a lot in soil, least experience is with coco. For making seeds I normally do that outside or in smaller cabinets in soil. Promix, worm castings, perlite, with amendments or bottled nutrients. I tend to use the amendments for growing flower for consumption and bottled for making seeds. Products I use:
Botanicare - all purpose soil or hydro base nutrient
General Hydroponics - Rockwool tables base nutrient
Advanced Nutrients - supplements, Big Bud, Overdrive, Voodoo Juice.
I don't use these all at once of course, just trusted nutrient lines I've used for years. Like pantry staples.
Making seed indoors I use soil, GH nutrients, HPS, temps 72-75 day/ 62-65 night. Rh 40 then down to 25 to finish.

What typical number of plants do you grow to develop seeds and what is the largest number of plants you've ever had complete responsibility for?

Last season I used 30 plants to make the next gen of my 2022 project, Strawberry Diesel x Grape Stomper x Cherry Pie. The clones that were pollenated by the Sour Bubble was the one SB male and 1 clone of each strain. If I'm just doing a next gen thing I want at least 30 plants started and go from there. Currently I think I have 18 of the Sour Bubble x Maha's Mind Blower seedling from last seasons outdoor project above ground. I will look for the best males and females for the next gen. As for the most plants I have grown in one run, 500. Indoors on Rockwool tables.

How many generations of plants have you used to standardize and stabilize this variety of cannabis and what methods did you use?

It is never the same. When I feel like I can hand someone seeds and they will get a few keepers from 10 seeds that's where I'm good with it. I like to leave a little variation so people can pick the one they like. Mostly structural variation. Taste, smells, potency and effect should be the same on all plants. I'm not trying to make an "ibl" line by any means. The method is simple, cross the plants that have the desired traits. Test the progeny. Repeat until satisfied.

What chemicals, hormones or insecticides have been used in the maintenance of your plants? In addition, what type of water is used for your cannabis, have you had it tested, and if so, how long ago?

I use RO water and cal/mag. As for chemicals in the ipm I use GrowSafe, Protekt and wettable Sulphur.

What is the general frequency/percentage of hermaphroditic plants you have experienced and what do you think the cause of them might have been?

Hermie plants are pretty rare for me. It's all about the genetics you start with. I never had a line riddled with hermaphrodite plants. I think the environment when the plant is growing is more likely the cause of most Hermie plants. When I do run across them they are culled and carry on.

Who else has grown these seeds, were they provided free of charge by you for a review, and how did you determine the exact length of the flowering cycle.

Icmag friends have grown some of my seeds and many friends and family. I am a hobby chucker that has gotten more serious lately and will eventually offer seeds for sale. Determining flower time is a ballpark thing. I take the time of the shortest and the longest and average that. Which isn't usually more than 10 days variance anyway. From the day they are turned to flower light cycle of 12/12 the count begins. As far as determining ripeness that is strain specific. Some strains smoke and taste better pulled on the early side some on the riper side. I decide where I like the effect and that's what I call harvest day.

Are you the only source of the seeds I’m interested in or are there other vendors who trust you skills as cannabis “breeder” enough to sell your product?

I haven't gotten that far yet. I have done many projects with different folks or supplied the genetics. Either way good fun!

Again I am not a breeder just a chucker and I answered your questions for the fun of it. I could go into far greater detail but I figure I have bored y'all long enough. Keep chuckin'!
Almost forgot about this thread.

Well, 3 weeks later and Lester is the only one who had the balls enough to answer these questions. I was kind of hoping OJD, medman, and some of the others would have at least answered a couple of them.

I'm contacting Musashi on the Mr Nice forum to see if Shantibaba will answer these questions (even though I know most of the answers to them already) and more importantly, let me post them here on this forum.

Again Lester Beans, _respect_.

And to the moron who thinks this thread was AI generated; based on your response I just read, the level of your intelligence is blatantly obvious and it damn sure ain't artificial.
Last edited:


I haven't bought cannabis seeds in almost 25 years now. Wouldn't even know where to begin, because I'm a skeptical fuck and I know how much bovine excrement is mixed in with marketing, just to sling some seeds.

But in an ideal world, were you could actually talk/communicate with the person chucking pollen (shows what a dinosaur I am, I should have said "swishing chemicals/hormones" to be current), here are some of the questions _I_ would ask of a “breeder”, a term that is so misused that when I type it, I get a little throw up in my mouth. :ROFLMAO:

Here's some questions to think about asking, if you could:

How long have you been developing cannabis, not growing it, but actually using male and female cannabis plants where the primary purpose was to produce _seeds_, not consumable cannabis?
1986, seeds to grow outside.
Do you actually use staminate and pistillate plants for seed production or do you use chemicals to genetically modify the sexuality of the plant?
male and female only
How, when and where did you obtain the initial seeds that were a part of this development, and how many actual seeds did you use in the initial grow? How many plants were there and were they uniform in color, shape and size?
bag seed, customers traded, 84-86, bagseed 1 kept, customers 3 and 3 and 4-5, 3+3 uniform 4-5 variable
What is the growing/developing environment for the cannabis that you develop for seeds? Do you use older, traditional HID lighting such as HPS/MH or do you utilize LED? Organic or chemical fertilizers? What growing medium… hydro, soil, coco?
MH, fluorescence, experimented with many lights, back to MH + fluorescence. Now local field clay, just enough MG to keep healthy.
What typical number of plants do you grow to develop seeds and what is the largest number of plants you've ever had complete responsibility for?
Average 26-28 per seed run. dont know most number at any one time, have not been a day without a live plant or plants since 86
How many generations of plants have you used to standardize and stabilize this variety of cannabis and what methods did you use?
Each variety have different generations to stability and hybreds also made during each run. Methods? no rush, no counting days, many months per run, only top if have to, leaves left till almost the end, males smoke tested.
What chemicals, hormones or insecticides have been used in the maintenance of your plants? In addition, what type of water is used for your cannabis, have you had it tested, and if so, how long ago?
MG, sulfer dust many years ago. Mainly ground water from sump some tap water. none tested
What is the general frequency/percentage of hermaphroditic plants you have experienced and what do you think the cause of them might have been?
Usually only on the first run of new seeds, someone else made them.
Who else has grown these seeds, were they provided free of charge by you for a review, and how did you determine the exact length of the flowering cycle.
Some went to canada free for treating yourself, some to san palo brazil free, west virginia free, texas free, colorado maybe? One person backtracked from down south and bought Cecil after cush but got a hybred. Dont care about lenght of flowering.
Are you the only source of the seeds I’m interested in or are there other vendors who trust you skills as cannabis “breeder” enough to sell your product?
Only source. Used to converse with emery and vic soul oldtimer and others on there forums never was banned. Believe me or not proof is in the product.
If a cannabis developer has experience and actually knows what they're doing, they'll not only be eager to answer them, they'll be _proud_ of the answers they give.


ICMag Donor
Almost forgot about this thread.

Well, 3 weeks later and Lester is the only one who had the balls enough to answer these questions. I was kind of hoping OJD, medman, and some of the others would have at least answered a couple of them.

I'm contacting Musashi on the Mr Nice forum to see if Shantibaba will answer these questions (even though I know most of the answers to them already) and more importantly, let me post them here on this forum.

Again Lester Beans, _respect_.

And to the moron who thinks this thread was AI generated; based on your response I just read, the level of your intelligence is blatantly obvious and it damn sure ain't artificial.

Best to tag me if you got any questions and il happily answer any ?

Also seems alot of questions like a Full on interview 😆 , nothing to hide but will taken 30-60 minutes to answer all questions 😆.
Il answer 1st 5 questions today and if any interest answer 5 more from your post everyday.

1. Around 2002 was first seed making , i made Original Haze F2 from flying Dutchman seeds and several hybrids with other clones inwas working with.

2. I use Males and Reversed Males for making seeds , Male for Regular seeds and I Reverse selected clones with STS to make Feminized pollen to produce Feminized seeds.

3. This question is asking about a specific line/strain ( which line, strain) , il talk on the Nevil Grail projects I've worked with.
Initially I was passed seeds ( 4 packs I think? ) by @Th4Sim or brother Sim ( RIP) as we know him, who got them from his friend British Hempire( who got them directly from his friend Nevil RIP)who was planning on doing a European Grail project together with Nevil ( it didn't pan out). Several years Later I got more of these Original Grail packets sent directly by British Hempire 🙏 as think he was unwell and didn't want them wasted.
Then a year or 2 later also recieved a 3rd package of Original Grail project seeds from a other of Nevil's friends OldSkoolHash 🙏 .

The first strain I run( from bother TH4sim) was the Mullumbimby Madness x NH21 Feminized version Nevil made himself , from that run , 10 seeds were run, 2 5 packs( I only had limited seeds) and run the clones several times and 2 keepers were kept and 1 clone used in seed projects making 2 strains 1 Feminized and 1 Regular.

Australian Dead Head Feminized = the Mullumbimby Madness x NH21 clone ( Extreme Pine pheno , huge yielding and incredible potency, as good as Nevil's famous Dutch clones) and hit that with the Casey Jones to bring the 16 week flower down a touch and make it more manageable for the larger crowd than the very small near 100% Sativa crowd.

Dangerous dog Regular = the Mullumbimby Madness x NH21 clone as mentioned above x Super Silver Chemdog Haze Male from old Reservoir Seeds release.
Again was hoping to bring flower time down a little and keep her Exotic Sativa/Haze qualities.

Both these strains turned out really well in my opinion and Australian Dead Head ( we have run many more than Dangerous dog ove the years) is 1 of the best strains I've put out and a favourite in my circle and with my customers.

4. I personaly make all my seeds myself, indoors using Gavita 1000 HPS. I use these light for the large spread of light and coverage they give and being able to fit many plants under them producing excellent seed prodction and can use 2 Gavitas a room Instead of the 6 standard hps I used to use before.
I am hoping to upgrade gradually to led but that's a big cost for 3 spots and as I mostly produce seeds I see no reason to just yet until I need to.
For flower led seems to definitely be improving Terps and even yield but I don't see/hear to much improve on seed production so il stick with HPS for now.

5. Depends on what strain I'm making or even the strain I'm using on the number of plants I will use. I usually don't run more than 20 seeds of 1 strain ever as I have limited space/projects to make and if I don't find what I'm looking for we will throw more seeds down next run , and again until we find something special or what we are looking for.
Biggest seed run I've done was 500 big plants and that was a Casey Jones Feminized project and a SSSDH Feminized project.

Il try an answer more questions tomorrow but this took a long while to read and write answers etc

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member

Best to tag me if you got any questions and il happily answer any ?

Also seems alot of questions like a Full on interview 😆 , nothing to hide but will taken 30-60 minutes to answer all questions 😆.
Il answer 1st 5 questions today and if any interest answer 5 more from your post everyday.

1. Around 2002 was first seed making , i made Original Haze F2 from flying Dutchman seeds and several hybrids with other clones inwas working with.

2. I use Males and Reversed Males for making seeds , Male for Regular seeds and I Reverse selected clones with STS to make Feminized pollen to produce Feminized seeds.

3. This question is asking about a specific line/strain ( which line, strain) , il talk on the Nevil Grail projects I've worked with.
Initially I was passed seeds ( 4 packs I think? ) by @Th4Sim or brother Sim ( RIP) as we know him, who got them from his friend British Hempire( who got them directly from his friend Nevil RIP)who was planning on doing a European Grail project together with Nevil ( it didn't pan out). Several years Later I got more of these Original Grail packets sent directly by British Hempire 🙏 as think he was unwell and didn't want them wasted.
Then a year or 2 later also recieved a 3rd package of Original Grail project seeds from a other of Nevil's friends OldSkoolHash 🙏 .

The first strain I run( from bother TH4sim) was the Mullumbimby Madness x NH21 Feminized version Nevil made himself , from that run , 10 seeds were run, 2 5 packs( I only had limited seeds) and run the clones several times and 2 keepers were kept and 1 clone used in seed projects making 2 strains 1 Feminized and 1 Regular.

Australian Dead Head Feminized = the Mullumbimby Madness x NH21 clone ( Extreme Pine pheno , huge yielding and incredible potency, as good as Nevil's famous Dutch clones) and hit that with the Casey Jones to bring the 16 week flower down a touch and make it more manageable for the larger crowd than the very small near 100% Sativa crowd.

Dangerous dog Regular = the Mullumbimby Madness x NH21 clone as mentioned above x Super Silver Chemdog Haze Male from old Reservoir Seeds release.
Again was hoping to bring flower time down a little and keep her Exotic Sativa/Haze qualities.

Both these strains turned out really well in my opinion and Australian Dead Head ( we have run many more than Dangerous dog ove the years) is 1 of the best strains I've put out and a favourite in my circle and with my customers.

4. I personaly make all my seeds myself, indoors using Gavita 1000 HPS. I use these light for the large spread of light and coverage they give and being able to fit many plants under them producing excellent seed prodction and can use 2 Gavitas a room Instead of the 6 standard hps I used to use before.
I am hoping to upgrade gradually to led but that's a big cost for 3 spots and as I mostly produce seeds I see no reason to just yet until I need to.
For flower led seems to definitely be improving Terps and even yield but I don't see/hear to much improve on seed production so il stick with HPS for now.

5. Depends on what strain I'm making or even the strain I'm using on the number of plants I will use. I usually don't run more than 20 seeds of 1 strain ever as I have limited space/projects to make and if I don't find what I'm looking for we will throw more seeds down next run , and again until we find something special or what we are looking for.
Biggest seed run I've done was 500 big plants and that was a Casey Jones Feminized project and a SSSDH Feminized project.

Il try an answer more questions tomorrow but this took a long while to read and write answers etc
Outstanding response! The feminine shit gives me cause for concern, and I would have said the exact thing to Nevil, but other than that, your shit's solid. I know I'm a dinosaur about a lot of things, and the feminizing stuff just gives me the willies.

As you know, I'm just real sensitive about people using cannabis icon names to sell their shit. After all, out of all of the cannabis varietals Nevil created, he only named _one_ after himself. I don't think Shanti's named -_anything_ after himself, and if anybody's got a right to do it it would be him.

I've seen your nym rooting through the Mr Nice archives, as well as British Hempire, Tom Hill, even Matt Riot for God sakes. Don't even get me started about that guy.:)

It's certainly been some interesting reading, going through what happened 2001-2012 in various cannabis fora.o_O

I'm totally and hopelessly ignorant on all things haze and the controversy surrounding it, but one thing I do know, all the backstabbing and personalities involved makes the Northern Lights history seem like a TV family sitcom, instead of a stone cold "dope opera" . ;)

If you had worked NL that long, I'd try seeds from you.o_O