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Quarterhorse, to replace the SR-71 ?


Well-known member
anyone here check out Popular Mechanics now and then? a company is working on a Mach 5 replacement for the Blackbird spy plane. (est. top end mach 2.7 to 3+ who knows?) biggest problem in getting to the desired speeds is getting the engines to smoothly move between turbojet & ramjet and back again. latest tests were successful at this. wow...


ICMag Donor
Russia is conducting tests of hypersonic (mach 9) missiles right now in the Atlantic. SR71 was kept safe by very high altitude and speed (mach 3+). I'd bet we have similar, but they aren't talking about it.


Well-known member
Russia is conducting tests of hypersonic (mach 9) missiles right now in the Atlantic. SR71 was kept safe by very high altitude and speed (mach 3+). I'd bet we have similar, but they aren't talking about it.
we've been testing as well. WE (nor Russia, lol) will ever know what we have at the moment. if you believe what is reported, we are lagging way behind. "if" if Russia actually thought they were way ahead, i think they would launch. but, they haven't...:tiphat: i'm surprised that they are wasting incredibly expensive hardware testing when they are locked in a death match with wheat farming "nazis"...


ICMag Donor
we've been testing as well. WE (nor Russia, lol) will ever know what we have at the moment. if you believe what is reported, we are lagging way behind. "if" if Russia actually thought they were way ahead, i think they would launch. but, they haven't...:tiphat: i'm surprised that they are wasting incredibly expensive hardware testing when they are locked in a death match with wheat farming "nazis"...
They love to use fear to convince us that $760B a year for defense is not enough. Defense contractors are laughing all the way to the bank.

Those red state wheat farming nazis screaming about socialism are the biggest benefactor with farm subsidies. They get rich not growing.

Ever get the feeling we're getting conned?


Well-known member
Ever get the feeling we're getting conned?
i understand that they constantly TRY to con us. any industry (or politician. "only i can save you!) will do their best to keep you feeling insecure. not many panics i bite on...like the POS "private prison" folks hoping to scare us into building (or THEM building) more prisons "if only you'll guarantee 90% full cells" like they do here and in Virginia. in other words, we need to pass more laws that won't help so they have more bodies in the cells and lots fewer minorities able to vote. we SHOULD keep those cells full. let's start with all of the white collar criminals & politicians that normally get a slap on the wrist and laughingly told to "go, and sin no more". look at everything carefully...


Well-known member
All icbms are already hypersonic. The new hypersonic missiles deliver a smaller payload over a shorter distance.
those are rockets. we're talking jet engines. the folks behind Quarterhorse are also looking at passenger jets down the line.


ICMag Donor
The thing is with passenger jets, they are huge money losers. British Airways and Air France did it for promotional value and they were still national airlines at the time.


Well-known member
The thing is with passenger jets, they are huge money losers. British Airways and Air France did it for promotional value and they were still national airlines at the time.
yeah, the SST was a real cluster. the noise level they created was a big no. but even if the Quarterhorse commercial application fails financially. scientific knowledge will still be gained. if they can successfully fill the SR-71s shoes (questionable) it will be an accomplishment. i wonder if these motors could be successfully scaled down for much smaller craft... Musk is probably already on it.


ICMag Donor
They don't talk fuel, but it looks like they are still using kerosene. I don't think kerosene has enough BTUs and they will need to think about doing something like infused hydrogen.
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