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Private Messages Disappear



Hello Skip,

I opened a PM in 'My IC'. Closed it after reading. Shortly after went to Private Messages Inbox to reply and the message is not there.

Similarly I replied to a PM and the Member received no notification at his 'My IC' (altho the msge was at his Inbox).

Can you take a look at this please?

Thanks in advance


Active member
Well I'd need more info to do anything. However this is often the result of ppl looking at visitor msgs instead of pms.


The same problem has arisen, Skip.

I received notification of a new msge earlier today and opened it in "My IC". After reading the new msge I closed "My IC" without replying to the new msge.

A few moments ago I went to reply to the new msge but it is not in my "In Box".

(My Visitor Msges is disabled.)



No Man, these are ongoing conversations and it happened again today. There were three private msges in my inbox according to my notifications. I saw the three of them in MY IC. I answered two and went to reply to the third and it was gone. GONE!

Good conversation too!
But thanks, Yanks!

Do you have any albums? Is it maybe an album picture comment?


3 issues:

Today I have a PM notification that won't go away. Yet there are no unanswered PM's in my box.

The Sender of the PM that disappeared yesterday tells me it has disappeared from his "Sent" folder also.

While my notifications stated 4, only three new msges were highlighted. However found the fourth new msge in my "inbox".


Just this guy, ya know?
I honestly dunno bro. That shit sounds crazy. I would change my password just to be sure nobody else has access.