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Please help identify this infestation


Active member
I was looking for caterpillars this am when i found this infestation.
Does anyone know what this is?
Thanks in advance.



Well-known member
If you have caterpillars and don't see any flying pests then its caterpillar eggs. If you have seen flying pests, then watch for Whitefly eggs. Put a few yellow stickies around the plant to catch the adults for a positive ID. Either way, I think its too late to do anything about it now, because flowering. Good luck. 😎


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
PureCrop1 and Green Clean seem to kill bugs and their offspring. Use through flowering if you must.


Well-known member
That looks more like caterpillar frass (poop) than it does eggs. Were you looking for caterpillars because you noticed chewed leaves, Amynamous?


Active member
That looks more like caterpillar frass (poop) than it does eggs. Were you looking for caterpillars because you noticed chewed leaves, Amynamous?

That makes sense. I have a few autos in late flowering, and the caterpillars are everywhere on two of them. I’m picking off 8-12 everyday for the last two weeks and finding spots of budrot in their wake. I’ve been spraying with BT every couple of weeks. I haven’t seen a single tomato horn worm all summer, but these two autos are getting nailed. I was planning on harvesting them at the end of August to coincide with the flowering of the photos. I was hoping I didn’t have to spray them again.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
I don't kow how much you know about catapillars, and please forgive me if you already know, but the best time to catch the little fuckers is just before day lght. Go outside with a tourch and they're very active and stick out like a sore thumb. i'm new to outdoor growing and learnt a lot about them last year. I was advised to do my last spray a month before harvesting, which i did, only to find a big storm coming after 2 weeks and having to chop earlier than expected. Thw weed is still smokeable but doesn't taste nice. This year i'll be stoping the bt early and if the cata[illars get a few buds then so be it. Little Fuckers!.