Thanks, Wonderful garden 40DS. thanks for sharing.Hey everyone,
here’s a few for you Tommy Tucker
fantastic Side. Iots of work keeping those girls in check. I’ve tried to grow sativas here but with no luck, the Golden Tiger from Ace, in particular. The Malowie leaners didn’t do too bad and finished in June, the first month of winter here. The Thai leaners never finished and I was hoping they might go all the way through winter and finish up the following year but that didn’t happen despite the best micro climate they could of possibly have been in.
Anyway I’m looking forward to following along with your season and hoping the very best for you. View attachment 19130397 View attachment 19130392
Both these plants are 1.5 meters tall, or five feet, they’ve grown one foot, 300mm in a week The other single leader plants have too and are now all around 1.1-1.2 meters. The second plant is the one l cleaned out last week and I thought id do a side by side experiment to see if the one l don’t clean out grows bigger and healthier because it has no wound sites and more leaf surface area for foliar feedings.
The triple leader plants are also doing well and are all around a meter tall and starting to be pulled through the support cage. I like the way they’re growing into a uniform structure and not to big. View attachment 19130393 View attachment 19130396 Here’s another picture of a tri-leader behind the volunteer plant. I’m estimating her at 1.6 meters. It’s a bit harder to give an exact height because she’s not caged; the weld mesh is 100x100mm, or four by four inches. View attachment 19130398 And another experiment into multiple planting for maximum production. Leaning the cages over in an attempt to maximise bud sites, airflow and sun. View attachment 19130400 Cheers,