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NOOO, staaaahp


Active member
Mah childhood.

Dang idiot is turning TMNT into crap Statist drivel, they were freelancing ninjas created by accident damn it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Official Trailer


I'm on the fence so far, I think it could be cool but they could also really fuck it up.

I personally think the turtles could use a bit of an update into modern times, but not if they're going to completely ignore the roots of what the turtles are, or if they're going to do that then they need to do it with a completely new story line altogether.


Been a few days but I thought I'd add this.

They should maybe do to the turtles what they did with batman.

The original turtles movies are akin to the old batman movies and they're both movies that were appropriate for the time they were made but they certainly don't fit the times now.

Batman Begins/The Dark Knight updated the batman franchise to the times and added more of a sense of realism.

I'd like to see that done to the turtles, make it a bit more serious.

I really don't know about th shredder character though, what I did see in the new trailer made him look a little over the top.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Cannabis grow app

Cannabis grow app

Some dumbass created a Cannabis-growing APP.

Sample text from their description-

We also encourage users to keep a detailed log of fertilization's. Each fertilization done is displayed by an icon on the plant's timeline. Plants can only be fertilized if they are currently on the vegetative or flowering stage.


Well-known member
Gotta admit that remake looks bad.my third birthday cake was a homemade Leonardo.bet nobody knew the original novella they all had red masks.those were the best stories and drawings ever