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neem oil...


New member
how effective is neem oil against spider mites. should i start spraying from the get go. i previously lost a batch of sour queen and bog's lifesaver to spider mites, ripped it up cleaned up and vegged the clones should i have started spraying those from day one?

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Neem oil works excellent against spider mites...

Neem oil works excellent against spider mites...

Sure, I'd start spraying now if concerned about reinfestation. Neem oil can have a preventitive "systemic" insecticidal action, depending on how it's applied.
Heres another ICMAG Forum thread that discusses neem further. :)

I see this is your first post, Welcome "mrjoshua". :)

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Use pure neem oil and follow the directions exactly. The spider mites will be gone forever if you do it right ;) We just got through using neem on spider mites. GONE!!! Neem has worked for many different pests in our garden over the years.


Active member
One key thing to remember is how mites and other pests arrive to begin with! First off, check your entry habits, are you going in straight from the outdoors or after being around pets? Do you have a scope to check for pests? Did you go to a local grow store and make a purchase? Accept some clones from a friend? I list these as a way to get you to think about prevention and not so much cure. Mites are difficult to erradicate but will due diigence you can. They will hibernate so watch your cracks in floors/walls/equip! Filter incoming air and wash off all items coming from a grow shop as previous customers could have handled them. Any "new" plants from the outside should be quarantined for at least two weeks! I use coveralls and vacuum off clothing before entry and step into a pan of salt/pesticide solution to clean off shoes. I had this buggers bad once and don't wish to see them again! Putting some ladybugs in when the plkants are large enough to touch each other is another. Neem oil works well as does Safers soap/garlic/cinammon/crushed red pepper spray! Keep it clean and you'll be pest free! Good luck!!

Dr. D

Active member
Neem oil is the bollocks

Neem oil is the bollocks

This stuff is magic i useed it on my skunk#1 in the greenhouse last year and it wiped um rite out. Its also really good for loadsa other stuff, brushin your teeth athletes foot, ringworm, addin to ur shampoo the list goes on its awesome stuff plus its totally natural.
Athletes Foot...

Athletes Foot...

The Doc you beat me too it bro, I use it for my feet as well LOL it kills that damn fungi out right. A brilliant remedy for a multitude of Pests and others. Good luck man hope you get em damn critters DEAD! :wave:


Active member
Oh if you're interested in its other uses the Indian people, have used it for several thousand years and think its from Shiva. however I don' treccomend the toothpaste unless you can tolerate a very different taste!


mrjoshua said:
how effective is neem oil against spider mites. should i start spraying from the get go. i previously lost a batch of sour queen and bog's lifesaver to spider mites, ripped it up cleaned up and vegged the clones should i have started spraying those from day one?
neem oil will only make your leaves real shiny,i use it all the time ,,(outdoor only)neem oil is pressed from the seeds of the indian neem tree,neem oil has been used for centuries by the people in india,it is an expert foliar plant spray only,,it is used after you spray for infestions,,look at my pics ,all neem oiled,as for infestions,use g-natural in soil 5 wks before hand,,my experience and opinion,,neem oil is great if you want your plants to look healthy,looks can be decieving,,spray g-natural,,100 dollars for 2 gal,very $$$,,pyrthiam and attain works the best,,


mrjoshua said:
how effective is neem oil against spider mites. should i start spraying from the get go. i previously lost a batch of sour queen and bog's lifesaver to spider mites, ripped it up cleaned up and vegged the clones should i have started spraying those from day one?
