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Mites in the rootzone


Well-known member
If you have a constant problem with any kind of soil pest one should invest time learning about Beneficial nematodes!

Beneficial nematodes are popular for soil pest control. They feed on over 200 pests from up to 100 insect families. These nematodes directly injures immature grub stages of insects before they mature into adults or cause damage.

The disadvantage of using nematodes is that when the soil mites die in a container the nematode dies too. They only live as long as they have food in the container. So they have to be re-applied more often on the sight of new infestations. That can be a little costly.

It takes about two weeks for them to do their job. Beneficial nematodes need time to fully parasitize and kill their host, then move on to the next host. Nematodes kill the pests from the inside out. Once you have seen dead larvae, this tells you that the nematodes are working. Check it out because it works well. 😎