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Mi5 Grow Journal - Growing With CANNA


Active member
Hey Darg!
Are you happy with the Preds man or what? I really hope they work as well for you as they did for me, but i was not in an such an advanced bloom stage as yourself & never have been when i have used Preds in the past!, i hope they work for you man, whats the latest Bro!
Peace ......... Scrog!


The plants inside are to far into flowering with to many mites for it to realky be worth it, however the greenhouse is nearly mite free now :D they are definetly worth getting highly recomended!!! im going to get some more for the greenhouse if there is any indication of the borg regrouping


Dargo, a buddy of mine had them so bad once the buds looked white from all the webs on the buds.. You have to pretty much gut the place wash with bleach.. every thing.. llight fixtures.. walls.. New dirt... Then when you start the room again don't tuch leaves on the plants unless you have too. You can spread mite eggs from street bought herbs into your garden. Predatory mites are good as a preventative measure as well.

They aren't called the borg for nothing. Good luck with them, goes to show the genetics aren't half bad, they are getting through it pretty well.. I would like to see your results with a clean room.



My indoor auto growing is nearly over untill the end of summer due to the increasing heat, im going to rebuild the cab addding more space, extractor fans/ventilation & I might increase to a 400w MH/HPS. When I gut it all out I will bleach everyhting down, however as im normally working in peoples gardens (back gardens) 8 hours a day I bring back allsorts of critters on my clothes and skin.

I look forward to doing battle with them this year!!!


Active member
I work on the building myself, but been off injured with a torn bicep & tendon/s for over 12 months now, it is alot better but i dont think it'll ever be right again, very painfull. Anyway, i always was sure it was projects like Barn conversions etc that brought the Borg back to my grow op's etc. after several attacks of Borg i make sure i wash & shower, & change my clothes etc, before going anywhere near my spot, I'm sure you do this darg, im just mentioning it for novice growers really, its very important everyone considers cleanliness as you know bro!
Good luck Dude!
Peace........Scroger!!!!! ;)

The Hummus Monk

Active member
Hey Dargo. Just wanted to throw 'Neem Repel' into the mix. Sprayed on daily for a week or so has always cleared them right up for me...




Thanks dude :) I think/hope im covered now. I cant find any borg in the greenhouse and I know the biggest sour 60 had plenty on her as she came from the infected grow cab. predetor mites are definetly the way forward for me, why should I fight the borg when these guys are so good at it :D


Active member
Thanks dude :) I think/hope im covered now. I cant find any borg in the greenhouse and I know the biggest sour 60 had plenty on her as she came from the infected grow cab. predetor mites are definetly the way forward for me, why should I fight the borg when these guys are so good at it :D

Yeah baby, Kick those Fookers heads in Persi' lol! Can you imagine the look on their little faces when Persi comes walking around the corner for din-dins lol!


LMAO! I been trying to hold my video camera over my pocket microscope to film the feast but my batterys are nearly dead in the scope so you cant see it to clearly. all they want to do is eat spidermites, brilliant!!


New member
LMAO! I been trying to hold my video camera over my pocket microscope to film the feast but my batterys are nearly dead in the scope so you cant see it to clearly. all they want to do is eat spidermites, brilliant!!

Happy for you dargo, sounds like they will have a nice feast on those f-in spidermites! p