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Male plants??

I know that the dried up leaves of the plant are grinded up to basically a powder, and then that can be used for making some good marijuana recipes...I was just wondering if the leaves from a male plant will still make a good high from the food if it is used for the powder "shake".




New member
Leaves are not dried and grinded up as such...

Your whole male plant can be cut down, and filtered to concentrate the very low THC content. There are many methods you can use, try researching them! Have fun experiementing as getting something from a useless male plant is a rewarding experience.

I believe you will achieve the same high as any female plant products.
i watched an informational video which said that is how you do it...to get the leaves and grind them...this is called the shake.???!?!!


Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Males contain little if any THC, it wont be worth the coughing. PPl do make hash from males, to possibly evaluate them for breeding purposes. I spose it could be done, But it wouldnt be worth the effort if u ask me,


Simply, Our med club uses the males in compost pile for a great vege garden,
or ;
Feed to the Goats, they love it.
For oil and such low grade gunk
HIgH cbd's Sleepy sleepy sleepy, UCK !
very low for med use, too much trouble

( from The LB. private collection )
Im just trying to save you time from my EXPERIANCE'S

Im just trying to save you time from my EXPERIANCE'S

:wave: Highhhhhhhhhh there
Hey inktiger you have the right idea here ,
cats do favor males over catnip,
at least there good for something

Hey there mental Im NOT saying their useless,
Im saying their WORTHLESS !
From a medical standpoint , too much trouble for such little returns.
If your a patient , your depending on facts and help,

Our time is worth more than that especially with a med club.
Patients dont need their time or money or efforts wasted in vain
I dont want to waste their time either,
and its been my experiance some just dont have the time.
Males will only bring you there, All in vain,
A total waste of time , but in the compost pile
their great right there.

Come on think ,
MALES ?????
Why then am I am not smoking them, LIKE YOU too, remember ?
asking yourself
Why am I wasting my time with these males ???
been thru that and dont feel like repeating it ,
so Im telling so YOU dont waste time !
We dont need NO STINKIN MALES unless were breeding :wink:
thats what were saying,
and with operating/growing with med clubs
since 1995 I think we know what were talking about.
And over 30 yrs growing thee herbs, come on whats up with males,
come on I like input,
But ---------------- Males ???
Unless your breeding your wasting time and money on lights.
Burning up earth resources for nothing.
The product for medical is the flowers not the male pollen or leaf !
I think an old saying applys here, and that is ;
you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink


( Fire Bubbler, from The private LB. collection )
Last time then your on your own

Last time then your on your own

Wasting time and resources for so little ! :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Peace LB.

( A real Honey Oil making Machine from the private LB. collection )
"Wasting time and resources for so little !"

I am on disability as many medical patients. All we have is time. Anybody who has had oil or canna butter from males will disagree with what you are saying Liberty. I am not saying to grow out the males. What is the point? I was saying when you pull the males use em. No you don't get a whole lot from them but what you get is good medicine. Iso wash em for 2 minutes and use the oil to smoke or eat. It takes a whole 10 minutes of total time to prepare a quick wash.

If you all want to throw em away go for it. All I am saying is they do contain thc, cbd's and all the other goodies. I can only grow a few plants at a time. I will be damned if I am gonna throw away meds.

P.S. I don't have a compost pile.
one more time and I concur !

one more time and I concur !

Hey Mental
as far as being past member/vender of a med clubs,
I said what had to say,
just tried to help, thats all
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :wink:

By the way the med patients I was talking about here are TERMED !
Like a year or less, avg. is around 6-8 months
Time does count for them.
everything is donated to them.
everything must be of the HIGHEST QUALITY !
No cuts in oil when made,
or male shake use here for any reason.
I have seen other venders use methods to actually cheat the consumer with cannabis products, using Males for oil & such muchies,
you wouldnt like that if you got that from your med club now would you ?
and with what your saying gives others ideas that it is ok to use low grade products, Thats corporation style of thinking towards the consumer,
And I think that this commuity is of HIGHER thinking than that.
Right ?
it can be done, NOT that your doing that,
Thats not the issue , just a example of how cheap products can get
all I was saying It must be of HIgh Order ,
& Im giving you the correct info.

What you do with that info like anything here that is written,
Its your choice.
All that is here is a map pointing in the right way,
to make medicine correctly, and to that you must use only flowers,
and their SHAKE/TRIM, Everything after that is low grade,
and I thought you wanted to know how to do high grade , my mistake.

Now its a free world, you can either use it or not my info about cooking ect,
But dont be insulting to me,
if I am sounding that way towards you - Sorry ,
Im just a straight shooter .
When I write ,
Im directing my message for/to the caretaker and the patient that is of great need for PURE HIGH GRADE PRODUCTS
THIS IS NATURAL MEDICINE we are trying to practice here
If its rec well thats something different were talking about.

Medical Cannabis must be of the highest order.
And that is what Im trying to teach you & others if your really serious about your "green" medicine and health.

For small timers and closet/personnal rec. growers its fine what your talking about,
scape up all your dust & twigs, you will get something.
After all your just trying to get buzzed, RIGHT ?
But with medical its the opposite, your trying to get the best and have a decent quialty of life, not stoned out and disfuctioning here.

In proper use of meds.
You wouldnt do that with pills from the doc
or what low grade pills/meds either,

But I dont have time for this ,
if your a med patient your doc should be telling you these things about making your own holistic meds.

Thats your opinion & entitled to it.
I deal with quanties of meds, and males we are not worried about.
and for advise ;

DONT WASTE YOUR TIME OR MATERAILS for processing males !
It will be just low grade, compare and see for yourself,
I dont think you will mess with males after that.

OVER 45,000+ in my med club,
NOW are you saying here we are all wrong
and yes that number is correct 45,000 + this year and growing
My present personnal load ( volunteer ) is 25 patients of that,
And their all wrong too
for what I do for them.???

I have better things to do with my time and materails
and so do you.
LB :canabis:
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Active member
I personally wouldn't use the male for anything but breeding purposes. On a side note, Liberty Balance, I love that fire bubbler :joint:
just my :2cents: , i have used culled males for making butter. 3 plants = approx 1/2-3/4 lb dried ground leaf in with 5 gal water a 4 sticks butter. potent cookies. just make sure ya squeeze the plant mat'l as that is where most of the butter ends up

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