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Lodging Help/Apartment?


Active member
I know 4-20 is quickly approaching, but hoping to get a bit of help from the locals.
A 2 bedroom apartment would be great(if doable)....using search engines for apartments in Amsterdam is like a needle in a haystack....so many...so much.
I will have great smoke to share, a story or two and lots o cash. Your help would be appreciated.


Try http://www.simplyamsterdam.nl/ . They have alot to choose from. I got a really bigone for 6 of us. Near Seedsdirect too . You can try Eden Bestwestern Hotel too they have nice apartments too. Bring that paperless Blunt and a extra one for Chris too. See you there John.


Het JB :wave: somewhere here in the 420 forum,BlueV had a link in a thread that has some serious deals on apartments and add a person or room for decent prices.If you had like 3 people you could get a nice one,they show pix of each also.I think the thread is something like the same you asked/like lookin for hotels or prices,somethin like that/.Good luck and have fun Bro,Peace DWW


Active member
Hey man...been looking for DWW for some time....the alias threw me....lol. Yes there is going to be 3-4 of us this year, and you are not making it? Internet searches get the best of me sometimes............bowls, joints flowing....its tough to stay focused at times.....
BPitt has been a great help, so no worries...............those crazy American stoners will be back!!!!!


Active member
Thanks for the link Phil, found just what I was looking for. Out of the way, but still close enough....
I can taste the hash already.......................


Well-known member
JB WASSUP mang im still lookin too , i also am willing to share my $$$$ for a spot on the floor i dont really plan on much hotel time know what i mean


Don't forget to bring a extra blunt pipe for me m8. Loved that thing last year.


Try citymundo.com or amsterdamhotelnet.com also.
See you all there, i will be delivering my entry for Indica and Sativa in 2 weeks!
