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K.I.S.S. meets Lil Wayne? Rap goes audio visual, almost seems a natural progression of things


New member
Man you gotta love how people just line up to talk shit about someone else..This is my first post on this forum, but I frequent another. I'm a Juggalo...I have psychopathic tat's...I graduated High School..I don't work at McDonalds....I have a wife and kid...I have a successfull grow...Not every Juggalo is a fat ass teenager who wears face paint.. Alot of the beef between Eminem and ICP is all over a flyer for an Eminem show. He was just starting out and needed more fans. He put a flyer out for a show that said ICP would be there w/o checking with them first. Who wouldn't be pissed at that?? Also, alot of you who are comming to a JUGGALO thread just to diss are making yourselves look like the immature teenagers you are dissing.. Now to all the Juggalos who are out there sayin fuck that and I'll fuck you up: You're really not helping the cause by making all of the rest of us look like we're ignorant. The haters know what would happen if this were the street and not some online forum...O-well thats just my :2cents:.

If you want to hate on Juggalos, hate on me..I need more haters..Yall are what passes the time inbetween blunts.



Music is music... its an expression of one's self. maybe juggalos relate to those particular lyrics.. but its the same as someone who likes stevie nicks, or britney spears.. all ppl want something they can relate to..
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there aren't too many lo's or lette's where i live and the ones i have met through work are all in there teens not really who i want to hang out with . i am have been down since i was 13-14 ,so its been a long time. as for the haters i think it is funny as hell that we can get under their skin .mmwfcl to all the fam

Moldy Dreads

Active member
What is a juggalo?
Let me think for a second
Oh, he gets butt-naked
And then he walks through the streets
Winking at the freaks
With a two-liter stuck in his butt-cheeks

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
What is a juggalo?
He just don't care
He might try to put a weave
In his nut hair
Cuz he could give a fuck less
What a bitch thinks
He tell her that her butt stinks
And all that

[Violent J]
What is a juggalo?
He drinks like a fish
And then he starts huggin people
Like a drunk bitch
Next thing, he's pickin fights
With his best friends
Then he starts with the huggin again

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
What is a juggalo?
A fucking lunatic
Somebody with a rope tied to his dick
Then he jumps out a ten-story window

[Chorus (2x)]
What is a juggalo?
A juggalo
That's what it is
Well, fuck, if I know
What is a juggalo?
I don't know
But I'm down with the clown
And I'm down for life, yo

Southwest? (we juggalos)
Down river? (we juggalos)
Jefferson? (we juggalos)
Fuckin everybody (we juggalos)
I'm that juggalugga locoroni
Get the fuck up
Get the fuck the out of here

[Violent J]
What is a juggalo?
A dead body
Well, he ain't really dead, but he ain't like
Anybody that you've ever met before
He'll eat monopoly and shit out connect four

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
What is a jug..?
What the fuck? Connect four?
Man that shit is whack

[Violent J]
Don't worry about my shit
Just rap motherfucker

What is a juggalo?
He ain't a bitchboy
He'll walk through the hills
And beat down a rich boy
Walks right in the house
When you're having supper
And dip his nuts in your soup, gloop!

[Violent J]
What is a juggalo?
Well, he ain't a phoney
He'll walk up and bust a nut in your macaroni
And watch you sit there
And finish up the last bit
Cuz your a stupid ass dump fuckin idiot

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
What is a juggalo?
He's a graduate
He graduated from....well
At least, he got a job
He's not a dump puts
He works for himself scratching his nuts

[Violent J]
What is a juggalo?
A Hulkamaniac
He powerbombs motherfuckers into thumbtacks
People like him till
They find out he's unstable
He Sabu'd your momma through a coffee table

[Chorus (1x)]

I'm that juggalugga locoroni
Get the fuck up
Get the fuck the out of here
I'm that juggalugga locoroni
I figured you wouldn't understand


Active member
Insane Clown Posse's 2009 Gathering of the Juggalos

Insane Clown Posse's 2009 Gathering of the Juggalos

So, who is planning on going to this years gathering of juggalos?


Insane Clown Posse, leaders of the Juggalo nation, will gather to celebrate their outcast status at The Gathering of the Juggalos for the 10th year this August. This year the Dark Carnival aims to bring fans the biggest, baddest, and best Gathering yet with confirmed performances from; Kottonmouth Kings, Ice Cube, Gwar, Mushroomhead, Tech N9ne, Vanilla Ice, Twiztid, Blaze, Boondox, Scarface, and the ringleaders of the Dark Carnival themselves, ICP! In addition to all the crazy live performances, this year’s fest will have guest appearances from comedians Pauly Shore, Jimmie “JJ” Walker and ex WWF superstar Rowdy Roddy Piper. Some of the other attractions will include Freestyle Motocross, Water Slides, and Gladiator jousting. Free camping will also be available to all Hatchet Heads.

The madness will take place in Cave In Rock, Illinois on August 6th through the 9th. For more information head to www.JuggaloGathering.com and watch the 2009 Gathering of the Juggalos Infomercial!

Insane Clown Posse will release Bang Pow Boom on September 1, 2009.

~Abbie :joint:


shit i might have made but i got a case right now so the fines are going to kill my cash flow for a few mouths . i am for sure going to be at next years . so if any of you go have sum fun for me .mmwfcl


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I want a rusty AX!!

How was the gathering?? Wish a could have gone. just not in the cards this year....


same here money was to tight this year, next year we might go if all goes well

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
So, who is planning on going to this years gathering of juggalos?

~Abbie :joint:

SNL did a parody called the 10th annual Kickspit Underground Rock Festival. I heard ICP liked it...I saw both, and the promoters need to hire the SNL cats to promote the event next time...


"We got loose aligators up in here! Come have sex with the Iron Sheik!"

"y'all wanna get sick as hell?!?!? helicopters gon spray yo ass with viruses, yo!"

"We got ventriliquists, walking around with stilts-and their dummies got tiny stilts ,yo!"

" literallyeveryone is given a pitchfork."

I have been quoting this sh*t heavily for the last month since we saw it...

Stay Classy!