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i now grow mj...


New member
and live in TX and own several firearms. They are not for gangbangen or anything else. One is a glock 9 for home protection along with a shotgun and a 22 that i have owned since a kid. Now sence i am growing and have firearms is that going to effect each other if i were to get raided. All the weapons were bought legally by myself.:confused:


I'm not sure about your laws but you being in Texas I think they just hang you on the spot. In Cali if its anywhere near your growing area your dust. Just make sure you have all the lil do dads like trigger locks, a safe, and a secret hand shake. Maybe some of our Texas growers can comment. Texas Kid you there?



Guns in the presence of a "drug manufacturing operation" will guaranteed bring you extra charges. You may get out of it if the guns are locked up of something, but I doubt it. you grow pot, yo may as well have a meth lab. Chemical ferts and hash oil tinctures will be described as "dangerous substances" and an "explosion hazard".
Its good to know as i am considering getting the guns out of where i grow. They are locked in a gun rack but still i dont think thats the best to have in a grow house.


I to live in the state of Texas and givin up my .45 just ain't happening yet, maybe someday but I'm not there yet.

With that being said, a firearm in the presence of a grow op automatically jump all charges to a felony charges. No possibility of a misdimeaner plea at all. So there goes any probated sentence, pleaing to a lesser charge, or any leinecey from the court at all. And if you get caught selling at the same time,...forget about it. It really screws up your consealed handgun liscense as well.lol

In Texas my grow op would considered a felony now matter how you try and spin the law but, if I had a smaller operation and were trying to claim personal use or medical nessecity it would sure leave hope for a light sentence if I didn't have a hand cannon in my house.

Yu can rest assured that if you get caught in Texas growing it is going to suck all the way around but no need to compound it if you don't have to. It's lonely under the jail.



New member
that is why i left them at the farm, that is where i would use them any way and i have two dobbermanns for home security anyway!

what will they add for that? ha
i would also add probly more effective then a hand gun cause they are on auto pilot.


That's me as well. I have a male Lab that can be 105lbs. of pissed off hair and teeth.

I have a buddy that had his dog mased and eventually shot by the cops at one their surprise pow wows at his house.So that's the other side of it. Granted it was a Pitt but still.

Let's hope and pray we never have any problems like that ever.

Stay safe and keep it green
