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Hydro roots?


Anyone try anything with clean hydro grown roots before?

Sitting around at buddies smoking up we tend to come up with all kinds of interesting kannabis ideas. One thing we would like to check out is clean roots grown in hydro.

With a complete flush done. We are going to make some tea. With the kannabis plants amazing properties there just might be something to it.
BCBD NL will be in the first kannabis plant roots to be used to experiment with clean hydro roots.

Good Kannabis Growing!


I've heard that cannibis roots are not for ingestion.

I should add (on edit) that I can only find secondhand mentions of this and cannot back this up with fact.
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Rubbing my glands together
Don't know that I'd want to suck the juice out of a root. Have heard of people doing it in the past but no high was involved. If you try it out let us know what you think about it. I know I wouldn't do it with my hydro roots.
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Serious? Ha Ha I say do it. I've never known roots to be anything but highways for nutrients, with little exits springing from the main road. I did have a root bear greenery after being left in some solution for a spell. Never seen that. Be sure to tell us what happens............



George Burnz said:
Never seen that.
Be sure to tell us what happens............


Yep for sure.
Me either.
Will do, won't know for some weeks yet but i will post our findings good or bad.

Good Kannabis Growing!


november high times has an article about eating the roots.Its called "root for the home team by the lady" on page 28.She makes a root powder out of only the pristine white roots.you soke them and then hang them to dry bone.then you grind the roots with a food processor or with a mortar and pestle.It says roots have a one year shelf life stored air tight in a dark container.the roots have no thc nothing in the roots will get you high.she says"THe root is the foundation to everything above the soil,and eating it is great help to your digestion " hope this helps .I have made a tea out of some buds .use about a gram or two wrap in cheese cloth and microwave like tea works good ,tastes good......nice mellow high different from eating cookies /brownies ect. if you want a stronger high put a lil dash of oil or butter to bring out more of the high.

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